Carbon dating?

Got any red pills on carbon dating? I just heard an argument about dinosaur eggs they found that are six gorillion years old.
I thought carbon dating was only accurate for about 100,000 years.
Where do they get the time line from?
Is it all a lie.

Other urls found in this thread:

depth in earth, sediment layers, ect.

I once read science was about getting things right so much as it was about being less wrong about the universe.

I have a friend who is an actual archeologist, mind you he is bat shit crazy, but he just went off on another friend of mine about how its all a bunch of shit and they are all just guessing.

i herd once that volcanic eruptions spew a lot of carbon isotopes and can totally skew carbon dating.
i dont know much about the process specifically but i have 2 science degrees and can tell you any method of extrapolation exponentially gains error the longer you try and extrapolate.

ide also like to know what the effects of meteor rocks are which rain down like dust on a daily basis and how anyone has tried to control for such error methods.

Because they use different radioisotopes to date things past the carbon dating window

oh also i herd that hydrogen bombs have made carbon dating past the 60s or whenever we started testing them largely inaccurate, and that it will not be viable to use in the future for our society

That's kinda what he was saying, basically that there where too many variables that could make it inaccurate. But, that it had been taken as fact.

Yea I heard something like that in the conversation, the guy he was arguing with was a biologists, I have business degree. So, I just sat there looking confused.

yeah this is the entire problem with science, and the more science that is done based entirely off of partial truths as complete truths is an ever growing issue in most fields.

i do research in biopharmacuticals and drug development everything is so high uncertainty you gotta make like 10x models and do dozens of repititions of test tube experiments combined with computer modeling before you can put something stupid like green tea into a human and collect their blood/piss just to show your elementary predictions were accurate.

meanwhile fields like climate science publish freely with 90% confidence intervals in the highest scientific journals (nature) as irrevocable truth...

I don't buy carbon dating at all, never have. It's just another lie from (((them))). Global warming would be an easier bluepill to swallow than this shit.

That's why you don't rely on ONE radioisotope. Carbon-14 (the one you're referring to) has a half life of about 5800 years and effective range of about 60000 years.

You have to verify with other radioisotopes which overlap their half-lives and effective range to gauge a more accurate reading.

Don't be retarded and assume everything is a jewish conspiracy.

And the fact that elements from space are often isotopes that do not occur on Earth is not relevant?

Sup Forums has really fucked me up. months of exposure to THICC posting and I've been looking at fat women, not even plump but straight up fat, as attractive sex objects.

Are you retarded?

I literally have no fucking clue, I own a bar/restaurant these are two old guys that always hang out there.
One is a marine biologists and does some shit with turtles.
The other guy is an archeologist, but now retired semi alcoholic.
Both giant libtards. I thought they were going to punch each other. The old archeologist was saying it was all just made up bullshit.

Read the thread dip shit

Radioisotope decay occurs at a certain rate. Even if it doesn't occur naturally on earth you can still date it

>The old archeologist was saying it was all just made up bullshit.
He's wrong. I don't understand how an archaeologist thinks radiometric dating is all bullshit. It's basic physics you learn in highschool.

Imagine if a guy who builds bridges comes up to you and says rulers and measuring tapes are made up bullshit. Or an electrician saying a voltmeter is bullshit. Like how the fuck does your archaeologist friend actually date his artifacts?

Earth was created 6000 years ago, Crbon dating is inaccurate

ITT: American education at its best

Jesus sucks dick behind strip clubs

Like I said
>bat shit crazy
But, so is the turtle guy. Constantly lectures me about see level and how I only have 10' of elevation.

It was great to watch two complete libtards, who like all libtards are never wrong, want to kill each other.


>carbon dating

Ask prince harry lmao

That's it this guy wins

I don't know what the 10' elevation thing is about but I may not be a marine biologist or an archaeologist, but I am a biomedical scientist. Though radiometric dating isn't my field, I still learnt the basics of it.

Maybe record those two going at each other?


He says my restaurant will be underwater soon because it only has 10' above sea level.
I don't care fucking hurricane will get it way before.

I mean he's not wrong but it probably won't happen in your lifetime. Do expect more frequent floodings though.

That pic makes me very uncomfortable.

They dont actually carbon date dinosaur fossils. They go by the layers of earth because "if this area of dirt has the same rings as that area of dirt than they are the same age" Typical kike (((science))).

stop looking at porn. period.


No he's not, but I'll sell this shit in a few years so who gives a shit. It floods fuck it we had a great Irma party this year, that's what insurance is for.

I wish I would have recorded it, we have security cameras but no audio. It made some other customers uncomfortable but it was worth it.

It turns you into a cuck

I disagree with all that. I've been with my wife for 18 years, every morning, if she's not on her period, she gets up gets my sons to school and then wakes me up for some fuck. Later when I get home its late and she is usually tired so I will lay in bed, watch some Lesbos, and bust out a quick one.

Why is this bad?

Ya gotta stop using Jewgle voice bruh

No I'm just a dumb ass.

Post pics or it didnt hapoen

Do you really want to see me jerking it to dikes?

Im posting from Sri Lanka, what the fuck do you think faggot?

Carbon dating is only useful for things on the scale of human history (last several thousand years) although as someone else pointed out, this can be disturbed by other factors such as nearby volcanoes, etc.

For really old things like dino fossils, we use other isotopes for dating, and also the geology of the area. There's no one magic trick for determining age, there's various factors to take into consideration.

t. evolutionary biologist whose degree involved geochemistry. Shit was fun.

>sri Lanka
>what do I think
That you are most likely brown and smell funny. And would probably fap to me fapping.
I think the old crazy archeologist's point was he thought a lot of things were wrong and there wasn't much oversight, or peer review, on things.


But, that carbon dating Prince Harry shit was hilarious.

>Earth was created 6000 years ago

I don't believe in dating carbon-based lifeforms, I prefer 2D waifus

>there wasn't much oversight, or peer review, on things.
He's certainly right there. A lot of peer review has in recent years been shown to be total non-existent bullshit, but that doesn't suddenly mean that the very basics (such as isotope dating) magically stop working. Modern peer review being dominated by shifty chinks and lazy poo-in-loos doesn't change the half-life of rubidium or strontium.

This is what started it, he basically said that the Chinese were dumb asses and at that depth it couldn't have been that old and he didn't trust the Chinese to date shit.

This made hippie turtle biologist call him basically a racist which made drunk old archeologist go crazy and try to disprove carbon dating entirely.

So many keks.

>at that depth
Looking at the photos, they're pretty deep. As in, they've gone and dug up an entire fucking hill.

Anyway, since when has depth mattered for shit? Some of the most notable discoveries have been found by people tripping over them. Nigger has a poor understanding of erosion.

I've always suspected carbon dating is a bunch of bullcrap.

t. Batshit crazy

how the fuck does Sup Forums have a thread in a day about (((things))) i've begun questioning a moment ago

Is this like, if I leave a McDonald's hamburger on a shelf for 10,000 years and it looks just like it did the day I put it up there, I can reasonably assume it was made a day ago?

That's fresh, m8

>libtards are never wrong


If any inkling that wrongness could exist, they immediately push it out of the way with anger, yelling and flailing arms.


Carbon dating only works for living things up to about 60,000 years old. The reason it works is because life forms constantly take in and remove carbon from themselves, so the level of the radioactive isotope is constantly replenished until the thing dies. at that point, the isotope stops being replenished and it's amount begins to decrease. A certain amount of radiation will be given off by this thing, and we can measure that to find out when the thing died. if something was never alive, it can't be carbon dated.

The form of dating they use for fossils is based on how deep in the sediment they are, according to our current understanding of sedimentary rock formation

(they guess based on how old the rocks around it probably are)

(oh, and they use radioactive dating based on things like potassium 40 in volcanic rock layers to figure out the age of sedimentary layers between them

why would anyone date a Carbon? Carbon as a sex object is a joke. Google it.