Konosuba is legit a good show, you are all just being contrarian for the sake of it

Konosuba is legit a good show, you are all just being contrarian for the sake of it.

what do you mean contrarian? Konosuba is the undisputed aots and Sup Forums already knows it.

Barely anyone on Sup Forums is saying bad things about it, though.

Ofcourse its good. This is the second anime i have seen in my life.

If it manages to entertain a non-weeb like me, its fucking good.

>you all

>Ofcourse its good. This is the second anime i have seen in my life.

Konosuba's core audience ladies & gentlemen.

I'm impressed that you were able to sound haughty and superior while admitting to being a filthy newshit in the same sentence.

>falling for low-level falseflagging

I was just pretending to be retarded

Literally only faggots dislike it.

I dont think you understand. I dont watch anime. At all. I was convinced by my classmate to watch Karas years ago, as he recomended that it was good. Watched it, like it somewhat.

And now Konosuba, because my coworker is a weeb and he said that i might like this one, as its mostly fantasy + comedy. Gave it a shot, like it very much.

You should be happy that there is stuff that a normalfag can be impressed with.

Doesn't matter how much you try. Konosuba has lolis. Therefore it will never be hated by Sup Forums like re:zero was.


What the fuck are you talking about, Sup Forums hardly complains about it.


10/10 blog, where do i like & subscribe?

Do you see a subscription button anywhere?

Never though that an explanation can trigger like that.

>Openly flirting while megumeme is watching


>reddit spacing

Both of you are fucking retarded

So many falseflagging. So many cancer.

Just go back.

WTF censor that shit user, this a blue board.

What the hell is wrong with you pillocks?

lol! upvoted

I don't think it's a bad show, just not a good one.

Dragon Maid

is garbage

is garbage

Lurk more


>the most original anime of the season is "garbage"

>flop dragon

Unlikely. Guys on Sup Forums warned me.

>most original
It's really fucking shit though. But that was to be expected seeing how the manga isn't good in the first place.

autism: the thread

It's garbage compared to Rakugo and Kemono Friends.


Actually it's several words.

No actually it's pretty bad, the comedy is repetitive and the characters are annoying

Stop flase flagging so obviously.

>legit good show
I don't like big tits THAT much.

Falseflag what? That im a guy who was introduced to this show via weeb friend and i like the show, but am scared shitless of Sup Forums or becoming a weeb?

Rakugo is gay and KF a meme.

>scared shitless of Sup Forums or becoming a weeb

Join us, you fucker.

Both better than isekai LN cancer


This. My anime friend recommended me it after Sword Art Online and Attack on Titan. Loving every second of it.

Here's the real OTP.

Why is Aqua's pyjamas so sexy?

>no penis
I feel bad for Wiz the eternal virgin


I like Lalatina's

That's a big dick.

Never! Well, i might make an exception to this show. Guy in other thread mentioned that the novels or whatever they are called, are good, so i might procure them, if i will ever find them.

There is something quite appealing about it.

I need to ask my weeb friend about SAO.

>Kemono Friends
Looks like the joke is going too far.

Amazing false flagging, you really fooled me.


She's a big girl.

Who is being contrarian?

he is quite the huge fellow

KonoSuba is typical DEEN trash

It's garbage though. It is a harem isekai LN adaption with shit animation and without a real ending. Little Witch Academia is AotS, and every true Sup Forumsnon knows it.

>harem isekai
This is what megumemefags wants you to believe.

Stay mad. DEEN does good stuff in a shit genre
Seitokai no Ichizon
Kore wa Zombie

All these DEEN anime are some of the very few decent harems in existence.

How is liking this particular show by a non-weeb a falseflag?!

Funny how Sup Forums shits on re:zero as "reddit" yet laps up konosuba. It's "spam naruto but ignore every other shonenshit" all over again.

Maybe because Konosuba is Comedy and Re:zero plain edgy.

>anything to do with death is "edgy"

Seeing how forced the drama was, yes.

too bad this show is actually fucking bad..

>forced drama
What will be your next buzzword?

How about you watch the show?

Not an argument. You contrarian kiddies are all the same.

>Not an argument.
So you want to discuss something without watching it?

I have watched it though. That's why your "argument" is trash.

Then you should be able to able to figure out why the drama was forced and edgy unless you're a reddit zerofag.

So that was your next choice of buzzword huh. You couldn't help yourself even after I called you out. Again, you contrarian kiddies are all the same.

>avoiding the discussion

Welcome to Sup Forums! This happens with every show user, you're only supposed to like it when its airing and on its threads. When its done you need to start hating it and provide no objective reasons and call it buzzwords like "reddit" or classify different opinions as bait. It happened to One Punch Man, Kill La Kill and every show thats not currently airing. After all the only good anime thats ever been made is Neon Genesis Evangelion!

What discussion? Your argument is literally "LOL IT'S SO OBVIOUS I DON'T EVEN NEED TO SAY IT". And now a reaction image to complete your "underage retard" profile.

You sound pretty mad for someone who's only argument is
>y-youre just contrarian
Re:Zero is shit deal with it. That's why it gets so much hate (though still has threads). If it wasnt garbage like Naruto, it wouldnt get the same treatment.

>u mad
It just doesn't stop. Did you just come out of knowyourmeme? Typical konosuba retard.

Who are you calling underage with that capslocking?

Do you know what quotation marks are?

>Lmao penis jokes
>XD no panties


I'm not the one with the capslock, lol and namecalling though. Cry more.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, you autist.

I love how you keep finding excuses not to actually present an argument. Literally every single time.

>fuck you
>no, fuck you
>Ure a kid lol
>No u xD

Nice discussion guys, i bet its worth it coming to this site everyday to just shout insults at each other like fucking morons at kindergarden fighting over whose lunchbox was better.

You have no selfawareness.

Did you see that phrase on knowyourmeme as well? Because you're misusing it.

That's how arguments work though. It's on you to explain why you think re:zero is bad. Are you genuinely underage?

Is this ACK?

Nice reddit image, ironically enough.

The story is not that good because the story doesn't really go anyway and it doesn't have a real end goal. Some people may say that it makes the story unpredictable but the problem is Re:Zero is not anime original.
Also like to mention the many plot holes that Re:Zero has like how did Subaru get hes powers, when did this start, why are some of these characters in and all of the sudden they are gone and never seen again, are they any other consequences when Subaru dies, who is Emilia, What did Subaru do in hes past life back in earth, why does he have these super powers and the list goes on and on. It's doesn't really make any sense because Re:Zero like to throw in new characters that barely do anything in the story.
World Building of Re.Zero is okay at best because while the show explores Kingdom of Lugnica well the other races like the witches, monsters as well of the labing nations, timelines and the world history is never explained at all. But hey least its better than Akame Ga Kill world building which is non existent at all.
Last thing I want to mention it tries to be a deconstruction to the fantasy genre but it fails miserably because the story is a poorly written mess.
Do you know that Episodes 15 is one of the worst written episode I have ever seen because not only it relayed on edge factor but just the overall writing and direction was a complete fucking disaster.
Overall the story is bad at best and at worse is awful.

Nice faggotery.

>The story is not that good because the story doesn't really go anyway and it doesn't have a real end goal.
The anime not being to cram a million chapters of an ongoing/unfinished WN/LN into a 2 cour anime does not make the story itself bad.

>Also like to mention the many plot holes that Re:Zero has like how did Subaru get hes powers, when did this start
Mysteries are not plot holes you retard.

>What did Subaru do in hes past life back in earth
Already explored in the source material, and chronologically after where the anime finishes as well so you can't even blame the anime for this. Going to ignore these "I only watched the anime so it's a plot hole" arguments from now on.

>the story is a poorly written mess.
Do you know that Episodes 15 is one of the worst written episode I have ever seen because not only it relayed on edge factor but just the overall writing and direction was a complete fucking disaster.
Overall the story is bad at best and at worse is awful.
Care to go into more detail instead of just saying "it's bad it's bad and it's just bad"?

>reddit:zero apologist
Just wow

Not same user but the story does advance when it comes to choosing the next leader even if just by a bit but im guessing theres gonna be alot more progress on the next season, Subaru got his powers from the witch and every time he uses them he gets more tainted by her, its all explained in the anime, we just dont know why she did it yet but its implied it has to do with Emilia. I do agree that the world building is kinda poor since we dont get to see more of the adventurous angles of an RPG world. I didnt love the show but i really enjoyed it, i can see the flaws tho so i understand why you wouldnt like it.

>Going to ignore these "I only watched the anime so it's a plot hole" arguments from now on.
>the anime can't be bad if things are explained in the LN!!
Are you retarded by chance?