Why are lolis so lewd?
Why are lolis so lewd?
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The cunny
Lolis are creation's perfect pleasure.
Because lonely faggots draw them that way
But women draw the best loli.
Why is this? What gives women such an advantage
Explain further
They were loli once.
It's a secret but I'll tell you this once. It's because they were a loli in the past
My dick is now diamonds
It is a mystery.
In order to find a mate.
Why is that loli presenting herself that way
It's the best way of showing your affection towards someone, try it yourself.
Why are lolis so verboten?
These girls are blocking your way on the stairs.
What will you do?
Join them. I hear they sometimes have rock CDs and microbrews so they can't be bad, right?
Those lolis look suspiciously traced. I demand more
Give them headpats, and more if they want.
what do you mean by 'more'?
Didn't your waifu ever tell you not to talk to strange lolis? You need to be more careful user, you don't want a loli to kidnap you and force you to give her hugs and head-pats all day.
Don't listen to this liar.
Lolis are harmless and you should always take your time to chat with strange lolis. They just want to be friends with you.
Because they give them slightly more mature personalities and better bodies than they should have at their age.
But user, my waifu IS a loli
>better bodies than they should have at their age
I love that artist.
Her body is literally perfect.
But user she looks like a prepubescent girl
Lolis are delicious.
Hugs, kisses, fugs and hand holding
What do they taste like?
Slender hips and delicate frames
I just like thin legs and non-curvy bodies, I'm not a dirty lolicon I swear!
It's the smug. Be slightly smug and their sexiness skyrockets.
Hell, Takagi is the embodiment of smug, and, despite being average in apperance, she is sex incarnate
Can't catch me, lolita
Why do I get so turned on by loli verbal abuse?
Because you have been enlightened.
White people are more likely to turn out to be pedophiles.
Best Shinobu coming through
>Be walking through the forest
>Hear a voice calling for you
>See this
What do?
Tell her she's going to have leaves all over her unless she gets up.
But user, she wants to pull you down onto her, and then, when you're on top of her and you're staring into each other's eyes, she will kiss you, with tongue
It's because when poor minorities want to fuck children they just fuck children and no one cares. It's not pedophilia, it's just an 8-year-old getting laid.
Because they are little girls.
>hand holding
This is a blue board, you despicable degenerate.
Nothing wrong with holding hands with a loli
you are pedo
Yeah no
Tell me about Sninobu. Why doesn't she wear any pantsu?
women only started wearing panties in the 19th century
Whats this from?
I want to touch the bandaid
It's probably really squishy.
>Draws adorable lolis, too fucking cute for words
>3 chapters in, BAM. Netorare
Female mangaka shouldn't be allowed to exist. I'm fucking looking at you, Okada Kou
I want to PAT that head
They are tiny women.
How can old hags even compete?
By becoming the loli.
I'd marry an old hag if she could draw lolis for me
Now I want to touch it more
>Draw great lolis
>Put tumors on her chests
I fucking hate Noise.
Why is OP a faggot?
Why are you trying to fit in so hard?
is pat the cocain of lolis?
>are you ok little girl?
she's a free being
When is bubukka going to start making actual doujins?
This is one lewd loli
Well that is not entirely true but you make a valid point. However it is empirically proven that white people have more tendency to be attracted to toddlers.
The more you know.
The world is not ready for that.
because woman's charms
ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame
As109 doesn't want to lewd his cherished waifu anymore.
that floor is awfully suspicious
Flan is an adult, though.
I don't get it.
>Be me
>Be walking innawoods during the fall
>The scenery is beautiful, though it's a little chilly outside.
>Hear a voice I don't recognize start calling out my name.
>"what the fuck"
>Look around
>Continue walking, was probably my imagination.
>30 minutes pass.
>Hear it again, this time, much louder.
>Start powerwalking back from where I came.
>10 minutes later, hear it again, much louder than before.
>Running so fast that I don't see what I just tripped over.
>Begin to push myself back up when suddenly.
>In the same voice that I've been running from, the young girl called out to me. I apparently tripped on her.
>Her face has this very odd expression, as if she's in pain.
>I do not recognize this girl.
>Why does she know my name.
>"user... don't you want to..."
>Begin hauling my ass out of there.
>Get to my car
>Can't sleep that night.
Fucking skinwalkers.
Sometimes the tease is better than the release.
Where did a loli get such lewd unders? This should not be allowed, those are adult unders she can't wear those!
>>Her face has this very odd expression, as if she's in pain.
She wanted your dick user, you should've gave it to her
Go back to /x/.
And make a chart with new symbols, the lolis already figured out the old one.
>those are adult unders she can't wear those!
Yeah, she should take them off.
She went to a lingirie shop.
>And make a chart with new symbols, the lolis already figured out the old one.
Just a friendly reminder, clothe any streaking lolis you happen to come across
little girls should not be allowed in lingerie shops!!
The lewdest a loli should ever go is teddy bear prints, even shimapan is far too lewd!
You shouldn't underestimate lolis.
Some are smart enough to become doctors. And I even heard about some being mob bosses.
The only thing a loli should be concerned about her underwear is whether it keeps her belly warm in the winter!
this dragon sure does enjoy getting wet.
>>Her face has this very odd expression, as if she's in pain.
Maybe it's because you just tripped over her at full sprint.
God made lolis cute so lolicons protect them in exchange for hugs and cuddles.
How much of that story is BS?
For legal reasons I can not, do some investigations near the base of a loli torso do.