Find a flaw
Find a flaw
no penis
She's fat.
Shitty hairstyle.
Hopes and dreams.
Shitty background.
Meme girl
Not a virgin
She's not in my bed right now
>saggy tits
>not main girl
>not brunette
>not tall enough
Your waifu called, she's waiting for you
>no boobs
>not tall enough
>no badonkadonk
>+1 for pubes and armpit hair
no thanks
Literally too pure. Though I do acknowledge that most people see that as a positive point, not a flaw.
Not anymore
I'm not a shota so the chances of her fucking me are astranomically low.
>tfw you will never be a shota again
i know that feel user, i want to be a shota and let the thick gyarus/milfs be over me
She wants to burn the coal.
Congenital heart disease that will cause heart failure in her mid-twenties.
too naiive
Ass is too small.
I can't.
Doesn't have a penis.
Not my wife.
Not real
Sorry but she's my wife
>me on the left
brb killing myself
Body hair.
If she's not 'satisfied', ring me up.
Generic big titted mom slut.
Will NTR you with a delivery guy.
Nigger lover
My wife, Galko-chan, is very cute and also has a sweet and kind personality.
Like a baby~
That's enough of this meme.
I feel like Ojou is the right choice in this series, kinda like Mugi was on K-on. She's rich and gets easily entertained, doesnt give a fuck about looks and knows that money isnt everything, etc.
>Pic related
Came here to post this.
Disgusting glasses
Disgusting everything
The era of the waifus can't come fast enough.
What in the wide world of sports does the British Broadcasting Corporation have to do with anything?
>there are people who waifu Mugi because of her money
>there are people who fantasize about their waifu taking care of them instead of the other way around
Literal manchildren
And probably a hairy beaver, too.
she's not titfucking me
Good luck spending all your cash to satisfy the gyarus and end up getting cucked anyway
Fake and gay
at the same time, Galko would be a great wife and likely mother, too. She's also easily impressed with things. Sure, you've gotta support her yourself, but that's okay.
Mugi is best choice in K-On because the other girls are aggressively shit
>the ideal female body
>thinking glasses are disgusting
Fucking plebs.
Exactly. But put a dick on a "girl" and they go crazy
She's not Nikuko
Not him but those glasses are pretty shit, not saying they're all bad tho
Oh yes.
Dick + glasses is good too. Especially if they cum all over their face.
As long as it's a magic cock erected from the clit, I have no qualms with it. In fact, I embrace such situations. Balls have got to go, it makes me think of a 3DPD abominating of fetching man parts and pasting them on a woman's body.
2nd one isn't translated.
not enough fanart
Why is she carrying her scrying stone in such a weird spot?
her big tits makes all other artists draw her with a fucking gut
>that hint of hair
this show is perfection
Whee, look how the fuck you futafags derail this thread with cocks
not that I'm worried. futas are great
No flaws
Would like to see Blacked though, maybe I should hire Shadman
You should probably hire someone to shoot you in the head first.
Dyed hair
Huge boobs
Smelly feet/ass/everything
Hairy ass
Loves coloured penises
Too tall
>Find a flaw
She's not with me right now.
>shaggy ass hair
>applies sugar to her butt
>her butthole is also spicy
>can't fuck her ass because she ain't real
>need to fuck her ass but you just can't
there are at least three of things that are the exact opposite of flaws
She isn't actually riding my dick.
Why is Sup Forums so lewd?
not pregnant with my child.
>inverted nipples
i still love her tho
she isn't real (and even if, she wouldn't date with me anyway)
>ass hair
This meme needs to die.
>getting rid of her charming scent trap
Not even the best girl in her own series
Please don't post that thing here.
She's not sitting on my face.
Boobs too small
For you.
what's wrong with a hairy asshole?
This scene right here