We're making history here.
Did everyone stop reading this or something? fug.
I'm still reading it
I wish more people read this
The threads weren't very alive, but I'm still reading them.
Telepathy is boring after these many chapters.
I haven't been following it too closely. It's gotten a lot less interesting as it has continued.
Tomo-chan hiatus ended.
i am reading it and wont stop. tomo-chan's more popular because people shitpost and spam carol memes everywhere so there's often a thread up. this series is probably taken more seriously and without the shitposting user isnt always there to make threads
I guess this is the place to ask. Since read.tonochan got hijacked, where do you guys get the updates outside of Sup Forums threads? Is downloading them individually off of our goddesses' website the only way?
croissant unrelated
People who read it read it at different times of the day so it is hard to reach critical mass for a 24/7 shitpost thread.
I read it everyday, but I don't feel like talking about it on Sup Forums for some reason. Maybe it's because I know the translations haven't caught up with the raws, so there isn't that sense of hype every time a new one comes out.
fucking author kek
Even though I know now how impossible it is and that she never stood a chance I still want croissant to win.
It kinda hurts a little.
What the fuck happened to my post?
Toda should have kept his old hairstyle.
If you think something is going to happen here
You're going to be sorely disappointed
Still reading, it's just that there's not that much to discuss in the first place.
Tomo-chan thread is pretty much the same, but it lives because it's filled with memes.
Croissant is defenetly best.
I've never seen a bitchy side character go from worst to best so fast in a series. It still amazes me.
Man, that is some clever placing right there.
I don't know why I am so impressed by the composition.
So when do they fuck?
They were scared away by the promises of pseudo-NTR.
Shit got realer than real in a damn hurry.
Toda-san isn't pure.
people kept spoiling in the threads
That's pretty old info unless you weren't paying attention
I typically wait a week before i go back and read
Sucks there wasn't as much discussion as of late cause the last dozen pages or so switching between Nakano viewing Toda's memory of when they met and the actual event from her own perspective was exceptionally done.
tfw i like this series but my big secret to speculation success is focus on the characters whose thoughts we don't get to can't work in
a series based around telepathy although it means there's probably something going on with the third friend since his mind is hardly ever read.
Sup Forums discussed the most these chapters that were either lewd, or had crossaint girl
waifus>everything else apparently
also, if it was weekly, not daily there might be something we sould discuss
Tomo has more memeic faces, and it's more challenging to interpret characters as we do not know everything about them
shitposting>NTR>waifus>everything else apparently
I read the raws. It's a really well done 4koma and all, but plot is not exactly deep as to spark discussion (other than "x best grill") and the scans are not up to date so it's hard to discuss without spoilers.
>and the scans are not up to date so it's hard to discuss without spoilers.
And without the hype. By the time 314 is translated, I won't even remember the shock when reading it as to discuss here.
>Chapter 224 translated
>Raws are at 325
>this composition
holy christ it's good. like something about this resonates really well with me.
Looks like we're finally getting somewhere
It seems Nakano did manage to distract him from thinking about the team's loss, so good for her, I guess.
>kino in a fucking one-page gag-manga
well, this is a new one.
one may think, they are destinated to be with each other but not in a good way, its not like they fit personality-wise but because of her special ability and his lack of visible emotions and nothing more.
I'm caught up, so discussing old chapters doesn't feel right.
then join the translating group and make it so we are discussing new chapters
I doubt the limiting factor is translators, it's the redraws that seem like a huge bitch.