
V12 summary is out. What do you think of Megumi's victory?



Eriri a shit.

Utaha a shit.

Utaha a best

Utaha's victory in KM will be better.

Also this

Utaha a shit.

Utaha's victory won't have build-up nearly as good or moments as sweet.

Leaving Megumi's obvious win since vol 1 aside, the story has become such a clusterfuck that I just want it to end already. Akane's character embodies everything wrong with it. Koisuru Metronome is probably the only consistently good part of this franchise.

It's ending in the next volume.

No need to be jealous of best girl, Eririfags.

She will have. Saekano went to shit after v.7.

The new circle was poinless.

>No need to be jealous of best girl, Eririfags.
Why would I be? Megumi is going to win after all.

Flat, like Megumi's response to Tomoya's confession. It was expected and obvious from miles away. But it still feels nice.

Also, Megumi > Eriri > Izumi > Michiru > Utaha

Utaha a shit.

>Saekano went to shit after v.7

There were some really bad parts, but the good parts more than made up for it.

>anyone who doesn't like my shitty waifu is le Eririfag
Kill yourself.

>assmad spammer

>denying Eririfags' cancer and shit taste

>Utahafag calling others cancer
The irony is palpable.

Boring girl won?

I knew this series was trash

The only good part after vol 7 is GS2.

Come to bed

Megumi is fucking perfect.

Maruto squandered and mangled Utaha's character in Part 2. That was unforgivable and the reason KM is superior.

He could have ended the series at volume 7, also making Megumi's win more climatic in the hill scene. and saved us from this fucking torture.

That's a lie and you know it.

What said. Although I prefer Eriri more.

Too corny.

Utaha was never that important, in terms of importance to the series Megumi > Eriri >>> Utaha.

>also making Megumi's win more climatic in the hill scene. and saved us from this fucking torture.

But then there wouldn't be enough time for them to hold hands and do lewd things.

That's part of why it's so sweet.

It doesn't matter, Maruto didn't have to take such a shit on her. Even so, Akane is the biggest offender of how shit the series became.

I feel indifferent, but greatly look forward to GS3 for more of Eriri x Megumi

Well, at least she got a stroke, and she had some purpose in starting conflict.

Utaha a shit.

Not happening, Eriri is too busy with her own game. Besides, that's probably the moment she realizes she's lost the love triangle considering that for some as of yet unknown reason she can now draw with Tomoya around.

>Eriri reads this email, but Tomoya doesn’t particularly care about them being read anymore
>she tells him for some reason, she’s able to draw even when he’s nearby, and asks if she can come back to the circle

Checkmate eririfags

GS3 should happen. We're getting some spin-off/side stories so GS3 is a logical conclusion.

>not drama or anything just surrender
Fucking wasted potential.

We will get GS3, but in this timeframe Eriri has no time to hang out with Megumi. She doesn't even go to school.

Volume 12 sounds fairly awesome. It'll most likely surpass every other volume before it given the confession and how the old gang came back and are working on a game togethet in finale fashion.

>Utaha tries to rape Tomoya.

Maybe if she did this earlier she might have actually won.

>the delusional Utahafag will still think KM is any way good and comparable to the main series

And we still have volume 13 to top it off.


Uhh, just woke up.

Eriri and Megumi are best friends. They're not going to tear each other up over a guy, and in V7 Eriri already sort of had the idea she was going to lose anyway.

Megumi is going to reject Tomoya.

KM has better characterization and consistent writing.

Chapter 9 sounds like a good emotional part.

Not when she's holding his hand that hard.

Ah yes. Then he will go to Eriri and confess to her right???? That will be really good writing!!!! I can't wait for vol 13!!!!!!! Megumi will not win!!! Enjoy this while you can megumifags!!!!!!

GS2 seemed that they would compete fair and square but it seems Eriri didn't fight.
Wasted potential.

Utaha a best.

a shit*

My glorious Utaha getting the spotlight again.


Almost everyone knew Megumo was going to win. Now that it's happened, it's like ehh and meh.

I, personally, have had enough of Eriri crying.

KM is not canon and will never be. It's just fanservice for Utaha fans because their girl is the loser in the canon story.

Utaha > Mayu > Megumi > Izumi > Michiru > Akane >>>> dogshit >>>> Eriri

Do you guys think there will be a S3? Maruto mentioned that he might write spin-offs for various political reasons.

Megumi > shit > the rest.

Pick your maid for the evening.

>Utaha > Mayu

Yes. KM is the superior story with superior girls.

I pick Utaha for waifu for laifu. Throw Eriri in the trashbin where she belongs.

This is how KM should have been.

>I love you!
>I know.

Mayu >>>>> trash >>>> Eriri

Me too but GS2 was great because the drama.

>took you long enough

Megumi is perfect.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday.

Posting to celebrate best girl's birthday.

But best girl's birthday isn't today.

Hopefully Megumi dies on vol 13 for even sweeter forced drama and Eriri victory.

Just give it up man. Even Eriri's already accepted her defeat.

Happy birthday.

Post the template.

Happy Birthday, Eriri!

I only recently looked to see what was airing this next season.

Im surprised this is getting a S2.

Eriritards are retarded. There's no use reasoning with them.

>popular work gets S2

What volumes will the S2 adapt anons?

Five through seven

Why couldn't the childhood friend just end? Great idea to have a winner just before a new season so fans of the other girls can boycott the new season.

No one gives a shit about Eriri.

Utaha fans have their own manga and S2 will end in a high note for Utaha.

Nice shitpost and delusion.

Megumifags are the heart and soul of the series.

Where are you living? Eriri isn't that popular and will get even less popular because of season 2. Most fans love Megumi, so no boycott.

Is your vocabulary so limited that you can only repeat those words?

Eat a dick faggot. Utaha and Eriri are shit.

Not if S2 goes for an anime original end and gives that kiss to Megumi.

Fuck you. Utaha is a goddess.

A goddess of shit.

Tomoya's goddess is Megumi now, he said so in V11.

A kuudere goddess of pantyhouse and oppai.

Translations never

>get even less popular because of season 2

Are you sure?


No one but maybe a few tsundere fanboys will care. Everyone is here for either Utaha or Megumi.

General approval of her will rise. If you think about it, S1 didn't have many Eriri dere moments while S2 will have lots of them.

>all these poor saps who thinks Megumi won
Volume 13 will say otherwise. Better stop claiming victory now when the truth will hurt you. All the signs of Megumi losing are there.
>flat response from "confession"
>doesn't like him romantically
>Tomoya hasn't settled things with Eriri
Blind faith will lead you to depression.

What signs?