So I just dropped hxh after watching 132 episodes . I'm not sure why I kept on watching it maybe because every 10 or so episodes it would have some great moments that convinced me to keep watching. What I just don't get though, is what people find so amazing about this show. hxh is filled with flaws for example: the "main plot" of kid wants to find his dad isn't really being actively pursued throughout the show with the exception of the greed island arc. There's no sense of urgency to find ging and yorknew city, heavens arena and the chimera ant arcs have very little to do with gon finding gin or even getting closer to him.
What's so great about Hunter x Hunter
>So I just dropped hxh after watching 132 episodes . I'm not sure why I kept on watching it maybe because every 10 or so episodes it would have some great moments that convinced me to keep watching. What I just don't get though, is what people find so amazing about this show. hxh is filled with flaws for example: the "main plot" of kid wants to find his dad isn't really being actively pursued throughout the show with the exception of the greed island arc. There's no sense of urgency to find ging and yorknew city, heavens arena and the chimera ant arcs have very little to do with gon finding gin or even getting closer to him.
The minute you said the the "main plot" was Gon finding Ging, you've shown once again that 2011 only attracts complete morons.
Dropping it was the best thing because no that's one less idiot to make a thread asking stupid questions.
Your first mistake: Watching the horrid remake.
i don't understand the hate for the remake. the first time i watched hxh it was the remake. i don't understand how you can blame a remake for not understanding the entire premise of the show
This post is just horrid, try again in a way that could be understood by another human
>dropping it at the height of CA arc
Insecure underage retards afraif of being related to something popular. There's nothing wrong with watching 2011 first if you don't know anything about HxH. It's what any normal person would do.
Serious question for anons ITT, I watch HxH 2011 and enjoyed it. I peeked at some episodes of the old version and besides the artwork, not much difference at all. Is there any reason to go back and watch the other one? I didnt enjoy HxH enough to really have a s trong desire to see the original, but I enjoyed it nonetheless..
No one really cares about the goal of his quest all that much. It's all about the appreciating the detours.
Not really.
Ging himself said this. It was basically the message of the show. But of course OP will never know because he dropped it before this.
Hunter is shonen for psueds.
>But of course OP will never know because he dropped it before this.
To be fair, the message of the show should probably be conveyed before 133 episodes in.
It has """"""""""dark and gritty"""""""""" original content, which is why turboautists love it, even though it doesn't even make sense.
Also Kurapika has tiddies.
Sounds as stupid reading the ending of a book first.
Might as well never start anything with a story and just read the summary.
I would generally agree with that sentiment, but there's a flaw in this instance:
If the message of the show is that the journey is more important than the ending, then it's reasonable for that message to, you know, actually be communicated during the journey, rather than in the ending.
I remember this copy pasta
Because its Gon's journey not the audience.
And in case you missed it, Kite offered to tell Gon where Going is but he refused. The was the mid point of the series. When they first met again.
Wait kurapica actually has tits in 99?
It's something that's easy to pick up on if you're not a stupid cumguzzler like OP.
>the "main plot" of kid wants to find his dad isn't really being actively pursued throughout the show with the exception of the greed island arc. There's no sense of urgency to find ging and yorknew city, heavens arena and the chimera ant arcs have very little to do with gon finding gin or even getting closer to him.
This is some of the lowest quality bait I've seen in a long time. If you're 132 episodes in, you either understand that Ging isn't the most important part of the story, our you need to count your chromosomes.
2011 is the worst thing that happened to HxH. I'm so tired of these threads.
>While 1999 has the occasional filler and 2011 has none
i trudged through the show, i marathonned it in less than a week
i think it was a lot better in retrospect when i watch other shounens, but i vividly remembered hating the latter portion of chimera ant after kite died.
overall the writing is usually tight and consistent with a straight forward beginning middle and end, theres not too many full retard writing besides the weird interwoven characters like kurapika vs troupe vs hisoka vs illumi vs hisoka that will never be resolved. the power levels are also relatively controlled so the fights are less about "well ok heres my secret move that will instakill you, since the old one from last arc didnt work"
>2011 is the worst thing that happened to HxH
>Not 1999fags mindlessly parroting the same shit while adding nothing to the conversation at hand
No I just think people should read the manga first at this rate. The quality of discussion is poor these days and all the threads started with the same bullshit.
1999 is better tho
You probably watched it with all the expectations of the praise it gets from Sup Forums. I watched it for the first time on tv, in the middle of Hunter Exam, and I got really drawn in by the cleverness of both the traps set by the examinators and the characters themselves. It was kinda refreshing, more adventure than pure fighting (HxH's fights are kinda weak) and characters using their brains to solve problems instead of just going fighting a villain after another villain.
I don't understand it either. A lot of my friends got into HxH because of the remake.
>To be fair, the message of the show should probably be conveyed before 133 episodes in
It's pretty easy to realize, even without Ging spelling it out for you.
The thing is, the message is communicated, just not overtly. Things can be implied.
I don't like it all that much either, but your reasons for hating it are retarded. There are plenty of reasons to hate it. Like just being a shounen in general makes it bad because shounen is a genre defined by cliches instead of content. So just in general every shounen will be cliche as fuck. Then there's the inevitable asspulls that come with those cliches, and the unrealistic characters, and plot devices, and exposition, telling not showing, etc, etc.
>calling a deconstruction defined by cliches
You just went full retard
you know a deconstruction doesn't just mean making it edgy right?
I thought it was going to be all roses and dandelions but Sup Forums doesn't tell you that CA arc is a fucking grind.
I really don't know how people survived watching it when it aired, You guys had some real patience.
I dropped it in the first manga chapter
It was clear what it was from the start and you should have known way sooner if you were going to like it or not
git better OP
You know, I used to really long for Hunter x Hunter threads last year, and was overjoyed every time I saw one.
But now, there's literally like fucking three threads a week and it's always the same fucking question
It's actually quite funny how last year you were saying it's the best anime ever and now you keep talking shit about it.
when it aried?
the manga took over a decade to get through ca arc
I don't know why jump didn't just cancel it
first chapter sets you up for an awesome adventure series, which hxh isn't
HxH's world building is alot like looking at fascinating places you'll never get to visit because you're stuck at your shitty job.
Actually it's kinda funny, I had a dream about Hunter x Hunter sort of. I was participating in a Hunter Exam.
You drank the juice didn't ya
What exactly is that image of Aika not making any specific expression supposed to add to your post? I really can't tell how it fits in.
No, I just had soda.
The actually exam was mostly different than the actual anime one. I don't even know why it was a Hunter Exam in retrospect. Mostly because I recognized some people there, like Hisoka and the guy with the eyebrows. Could have been the first one that Hisoka failed.
nice logic
>the guy with the eyebrows
It set me up with cliche characters, setting, dialogues and horrible art.
Im just not the kind of person to put up with "its better 150 chapters later bro"
This one
>Goz bears a resemblance to the Guess Who? character Alfred.
What did the wiki mean by this?
>what is One Piece
random and completely inconsistent world building
>shounen is a genre
>every shounen will be cliche as fuck
>unrealistic characters
>hunter x hunter is a deconstruction meme
I don't understand what draws people to the series at all.
The first impression is enough for me to not even consider it worth picking up.
Just like I said before
You need to have an over 120 IQ to enjoy HxH.
No one with an IQ over 90 likes manga period.
Here, get a hold of your life and learn the basics here:
You said you favorite manga is One Piece.
>You said you favorite manga is One Piece.
Here, you might also need this:
Sorry, but I am not a One Piece lover like you, so I won't be needing that. I'm glad that that website helped you though!
I love Pitou, such a beautiful catgirl (female)
>'I'm rubber you're glue!'
Yep, definitely you're a kid
No one said that.
that's the perfect analogy, thanks
CA finale >> Yorknew >> Hunter Exam > CA start > Heaven's Arena > Zoldyck = Election > Greed island > CA middle
Yorknew > Hunter Exam > Greed island > Heaven's Arena > Election > Zoldyck > shit > CA
>that pasta again
Fuck off retard, I'm not falling for this shit anymore.
Agree 100%.
If you dislike CA, you are not human.
Yet you're postingbin a baitth-
>People getting lost in Hunter X Hunter 2011 despite the blatant narrator holding your hand at every time
I'm not saying it's a masterpiece either because it does have its flaws, but dang.
I can't particularly pick a favorite arc for whatever reason, but I'm still in the process of seeing the remaining CA episodes. I feel it isn't right to pick one without having gone through the whole thing.
CA is both anticlimactic and boring as fuck.
FUCK someone just END this hiatus already.
You see what's so amazing about HxH is that it's not popular. So in praising it you can stay a shonenfag but appear like you have higher taste than the masses who flog to mainstream things One piece, Naruto/Boruto, and BnHA. Also HxH is old, so you look like an oldfag. Quality of writing has nothing to do with it.
I swear you've posted this 20 times.
All I'm saying is that CA arc is a slugest to get through, I still enjoy it regardless.
Pretty sure I've never said its the best anime ever when Hyouka is my chosen one.
Here's your (you)
Should have never watched it. The mangaka will die before he gets the next chapter out. it will never be finished, and it never was going to be finished. This series will only lead to your disappointment.
>All I'm saying is that CA arc is a slugest to get through
Sluggish? Let me tell you about sluggish. The year is 200X and I'm working at a church run school for that year. I would read a single chapter of HxH on when it came out on one of their computers and then for months nothing. It got so bad that over the years I slowly reverse engineered the Rules for Gun-Gi because funny enough, Togashi is autistic enough to reflect the pieces actual movements as games are played out and I sussed that he was drawing not only from Shogi, but Chatturanga and Xiangqi.
The slog between chapters was so bad that I forgot this series existed multiple times and for years afterwards I regarded the CA arc as the worst.
Reading through it again however, it's paced far better than I gave it credit for and it moves along very nicely. I don't think it's a slog until you get to the raid and that's only because any story that has 4-5 things going on within a short period of time is going to succumb to this. It's really not that bad though if you have the benefit of reading the manga as opposed to an anime that is going to pad itself out. Anime can go fuck itself, and not because of some 99 vs 2011 nonsense, I just generally don't think that an animated adaptation will be better than the manga and it takes so much longer to watch 130+ episodes than read them.
>>Hyouka is my chosen one.
How strong is razor compared to the hunters and phantom trope? I say he beats most of the phantom trope.
pretty sure he could even be a member of the phantom troupe if he wanted
It isn't difficult to be a member of the phantom troupe if you are have a unique ability or you share their ideals.
I wish best girl got more screen time.
at this point I think we should just do a story time unless its too long but with all the hiatuses I'm convinced that all that haven't read the manga need to we literally have all the time in the world. This a the very least could calm down some of these arguments and clear shit up for speed readers. Its a lot better than entertaining level 1 bait all week
She's not even the best spider
Me too, good thing that this is the ark where she'll shine.
I want her to help me clean my house
hxh fags need to understand that they probably won't live long enough to even see the dark continent much less the ending. It is time to move on from such a series.
Chrollo level
Stopped reading. Opinion discarded.
For me it was it's ranking as one of the best three shonen series recently and the promise of yorkshin and ca arcs being excellent, which they were. I ended up liking the other arcs a lot as well.
t. underage edgelord.
So I liked CA arc but I'm not sure if I should since it's the most popular. I guess it had some flaws too.
>I don't know why jump didn't just cancel it
Supposedly Togashi got a very favorable contract after nearly dying over YYH.
In truth the series selling like hotcakes every time it's actually in Jump probably has something to do with it. I remember last year there seemed to be a lot more enthusiasm from the Japs for HxH than other series. The spoilers came earlier, and there were constant attempts to fool people with fakes.
But is it profitable if not even Jump knows when the next chapter is?
Still waiting for Hisoka to butcher this bitch
>I don't have anything worth saying so I'll just use buzz words to better fit in
Kill yourself
>Togashi nearly died to ruining YYH so SJ gave him a contract that makes him do nothing for years on end
>nearly died
A weekly schedule's a weekly schedule. You need to get that chapter out no matter what, regardless of exhaustion, illness, or living conditions.
Someone should post Togashi's comments about everything leading up to him ending YYH.
It's actually during this time that he started to have back pain