Saki is giving you this stare, user. What does it mean? What does she want?

Saki is giving you this stare, user. What does it mean? What does she want?

Looking back, I think it's somewhat unfortunate that info about the rape scene leaked before it aired. The shitstorm would be grander were that not the case.

>info about the rape scene leaked before it aired
Can you elaborate on this?

She wants to be in a better show.

Information about a rape scene taking place in an episode was leaked to the general public before the said episode where the rape occurred aired on Japanese television.

What do you mean?
Valvrave was a masterpiece.
It was shit. I agree. But I oddly still like it

You're a fucking newfag.

When was the last time we got a mecha trainwreck the size of VVV?


She was such a massive bitch NTRing bitch but everyone likes to deflect it to Shoko because she becomes a bitch too.


What's with all the Saki Audrey crack shipping with the Nips? The two only spoke together for what, 3 episodes?
Audrey is a pure maiden who doesn't deserve Saki

Seed Destiny was worse

She's counting the zits on my face ;_;

Shoko a shit. A shit!

Shouko is giving you this stare, user. What does it mean? What does she want?

a punch to her cunt face

It would have been a site wide shitstorm.

she's disgusted by how much of a chatty Cathy I am. shes actually plugging her ears.


>What does she want?
Probably regrets that time she got everyone killed.

I want to protect that smile.


They spoke in the drama CD, too.

And honestly Saki had better chemistry with A-drei in that single conversation than he ever had with L-elf.

Also they just look good together.

Both Saki and Shoko are good girls.

Was this autism?

How would undressing prove she's not lying?

Too bad they both lose.

Technically only the ayy inside the robot actually wins, tho somebody won the erruerrfubowl well never know who.


It fucking didn't.