I love Emilia.
I love Emilia
I love Chihiro
What would a Emilashumin combo be like?
I love Kirino.
I love Seraphim.
I want to marry this hafu erufu.
I love my wife
I love lamp
So did the ants
something akin to this
aka pure cancer
don't trigger my ptsd
looks like a rejected tales of -character design
The best Megumin has ever looked.
dont click or she becomes unpure
Keep the long white hair and brown skin, remove everything else.
Emilia loves my cock so much.
She looks like a slut in this pic.
I love Hayasaka
Kaguya a SHIT
I love Beetlejuice.
>picking worst girl
Even the tranny cat is a better girl
She looks lewd as hell here
What is cock?
>le current year xd!!
End your life, you filthy Sup Forumsermin.
I think he means his cooking skills.
I love Konata
I am the bone of my blade.
Subject F best girl
will win prezbowl
Shame because she sure as hell doesn't love you.
>doesn't even have a skirt made from books
I love Satella
I already have so many on my backlog please dont make me watch this too
I even found her extremely cute the first time she appeared.
What is that white thing in his mouth?