Was Sup Forums's hate for UBW largely unjustified?
Was Sup Forums's hate for UBW largely unjustified?
Rarely is/a/'s anything justified.
>Was Sup Forums's hate for FSN largely unjustified?
I would say more of Sup Forums liked it than hated it. That being said, it's pretty bad and deserves the shit it gets.
Why does Sup Forums hate this man more than Archer hates Shirou?
I meant No
God dammit, Shero is so hot.
>it's pretty bad and deserves the shit it gets.
Why. Explain.
No it's not. There were plenty of criticism towards it but zealot fans ignore it and tell everyone to read the porn game.
Heavens Feel is better
Pretty much.
Sup Forums doesn't like UBW because the core message is simple and idealistic, but the whole point of Shirou's character is that he's accepted that his dreams are unrealistic but is intent on following through with them anyways.
In contrast, Archer never acknowledged that the dream was unrealistic until after he became a Counter Guardian, which was a stupid decision on its own.
All of F/SN's routes are rooted in idealism, but Sup Forums prefers the pursuit of love in the other two routes over the pursuit of an ideal that is most prominent in UBW.
Also, Rinfags are pissy that their Waifu's route was the only one that didn't actually center around the heroine.
>porn game.
Eroge, newfriend.
Sup Forums isn't a hivemind. A lot of us thoroughly enjoyed UfoBW. The only people who hated it here are an extremely vocal minority of autistic VNfags.
I liked it though. Probably wouldn't have liked it if I didn't read the VN. It's also miles better than Zero.
Not necessarily.
The best part of Fate/Stay Night is honestly the battles. This is where UBW shines. If the anime adaptation didn't deliver on that, then yeah, Sup Forums's hate is justified. If it did, then no, it's not justified.
Anything else isn't a failure of the adaptation, it's a failure of the source material. Fate's character work was never particularly strong.
>Fate's character work was never particularly strong.
Did you read the VN?
Just no. Nobody likes wormslut.
everybody hates ubw, not just Sup Forums
There's no Sup Forums hate. Some people disliked it because "not a 100% faithful adaptation" but most of Sup Forums enjoyed it.
Sounds like you never visited the bitter and cynical threads as it aired episode by episode.
It is visually tiring.
Everyone at this point has read the VN. It's was released over a decade ago.
Sup Forums was fine with UBW. We just have a vocal minority that autostically screeched about it constantly.
They are the same type of people who try to convince you that Sup Forums "never liked code geass and TTGL"
Fate/Stay Night is extremely hard to adapt because Shirou's internal dialogue is incredibly important and also like half of the total words in the series.
It works fine in a VN but in an anime, you don't really want to halt the action and drama to hear what the skinny redhead thinks about shit. So a lot gets cut.
A lot of people (including me) watched the first Fate anime and thought Shirou was just a sexist moron instead of a mentally wounded child with a martyr complex.
>Shirou was just a sexist moron
How did you interpret it like that? They had the flames of disaster flashback or Shirou talking about Kiritsugu Emiya in most of the episodes.
>Was Sup Forums's hate for UBW largely unjustified?
If you think that was hate just wait until Heaven's Feel comes out.
>Shirou has nearly every single one of his important character-monologues about his ideals and past removed, his banter with Rin is severely limited, and the removal of the death scenes + alterations made to the Gilgamesh, Kuzuki, and Archer fights removes any sense of danger being posed towards him
>Instead he's a standard oblivious MC with no idea Rin is into him until near the end of the show, has mild PTSD and survivor's guilt instead of being barely human in any meaningful sense mentally, and appears to have ten layers of plot armour
>His romance with Rin is fucking ruined by this as well as the inclusion of the Realta Nua scene which makes it feel like it has no proper climax/consumation before the epilogue - something that could have been fixed with a tasteful fade to black
>le invisible air can kill berserker xD isn't Saber great - takeuchi
>Kuzuki's fighting style is never explained properly and as a result his fight with Saber and then getting reamed by Shirou makes no fucking sense
>Changes made to the fight with Archer completely alter the tone and meaning of the scene - while the beginning alterations are fucking amazing the fact that Shirou then proceeds to fight him on near-even footing while barely sustaining any damage completely ruins the original idea of the fight being one where Shirou is beaten fucking senseless but manages to win purely by reminding Archer of the beauty of his ideals and by showing his conviction
>Fight against Gilgamesh is completely fucking retarded, its no longer Shirou desperately closing the gap between them to leverage Gilgamesh's lacking swordsmanship skills to press his one weak spot while using UBW for covering fire, but is instead Shirou dodging, blocking, and spinning his way through the now far-superior GoB by the skin of his teeth for three minutes before ending the battle in a single exchange - it makes no sense for him to be so strong
>In particular, Caster's master scenes really did nothing to add anything to her backstory or make one more sympathetic to the character - it'd have been far better to focus on her past as a princess, how Jason spurned her, and her fall to witchcraft if Ufotable was looking to add context for her actions and motives
>while fucking hilarious the powerboost Rin and Luvia got in their wrestling match at the end contradicts canon and makes it seem absurd that Rin was such a non-factor in any fight besides the one with Caster
>while quite pretty and fluid most of the fights lack any real sense of 'weight' besides a few instances of Lancer jumping and leaving a crater and Berserker fucking up shit passively by merely running - beyond those, however, the majority of the Servant's didn't seem nearly as powerful as they actually are and the choreography gave no sense of them possessing any notable degree of skill or experience, merely super speed and the ability to pull of some rather unbelievable contortioning
>In some parts it slows to a crawl with 30 minute dialogues and expositions scenes and barely anything happening, in other parts important events and character development is breezed through with no attention paid to them. Whole Shirou-Rin arc is basically nonexistent for example.
Miura is horrible as director. UBW direction is a fucking ugly mess which misuses the resources he had. His KnK movie (sixth) is universally considered the worst too.
It just came off as generic Tragic Hero backstory to me.
Actually, that's how it came off in the VN too until one of the later flashbacks where he talks about walking through the rubble, ignoring all the people dying and begging to be saved, knowing that he is about to die as well.
Miura dares to infuse the anime genre with moral and political substance. Fanboys do not own the franchises of Fate, so director Miura went against the mob and dared to raise the genre to a level of adult sophistication in 2012’s Fate Zero, the most emotionally powerful anime ever made. (Fanboys hated it.) Miura’s sequel, UBW adds politics, bringing to the fantasy some contemporary, real-world concerns. Miura uses the figures of heroes walloping each other to give visible substance to social and moral issues, much as Greek tragedy does and uses the premise to explicate our current dilemmas concerning power, principles, and divinity. It helps that Miura is also visionary, inclined to extravagant spectacle and gifted with a signature erotic touch. An early montage equates violence, loss, and grief through symbolic images. It is witnessed by the young Shirou Emiya, a orphaned child who misconstrues magi’s involvement in the previous series’ battle that devastated Fuyuki. UBW reflects the confusion that pits secularists against believers, and the partisanship that inhibits national alliance. This tension is so visually amped up that the opposition of Shirou to Gilgamesh feels revelatory: Man versus the god in Man. Miura’s opening sequences interweave the origin stories of these mythic heroes and their alter egos
The characters are pretty flat, shirou is the exact same self insert eroge protagonist down to being a blatant self insert that is kinda just handed achievements rather than doing anything himself. The overall story is uninspired but what makes it bad is Shirou as well as the attempt at adding time travel to the story and far too many contrived ways of advancing the plot, Archer's plan is literal idiocy and adds to plot contrivance. Visually it's pretty bland with dull choreography and the only thing I can note that I personally like is the color palette was pretty vibrant.
UBW is the same as almost everything else in the fate franchise really: an interesting concept that just is extremely poor in its execution, constantly weighed down by its origin as an eroge.
>so director Miura went against the mob and dared to raise the genre to a level of adult sophistication in 2012’s Fate Zero, the most emotionally powerful anime ever made
>director Miura
The fuck are you talking about? Zero was written by urobuchi and directed by Aoki. Miura had nothing to do with it.
>The fuck are you talking about? Zero was written by urobuchi and directed by Aoki. Miura had nothing to do with it.
You forget the episodes that he himself directed? They were the best in the series.
>UBW is the same as almost everything else in the fate franchise really: an interesting concept that just is extremely poor in its execution, constantly weighed down by its origin as an eroge.
Wasn't sure if you were trolling until the end. Fate was never an eroge, it was a VN with very rare sex scenes.
The original Fate was an eroge but the later versions weren't as they cut all the porn out.
hate? Sup Forums has a raging boner for UBW.
I'd say their hate of Heaven's Feel is largely unjustified. Mainly because they all jump on the hate banwagon and never played through the VN to see how different this route is than the previous two.
Am I the only one who isn't happy with how they chose to adapt the character designs of the light novel?
I'm really not a fan of the characters completely undefined noses or long pointed chins.
Nobody was happy with the character designs.
Even if a TV show has explicit sex scenes, that doesn't make it a porno.
It's neither intended to be a vehicle for sex scenes, nor a medium-defining project, but simply a "fantasy fighting visual novel." The adult scenes were added to advance the plot. In addition, instead of using the NScript engine as they did in Tsukihime, TYPE-MOON based Fate on the performance-oriented KiriKiri 2 engine. Through its seamless integration of text, images, sound effects, and BGM, Fate became a bestseller.
Fate's total sales that year were 146,686 units, making it the bestselling Gal Game of the year. With monstrous momentum, the game went on to sell 28,557 copies in 2005.
It's worth noting that Gal Games are usually played by a niche group, and their success cannot be measured in comparison to big budget console games that can sell millions of copies. In the Gal Game world, several thousand copies usually means breaking even, more than 10,000 is very successful, and more than 100,000 makes you a monster hit.
To thank its fans, and to make some quick profit, TYPE-MOON released the fan disc Fate/hollow ataraxia on October 28, 2005.
>Fate was never an eroge, it was a VN with very rare sex scenes.
You are delusional, it's literally an eroge. Eroge, particularly in the 90s-early 00s, focused on you playing a visual novel and the porn was your reward for sticking to a specific route. Most are not nonstop sex, they usually were only 1-3 sex scenes per competed route.
FSN has the best war
UBW has the best main girl and antagonist
FHA has the best story
HF has the best nothing
Definitely. It was a huge letdown. Couldn't even get the music right.
I've always wanted to see a combination of the Fate and UBW routes. I like Fate, but this is when Shirou is at his worst, being the stupidest he ever was nad unable to even fight properly. HF has its good moments, and it's when Shirou is motivated to save just one person. Sadly, that person the the worst fucking heroine.
>I've always wanted to see a combination of the Fate and UBW routes
How would you handle it? Which route would you use as base and what would you add from the other route?
>unironically replying to him and his cocksuckers
>Nasu to ufotable's team: "stay night and Zero can respect each other but they are different works. This new anime will be Fate/stay night."
>Miura once UBW ended: "I tried to make a Zero sequel, hope you liked it xD!"
>Why should we care that Shirou believes it is not a mistake?
We shouldn't. Shirou was objectively wrong in UBW, and the canon route HF is all about him correcting his mistake.
Blame the source then.
I'm so tired of you fucks blaming the adaptions when its been given to different studios, filtered through different perspectives, and still turns out the same. This latest one was as good as it can get.
Read wrong sorry. Anyway the point stands for anyone who thinks the adaptions are the problem when the source isn't that great at all.
I think the adaptations aren't good precisely because the source is terrible. I think you misread my post.
UBW would be perfection if it included the Angra Mainyu/Kirei plot, it's the one thing that kept HF from being just "muh Sakura" like Fate was just "Muh Saber"
>Rinfag upset UBW wasn't "muh Rin"
To be honest I'm glad it wasn't, if anything I'm upset about Illya dying in the route. Also checked.
I'd use the Fate route as a base. It's been a few years since I read it, but I remember it always bothered me how Rin must have experienced Archer's past in her dreams but never mentioned it. I would add archer's reveal to the Fate route and maybe fleshing out Kotomine's motivations and his partnership with Gilgamesh a bit more so that they could remain the main antagonists. More importantly I would remove Shirou's "But you're a girl, you can't fight" phase completely and let him have access to UBW by the end.
Well, at the very least that's what I'd like to see. I don't know if it would make a good route.
This is the problem with an anime like this. Since it can only adapt one route that means you miss out on a lot of things and it can feel empty. Illya, Kirei and Rider dying before they can really do anything doesn't matter in the VN because they get their time to shine in other routes. If all you watch is the UBW anime then you miss out on those characters entirely. Also checked
He is right tho
UBW had by far the best overall quality and pacing
Rin a shit. Sakura a shit. Saber a best.
Sup Forums*
I find that all the best route talk is bullshit desu
Fate is a romcom (and melodrama) UBW is action (and melodrama) and HF is horror melodrama
Fate was never a thing designed around being one thing over another but people came to care about the woosh bang holy grail war so the parts of the series that were slower paced got panned as being shit pacing where as there was always the chance that the whole thing would turn out flipped and all the magic got sidelined and for Fate to become primarily known as a series of shoujo manga (the thing that it was originally designed to be in fact)