Which did you like more, the OVAs or Universe?

Which did you like more, the OVAs or Universe?

The one with Kiyone.

they are all shit, the only good one was the one with giant robots.

I like most all of it. Haven't seen it all, but it's fun.

The OVA's, this icludes the political and extended family stuff. That said, I don't dislike Universe.

hasegawa novel universe
it is an alternate continuation of the first ova, kiyone joins the cast. tenchi is not nearly as powerful as the other series versions. ryoko is the powerful "child of destiny" in this universe. the first 7 episode ova and the daughter of darkness movie are part of this continuity.

I bet you like tenchi in tokyo.

How dare you.

Manga overall. But of those two Universe by far.

OVAs by a country mile, but Universe is still fun.

Worldbuilding is my fetish, and Kajishima adds his own to it.