How does Sup Forums feel about tsundere characters?
How does Sup Forums feel about tsundere characters?
They're all shit. No exceptions.
Another retarded tsundere bait thread, nice.
They can be good sometimes.
Modern tsundere = bipolar cunt
Posting in a THK thread.
> there are virtually no bad male tsundere
What does it mean?
Report it.
>Saekano thread was made two mins apart
This thread is probably to contain him in here to let him circlejerk.
No such thing as good tsundere
>le THK maymay xD
Kill yourself.
Tsundere are the best moe archetype. But Jesus, these pics are so wrong and full trolling.
>good tsunderes
>it's this bait where certain high autists circlejerk and samefag hating tsundere again
They are mostly shit. The ones from Baka to Test made me stop watching. Especially that goth chick. The only one nice is the trap.
Taiga is disgusting.
Doing it wrong.
Fact, not opinion here.
I dont want to stick my cock in any dudes so their personality doesnt really matter that much to me
>I dont want to stick my cock in any dudes
What are you, gay?
I love them 20 years ago and still do today. Kuudere and dandere are fine too, but it's usually tsundere that kicks my gear up the most.
Behold the epitome of Tsundere.
good tsundere has legitimate reasons for acting this way and mostly stays calm
bad tsundere is mentally ill bitch hostile for no reason
Man, id really love to date a girl with bipolar disorder who's physically and emotionall abusive and aromantic 90% of the time. It's so worth it for those 5 minutes (accumulated per year) cuddling.
P sure tsun just comes from the idea that "oh this girl doesn't hate me like she says she does, she actually loves me!" Which is really autistic.
Usually male tsunderes aren't physically abusive bitches because then that looks bad, so male tsunderes are tsun without being too abrassive, making all male tsunderes pretty good
Tsundere is mostly a female archetype user. This does not mean there aren't male ones, just that the vast majority of them are female and thus, they're more recognized, and thus they get more criticisms.
It's kinda like if you asked why aren't there more girly guys on tv in comparison to tomboys, there are, it's just that there way more tomboys than girly men.
Good tsun.
Switch Taiga and Eri, and this is a reasonably accurate chart.
I think you mean "liking".
good tsundere
Male tsundere is good. Female tsundere is bad.
Boring overused stereotype.
Sup Forums is only tsun.
most of them are shit, but not all of them
They are great, but mostly if they are loli/DFC as looking young or being a kid makes it all childishly believable and cute. Exceptions do exist though.
>Understand, understand,
>Understand, understand,
>Understand, understand
>the concept of tsun
>Understand, understand,
>Understand, understand,
>Understand, understand
>the concept of tsun
>Understand, understand,
>Understand, understand,
>Understand, understand the concept,
>The concept of tsun.
>Ready to kick some-
>Ready to kick some-
>What is tsun?
>What is tsundere?
>What is tsun?
>tsun is best
>The concept of tsun,
>Just dere was too tame for him.
>Tsun, what is tsun?
>What is tsundere?
>What is dere boy?
>What is boy?
>What is tsun?
>What is tsundere?
>What is....
>Just dere was too tame for him.
>Just dere was too tame for him.
>Just dere, just dere
>Too.. Too tame for him,
>Tame for him.
>Just dere was too tame for him.
>Just dere was too tame for him.
>Just dere, dere... Just.. Too, too,
>Tame for him,
>Tame for him.
>Understand, understand the concept of tsun,
>Understand, understand the concept of tsun.
>Understand, understand,
>Understand, understand the concept,
>The concept of tsun-tsun-tsun-tsun-tsun.
>What is tsun?
>What is tsundere?
>Tsun is love.
>Tsun is life...
You are wrong on both accounts.
Old Sup Forumsnon from Asuka/Haruhi/Kagami/Shinku/DESU/Shana/Louise/Rin/Hina/Biribiri etc era likes it, but neo Sup Forumsnon don't like it.
The only good tsundere is Helga.
Anti tsunderefags are actually tsundere themselves to tsunderes
It's the reason why "they" keep making threads
Prove me wrong faggots
It's more likely than you think.
gintoki is best tsundere
Other way around. Sup Forums bashed the fuck out of shitty tsunderes like Naru and Louise all the time back in the day, but then the autistic newfags came up with the THK meme to derail any thread criticizing tsunderes with their bogeyman accusations. Tsundere fans were a small group that kept to their own threads at first, then got vocal and cancerous as fuck in recent years.
Newfag detected
>How does Sup Forums feel about tsundere characters?
Tsundere obviously
>how doesn Sup Forums feel about tsunderes?
Wow, this is the first good/bad tsundere chart I've seen that's accurate.
>Old Sup Forumsnon
>Biribiri era
Wrong. Louise had way more love than detractors as vocal as they were. Naru was a hate it or love thing, but she never had dedicated autists shoving her into the spotlight, unlike nowadays.
This needs to be updated because Erina is very cute with a small tsun to dere ratio.
Nice try, but Louise was commonly seen as the defining example of how a tsundere shouldn't be. People hated the fuck out of her and her horse whip antics. Naru even had a hate copypasta that's known even to this day.
I don't know if you can logically list Asuka as Tsundere because she legitimately hates everything not just Shinji
We're talking about Sup Forums, not whatever community you used to hang out at. Louise was way too popular and had tons of threads that says otherwise. Detractors were a vocal minority who complained, but were washed out more than anything.
And? It stale and was reposted by a small group of trolls or haters for the occasions for the heck of it. She was still split between love it/hate it who had plenty of people who liked her like a first waifu, nostalgia, and whatnot.
Posting in ebin shitposting general.
>tfw the meta thread will get deleted
>this one not
>e-everyone else is just a vocal minority!
No, tsunderefag. You are the vocal minority. The way you get so adamant about how she was totally popular is the perfect proof of that and how insecure you are regarding it.
Sinon isn't tsundere, she was just pissy becauz Kirito is annoying as fuck. He's annoying to everyone
You're the defensive one who's adamant and are spinning lies despite the fact you clearly weren't there at the time, which is evident in your ignorance. It's a mere fact all those girls were popular and liked then. Louise was one of the more popular ones since she has hyped from teh Rie and had material to be relevant from Shana+Nagi and vice versa. This would be obvious to anyone who remembers such things like character appreciation threads that old Sup Forums used to make on a regular basis for popular waifus, among other things. ZnT threads had mid popularity, which is more than most series have save exceedingly popular series that generate tons of buzz and dominance like Code Geass, TTGL, LS, Haruhi.
But thanks for proving me right, tsunderehater of neo Sup Forums.
>i'm le oldfag guys I swear
Well, at least you updated your shitposting.
Asuka is not even a tsundere, if she is she fails pretty badly.
>thinks Biribiri is "old"
Yeah. You're new alright. Pic related is how people saw Louise and other tsunderes outside of whatever little circlejerk you holed up in.
Nobody posted the best tsunder yet.
99% of male main characters in Shoujo romance stories are tsundere. The only reason why people don't know it is because most people don't read shoujo and their only experience are male tsundere in shonen series like Vegeta, Ranma, Inuyasha, and Kazuma (from Konosuba)
Congratz, tsundere hater of neo Sup Forums, you found an old meme making fun of how they're everywhere and are the same through ridiculously generalizations by the aforementioned vocal detractors. And yet still that did nothing to stop Sup Forums from liking them and instead Sup Forums did what it did best and troll those detractors back by making the LS edit of Kagami and drawing tons of tsundere to say it's all the same shit.
>getting so upset your grammar starts slipping
Every time.
Neither Kirino, she really hated Kyousuke for what he "did" to her and they had to build their relationship from scratch and below, there was no tsundereness involved, just character progression.
how is biribiri a bad tsundere?
genuinely curious
Where, tsundere hating neo Sup Forumsnon?
Asuka too.
Seriously Sup Forums is fucking dying. I blame the massively increasing normalfags influx.
>ridiculously generalizations
>did (...) and troll those detractors
It makes you really easy to recognize whenever you show up to whiteknight tsunderes.
>muh hate
>muh "THK" is a bogeyman/meme and not a cancerous shitposter with the highest autism on the board
>muh minority
I wonder who's behind this defensive historical revision post like always.
Swap Mikoto and Asuka and this is perfect.
>with the highest autism on the board
I take it you've never seen ACK.
The hilarious part is anyone named "Rin" tends to be a tsundere guy/girl. Why does Japan do this?
It isn't that Rin tends to be tsundere, it is tsundere tends to be called Rin.
You're talking to someone who pretty much IS ACK. He comes complete with his own "Akemi" equivalent and all.
What the fuck is Asuka doing in the good tsundere part. She is shit. SHIT. ASUKA A SHIT. You piece of shit user.
>tfw you don't know any of these characters
>z is intentional for the purpose of mocking
Get a clue, moron.
>forgot the word gross
It slipped my mind. Big deal.
>understood that Sup Forums did troll _
That's correct.
Are you done yet or are you going to go back and show everyone how new you are by talking out of your ass? Let's see you dig up those LS edits or recall THE tripfag for Louise who rivaled another certain tripfag for Shana, both whom are infamous for good reasons. Protip: you can't since you're that new.
When are you going to die, THK?
Much better. Thank you.
Tsundere is love. Tsundere is life. You are a fag.
>>z is intentional for the purpose of mocking
Are you from Facebook or something?
>>forgot the word gross
Oh wait, it's Tumblr.
>That's correct.
You can't place a present tense after a past tense. It should be "trolled".
>Let's see you dig up those LS edits
You know, these pics don't exactly help your case, as they show how people were getting sick of the tsundere archetype as a whole rather than just the particularly egregious case of the tsunderies.
>thinking of tripfags as anything but cancer
Taiga in particular was infamous cancer.
Does anybody remember Astarotte no Omocha? I think it was her last role as a tsundere main character.
So are you for liking Kirino.
Nope, but it does a fine job of illustrating your idiocy and autism.
>he never heard of the phrase gross generalization
>even thinks that has something to do with tumblr
How clueless are you and when are you going to stop stalking tumblr?
I said dig them up to see your age. Not post some pic taken from your MAL anti-tsun club group or what have you.
So you can't even remember such tripsfags, yet remember someone a lesser one like Taiga who barely came out a few 2-3 later. How quaint.
>THK's thread is being bumpled
Shana is the best one.
>ridiculously gross
>not Tumblrspeak
Sad to say, but your type is incredibly easy to recognize. I like how you try to get away from the fact the pic you touted as some kind of secret club thing only a true tsundere fan would know actually turned out to be a quite well-known one that goes completely against your point. Also, the correlation between tsunderefaggotry and tripfaggotry is quite telling.
Tsundere is a pretty big spectrum, most of the times it's not about good or bad but about what you do and do not like.
If you're the person updating these, I wanted to personally thank you for doing so. Thank you
It's not getting a sequel
Pretty much, there are characters classified as tsundere because they have a hint of animosity towards the MC but have lots of love. There are character who are classified as tsundere who have bipolar disorder, and some others who are psychopaths/sociopaths who are also classified that way.
It is a wide umbrella term.