Why? Why are they animating this tripe?
>After a freak accident involving some lightning winds up zapping him dead, 15-year-old Mochizuki Touya wakes up to find himself face-to-face with God. “I am afraid to say that I have made a bit of a blunder...” laments the old coot.
>But all is not lost! God says that he can reincarnate Touya into a world of fantasy, and as a bonus, he gets to bring his smartphone along with!
>So begins Touya's adventure in a new, anachronistic pseudo-medieval world. Friends! Laughs! Tears! Inexplicable Deus ex Machina! He sets off on a journey full of wonder as he absentmindedly travels from place to place, following whatever goal catches his fancy.
If you thought Death March was "nothing fucking happens", you seen nothing yet.
In Another World With My Smartphone
>Why are they animating this tripe?
Because you fags will watch it and like it as usual
Money that's why. Somehow somebody out there is getting money for this.
Oh, this is the one Steiner's translating, right?
>But all is not lost! God says that he can reincarnate Touya into a world of fantasy, and as a bonus, he gets to bring his smartphone along with!
Pretty sure I've already heard that somewhere.
It's true, I hate it but I'll watch it.
Where does it say they are animating it?
When a series says there is a "major announcement" soon, 9 times out of 10 that is codespeak for "anime incoming".
Yeah, and thank god for that.
Left, Steiner's official TL.
Right, fan TL.
He posted in a thread yesterday saying he'd probably try and sub it officially as well.
Another easy, RPG system with no creativity at all.
There's no RPG system in this setting. It's your classic fantasy setting.
>Go to medieval fantasy setting with a smartphone
>Can't connect to anything
>Useless when the battery dies
Oh, how surprising. How does magic work in this world? And what's the significant of the smartphone?
Think the battery is magic or some shit with a gimmick.
He has a mana battery and the world has 4G signal.
Which ends up being a plot point later.
There are several schools of magic, spells must be learned and visualized properly to cast. People are born with the innate aptitude for certain schools of magic, but most people have the ability to draw from 2-3 schools at best. Spells are learned by reading and studying.
Presence of the Smartphone mostly just helps him get around (map app), but he does learn to enchant magical properties into it later in the story. Also he has read-only internet connected to his homeland, so he can keep up to date with what's going on on Earth. Also becomes a plot point later.
W-what if it's getting a pachinko machine instead?
You mean MTL. When it comes to the narou isekai WN/LN fantranslation scene 90% of them are MTL.
Heck the translation of the most popular series at narou Mushoku Tensei is MTL. Like 60% maybe even more. You know whats the funniest part? Some people used to and still donate to these people to fucking MTL.
A basic magic system, better than the RPG though. Is mana finite or infinite sucking on nature's teets?
>map app
Old school map with coords or a magical satellite?
This just feels lazy. I've seen better isekai plots on Sup Forums.
It's a satellite app. Not explained yet but I think it is covered down the line. The author likes to explain stuff that other stories might not bother explaining. People are born with a limited mana supply, using too many spells on quick succession can take people out for days at a time due to the strain on their bodies. It recharges over time, however. Usually over the course of several days.
Honestly, the best isekai I've read have been when they did their own version of RE:Monster on suptg. Anyone else read that?
I have lost count on how many isekai mangas I'm following, and I keep picking up every one I see.
I can't stop. Send help.
Who is he going to phone when his network doesn't exist anymore? All he has is a calculator and camera now.
Drown in your shit taste.
He has a map app, calculator, and camera. God also gave him his phone number but he hasn't called God once. God has called him twice to say hi and act like a dorky grandpa.
>God says that he can reincarnate Touya into a world of fantasy, and as a bonus, he gets to bring his smartphone along with!
Just fucking send me back to my bedroom, you can keep the goddamn smartphone.
Seriously I know isekai premises are painfully lazy in general but this must be the most vapid one yet.
He's not allowed to go back to his world. That's the only reason God lets him go to another to begin with, because it was an accidental murder but "DA RULES" state once you're dead you don't get to have another shot in the same place.
As I said, painfully lazy.
He can enchant it to select people by search and do things like mass hover magic attacks/heals, he could get very creative with apps and magic like that
not knowing that Isekai is the only true avant-garde artform left in this world. The plot line just moved me to tears user, thinking of the possibilities. I wonder what he'll use his smartphone for?
Multiple gods, got to have order
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums isn't the target demographic.
>Why are they animating this tripe?
Because the formula works for everybody else, so it's a safe bet for them.
And nothing matters more than return on investment.
this is what marketing fags actually believe
Of course anime fans are the target audience. Who else would endure this drivel if not for the self insert potential?
Touya isn't really a self-insert, he has a lot of character.
Why not?
That's not a contradiction to being an easy reader insert.
i just want isekai where the protag isnt your usual self-insert character but actually interesting character dealing with isekai situation
i honeslty think Subaru (Re-zero) and Kazuma (Konosuba) is a great isekai character
Everyone says that their favorite isekai isn't garbage, but the truth is every isekai LN is garbage you just find one that panders to your specific shit taste.
You will always complain no matter what happens.
>animating isekai
>with smartphone gimmick
Couldn't they pick a better one? like the gyaru who becomes a dark-elf or the dude who gets isekai'd along with his mommy? Why pick the most shitty one?
Actually isekai harem series is anti thesis from self insert but still you guys will call it self insert no matter what. self insert is like your typcal damsel in the distres not ever powered characters
Possibly, but that doesn't necessarily make me wrong.
self-insert does not equate power fantasy. Just desirable situations, they don't all have to be about being the best/strongest ore wa mamoru guy who saves chicks
>not the ultimate wish fulfillment self insert series
Come on now.
Subaru is legit SUFFERING, most of the time because of his foolishness but its such a refreshing take on isekai
Kazuma is nowhere near OP but he is willing to take shortcut, cheat on his way and playing dirty, which is also a refreshing take on isekai.
i hope there is more anime in the future with SUFFERING where MC actually have to work so they deserve whatever they get later on
If you cannot be right i don't see how you are not wrong.
is there any harem anime with SUFFERING? i genuinely interested what will happens if you mix in harem with suffering
Come on what?
how come there's no isekai with 2chan becoming a cute little girl?
Whatever this is I'm watching it.
Let's be reasonable.
>is there any harem anime with SUFFERING?
there's a isekai harem VN with SUFFERING
>i genuinely interested what will happens if you mix in harem with suffering
Usually, dead harems and NTR
I state the reason what's more?
ah muvluv series? if it isnt mecha shit i wouldve touch it
>another hot garbage story with a retarded premise that I will watch anyway because the girls are cute as fuck
Dammit Japan, cute girl harems and good writing don't need to be mutually exclusive.
Because two nukes were insufficient.
i dont get why people are mad. Its probably a fun series like konosuba
It happens it's Sup Forums anyway thinking it too hard won't do anything.
because I want NEW and UNIQUE fun series
Why do good artists keep getting wasted on shitty hack stories like this?
>judging isekai off of gimmicks alone
Just because an isekai has the most le randumb premise of the bunch doesn't make it good.
Because the last writer this artist worked with died of cancer so they're using him to off the new one as fast as they can.
>Steiner translating isekai at the speed of sanic
>meanwhile C;H Noah never
How fast? Haven't been paying attention.
But at this point, the gimmick is all they have.
Outside of that, it's all the same formula.
just like battle-shounen used to be a couple years back
One volume every six weeks. That's 2.7 times faster than Yen Press.
There's still stuff like The Faraway Paladin which defies convention.
Bastard must be using time travel.
Because the keyword here is "safe".
The basic premise is the same for most of these series, but the gimmick varies, and depending on how weird the gimmick is, you may or may not run the risk of not finding a (big enough) audience to make up the production costs and bank on your three months of fame to sell merchandise.
The stranger your gimmick, the more you will attract niche audience but also lose the general audience. And niche audiences are too small to ensure return on investment.
He said in the thread yesterday that he's actually translating 1 volume closer to every 4 weeks, his boss just has them on a schedule of 6 weekly parts per volume. How's the quality for something so quick?
>and as a bonus, he gets to bring his smartphone along with
I do hope that phone is a OnePlus 3T
Why does the artist even matter? The only reason LNs have art in the first place is because your average LN reader can't handle a book without pictures.
The artist matters because the art is the only good thing about this turd of a product.
>Why does the artist even matter?
There's probably a small part of the readership made up of turboautists who follow illustrators rather than stories or writers or whatever.
Which would be odd considering how uniform in style LN illustrations are.
Thats not how you judge these things but how they manage execute them. It can be something dumb like a salaryman reincarnated as a loli in notWW1 for angering 'god' but hey they somehow made it work. Then you have something like RE:Monster wich is just atrocious even though it kinda sounds more appealing. The exact same type of WN Goblin Kingdom for example does the whole goblin reincarnation thing a lot better even though the work itself is pretty mediocre. But you can still tell the MC has a personality, you have proper characterisation and so on.
Same with series like Lazy King where you have the oh so hated stats. The author uses it to depict the effects of the sins on the demons and how it drives them to insanity by fulfilling the extremes of their desires. You don't really get bothered by this precisely because the execution is decent.
Youjo Senki is a fucking bore once you get past the weirdness of the premice and the first five cynical rationalisations though
I'm not that far in the LN itself user but I can tell, the quality is incomparable to something like Re:Monster which feels more like some kind of experimental diary instead of an actual storyline.