What do you think of Gantz?
What do you think of Gantz?
Good start but ruined when the author tried to explain or add things like vampire. Also, last 15 volumes of pure "I don't know what i'm doing".
It was similar to reading books from marx.
I liked it at first, but after "a few" chapters i understood that it was just complete bullshit.
But even though i do not regret reading it till the end. It had its glamor.
Yeah I know what you mean, I'm just finishing up on it now and it's all out the window.
It's starting to shit me how I'm noticing that all the backgrounds now are literally just pictures someone's taken and put through photoshop or something.
It was a mess but an enjoyable mess. Gantz: O was a good film version.
It was okay up until the dinosaurs? I stopped reading around there or the vampires.
It's my favorite manga.
It should have ended waaaaaay sooner.
It was neat but I dropped it when they introduced psychics out of nowhere, vampires out of nowhere, and went edgy as fuck with the you know what
in the beginning a very good manga.
turned fast into shit after osaka mission.
from the beginning until the buddha temple mission is great, with that mission being the highest peak of the manga.
from there until osaka mission is still very good, the osaka mission is the second best in the manga.
from there til the end is a retarded borefest with storylines left unfinished and stupid things happening.
definetly worth a read.
I fucking love Reika, fapped a lot with her and I still do it.
5/10 if it wasn't for the boobs
This. I don't get why the first missions get so much shit for the fans. The horror vibe was great, Kurono was an unlikable douche and he was great that way, the ideas were fresh. Probably it's the Shinji Ikari effect, fans don't like to be portrayed as a cuck that doesn't get the girl because he's a passive-agressive asshole and kicking ass isn't enough. Gantz get "shounenfied" wth the introduction of Izumi and the psychics and the horror is replaced by action. Also Kurono gets a harem that includes a fucking idol that think on his cock for 24/7
I enjoyed it very much. The initial suspense thriller vibe it had were really damn good. I also liked very much how out there it was, trying to keep itself different, unique and trying new things is not something manga offers often. The story, the turns, the art it was all pretty unconventional compared to most manga so I really appreciate that.
My biggest grip with the manga is was the power creep, the monster became ridiculously strong while our protagonists remained the same yet they kept on surviving. This only became more and more retarded as we got to meet more character that were supposed to be way stronger yet kept failing.
It was pretty hype here and there. I liked the ending fight and didn't mind the ending arc for what it was.
I found kinda weird when they met that super advanced and ethereal civilization that answered all sorts of questions. Because they kept on questioning the idea that humans lives were much more than they were, one's purpose in life and whatnot. Seemed like the author was pushing his beliefs or something.
I'd expect that sort of denial the characters had if they were normal humans, but they were Gantzers, they had been through so much shit, they had all been dead and come back among other things. If that doesn't change your views and ideas of life then that's just odd.
There were a lot of pretty cool and interesting characters. Some others were really butchered and weird like Nishi.
The ending was basically "aliens died the earth is saved the end fuck any sort of development as to what happened next". At least an epilogue would've been nice, it's like the author just said fuck it.
Gantz was aimless. It had good action, and it was unpredictable for most of the time. MC was too relevant, though. For a fedora series against divinity, why does Kei behave like a messiah so much?
killing laura croft and fucking the fans over with her being brought back just to kill her again really killed this manga for me.
That felt unnecessary and contradictory, this high beings kept on rambling about how meaningless life was as well as humans. Well if that's true then it shoudl mean nothing to them to leave Reika and Lara Croft alive. In fact, that would probably prove their point even more about how insignificant humans lives are, if they had the capabilities of reviving anyone indiscriminately and give no shit whether they remain alive or not.
She was brought back?
The last arc was fucking shit, and desu i don't get why people hate the vampires, their introduction was superb
Still, gotta admit they got discarded like Launch from Dragon Ball, hell, they fucking killed kurono's brother and then just fuck off.
I think Kurono being turned from a son of a bitch into "MUH TAE" ruined the series, his clone was way better
>before Tae-whore
Decent 7/10
>after Tae-whore
Shit -7/10
Whew, what a fucking gooooood ride.
I've got the 38 volumes.
Currently watching Gantz:O and oh boy, the really took a shiiiiiiiit load of liberties in rewriting the story for it to make some sense as a stand alone fil for newcomers. Not a fan of that I guess.
Don't you remember?
She was brought back at the volume 36, just before the ending, when the group finds "the truth" about everything.
Sadly, she was brought back to be alive 2 seconds.
It was good until the mangaka decided to try to be deep and meaningful instead of providing violence and fanservice.
Also, his hateboner for 2chan.
The guy really should have stuck to his guns.
A must read. It becomes shit, but a must read.
... if you are a imature 12 years old boy and like to see big tits and blood.
Fuck you Tae was nice
Something I think would have benefited the story would be if they made Kurono as unlikable in the manga as they did in the anime, then I think his character development would feel a bit more bigger.
Wasted potential. Oku is a hack.
I hated the anime since no one had any IQ or likability, the designs looked ugly, and the series ended on a filler ending (though that sex scene was good).
Manga sort of vindicated it by portraying it as a prologue to the MC's character development. When he decided not to be a little bitch and raise a competent team it started being pretty enduring.
Then the last arc came which was pretty much just the author phoning it in.
It's so much more than that, just about everything about Gantz is trying to be out there and push some boundaries. Anybody interested in comics and comic creation would appreciate this series for how different it tried to be.The story is unlike anything you've probably read, it features elements you probably wont find in most manga and even with the art it must be a pioneer on that end with the 3D graphics. It's a trainwreck no doubt but it has much more to offer than guns and tits.
I liked the way the author never went easy on his creations, every mission felt like total bullshit even after they had the superstar team at the end.
Just finished Gantz O, what a shitfest, stunning visuals though.
The clone was the point when Oku stopped giving a shit about characterization and the manga in general. It's not like Gantz had great writing before but after the clone it turned into the biggest turd in manga format I've ever seen
It was already a turd at that point, didn't seem like that big of a deal to me.
turn out making up the plot by adding cool shit as you write wasn't such a good idea
watched only the anime , plot was interesting every thing else was shit
Why? You liked the Alien shit?
There's a difference between a turd and the biggest turd on manga format. The former is average on a market saturated by haremshit, shounenshit, shoujoshit and isekai adaptations, the latter is something else
What you just said has nothing to do with what I said. Gantz O is about the Osaka arc, no more.
Good manga. Good character development. Believable love interests and story.
The literal definition of a good series ruined by a rushed ending.
My bad, I kinda mixed up Ganz:O with Ganz:G (?) or whatever the standalone manga is called.
I liked, every mission I felt in fear for the characters, felt like they could die at any moment, nobody was safe...
I didn't mind the aline arc though. Whast's there to hate? The entire manga up to that point was already a train wreck, not like that ending arc made it drastically worse in my opinion.
There is a no hate. Maybe it was fitting for the trainwreck, but it was bad regardless.
>that shit taste
The dinosaurs is when it starts getting good, then goes to shit when they fight in Rome.
Reika is the best Gantz girl.
I totally disagree, the clone was a very good idea and allowed for some relationship and developpement between Kei and Reika without the problem that was Tae that cancelled most of it before.
How Kei2 regretted so much to let her die and said that he didn't deserve her was really sweet.
Though the way Reika went out in a flash offscreen was shit, she wasn't allowed to have even 1/10th of Tae's plot armor.
> hypes the america team to hell just to have them job in seconds against the hero
> Kei somehow manages to do an infinitely better job than all of them together, and him and the japan team manages to kill him
Seriously, if it wasn't for the america team not jobbing this fight could have been a bit more bearable. As an enemy it was uninteresting as fuck and the finishing move was litterally a copy paste of the giant buddha's.
That was a major problem of the manga, the power creep was too high and inconsistent, our protagonists had too much plot armor and survivability despite their lack of weapons and skills.
>Hero is wearing gantz suit
What did they mean by this?
it was good until it started jumping the shark. the author ran out of ideas and started throwing whatever shit ideas he had left and hoped it worked. it did not.
What are you talking about?
Look at the giant alien's clothes
it's similar, that's all.
Utter shit. Ending left so many loose ends that I don't even know where to begin. Almost every character is paper thin. And last but not least, it had some of the worst pacing I've ever seen in any manga.
It had some nice art and designs though. That's about the only positive.
This is my jam
>these *claps*
It needed lewd Nishi scenes
One of my favorite manga. Still love it despite the flaws.
Did he rape her?
I dont remember this shit.
It's cool.
Damn, the pervert that fucked that wasn't in the movie? What a waste
Too lewd
He's no pervert he's an elementary school teacher.
Good ol' schlocky fun
Nah, they cut a shitload of stuff. Him, the nerdy guy, the vampires, the fox mini-boss, Muscle Rider and the kid. The wimpy fag that liked Reika. The psychics, the motorcycle kid obsessed with points. And many more. Nobody was smoking weed nor fucking anything either.
Why were the Osaka team so edgy?
The ending was fucking weird and awkward, but it was a good action / edgy read.
This and Shamo are the perfect definition of a train wreck. These train wrecks are fun, wish I could find another one.
>And many more
That's kinda it tho. And the two useless girls I guess.
> The wimpy fag that liked Reika.
Some dude that hated Kurono and wanted to bang Reika, he died during the Italy/Rome? invasion after finally growing some balls.
This is what buzzwords does to people. They can't even describe good enough now. Like retarded children. Anyway, it wasn't edgy, they were so damn used to it that boredom brought his friends. Fucking Osaka team was awesome.
Well yeah they also showed the trio of retarded crazy fucks but not their actual involvement in the arc or anything.
Ah, right, Inaba.
Don' forget the panda tho.
He went 100% offscreen at Osaka anyway.
I really liked how Kurono ended up for some simple girl. Sure he still had some super models lusting after his dick at all times. But in the end he liked some meh girl that wasn't even pretty to be honest. That felt pretty real. She seemed to get a makeover towards the end of the manga though.
This kid was yamato-damashii as fuck. Virgin and all.
I forgot how much random shit happened.