So what's going to happen to her?
So what's going to happen to her?
nobody even knows what comic thats from
boku no pico
Clearly this thread is for people that do know what this is from.
Fuck off
For real though I hope you guys don't do the reread shit. It's a step too far
A particular paranormal directory
So he know has Maika and her?
I think she's definitely going to support Tsuchi seriously and likely be a very important catalyst that will kick off something important but I don't think she'll be much more than that, regardless of whether she lives or dies. Also, I think she's at more risk of dying than anyone else confirmed to appear this novel
Considering both Aleister and Laura are going to want her dead I don't doubt it
Dumps wasn't supposed to happen. Just links getting posted then anons talking about that
Batoto used the term "comic".
You should ddos that site.
They're teaming up. I didn't really see any romantic implications behind it but I also didn't see any "this is not a romance" flags so. In speaking of Maika, is she alright? I'm guessing not if Tsuchi is pissed enough to go after Aleister.
She's going to be probed by the men in black.
Wouldn't Laura be more "Well fuck that didn't go the way I wanted but I can still use her" rather than wanting her dead?
That's still kind of dumb. Why do we need a reread? If we go to these threads it's already assumed that you know the material due to the lack of spoilers around here .
To answer the prompt I can see her quickly being discarded in the chaos that will probably unfold throughout the volume. She already got a lot of screentime in NT17, I don't see her having much more of a focus.
Perhaps except I'm hoping she'll give us details on what the hell Laura is up to and she seems to think she's not going to get any backup from the church, I think she was implying she was going to betray them.
Haven't read railgun yet. It wont be dumped anyways.
Maybe she thinks she won't get backup from the church because she's either failed the mission entirelyor ended it too early? In most spy missions there's a point where it doesnt matter if you get found out or not
Wait, what are you doing here then?
If you haven't read it and want it to be discussed then read it yourself and then introduce some questions or comments.
>Laura are going to want her dead
Where did this come from?
Several anons yesterday haven't read it yet and suggested to do so with anons that want to reread.
Why does people reading Railgun bother you so much? It's meant to be a completely different thread for the few people who haven't read the series yet. It's not meant for anybody to actually re-read the series and you literally do not need to participate in any way. You can pretend it doesn't exist and it won't effect you at all.
I'm hyper excited to read it with people and posting the chapters it the thread would be super convenient.
>Mobileposter hasn't read it and a few other anons took pity on him and said they'd read it with him
>Where did this come from?
It's actually mostly an assumption on my part but that was the atmosphere I read from the end of last novel
I suggest doing it in an existing thread, but it looks like eitherway it'll bother someone one way or another
>Having multiple threads up for the same series when there's not even any new content out
This is what gets your threads deleted
The Bible 2: New Testament
I could see that happening for sure. The fact she has Aleister on her alone kind of means that she might be eliminated to stop her from talking as well.
Comfy gathering at Touma's.
Epilogue: They wake up with hangover inside Windowless building.
It was intended for anyone who wanted to join and have a good time, whether they'd read it previously or not. True, it's not something we "need" to do. Technically we don't "need" to discuss any part of this series in any kind way. We'd do it because we want to. It's also true anyone against it could ignore it
She is going to go full barefoot like Salome
Sup Forums isn't really the kind of place to do rereading, though. We usually go through the whole, insert link, group discussion on things that are new and hasn't been discussed before. Going over old things in an actual reread is a waste of effort and too reddity. Someone else could probably word it better but here's a version of why.
Is there a particular line that made you think that? Not to be criticizing or anything, I haven't heard that before.
No it's not. One is for Railgun and one is for Index and besides, there's always multiple threads up for tons of series on Sup Forums. You just want everybody to post in the same thread for some reason.
You don't represent Sup Forums though.
Why call it reddity?
There's that word again. It's for people reading it for the first time. If you've read it before you can simply just ignore it.
nice way of asking for source, faggot.
You'd be hard pressed to find multiple threads up for a single series that isn't currently airing.
Because "let's have our own little book club where we schedule how much of the series we read per week together" is 100% something reddit would do. Be honest here user have you seen any other fanbase do that? Are there weekly "I haven't read Naruto yet, let's do three chapters a week together until I'm caught up" threads? I've never seen a single thing like that.
You know too much reddit you're being too paranoid
I don't see any other threads on Sup Forums making an event to reread their material. I call it reddity because it doesn't really fit Sup Forums, you submit a new thread topic or link to chapter or whatever and the fanbase discuss it and then it ends. You usually don't see threads on things that have already been read and discussed already. A simple google shows that reddit literally already did this. Just go there
This could actually be a pretty fun idea.
I don't recall a certain line in my head that led me to think that it was just the impression I got I'd have to look at it again to be sure what did it, but suffice to say with how ready to die she was and then joining an enemy spy I guess I might have just assumed that it's not as though she'd be getting much help.
Watamote fans did the exact same thing and everything was okay.
Are we looking to be as bad as those fanbases?
What's the real problem user? Why is this hurting you so much?
Stop metaposting
unless its about my wife mobileposter who is very cute but alsodumb
Ive seen lots of threads do that.
We even had a raildex rewatch last last week.
Yearly event =/= weekly
>implying raildex threads weren't cancer in the first place
You're help is appreciated but please don't reply to mobileposter, she just tries to bait replies.
Burning Alpha is better
A manga dump and re-read/first read would be nearly no different than rewatching the series together. It'd just be structured a little differently
>We're already bad so let's get worse
He used "we", what did you expect?
But you saidthings like that are reddity
You do realize that once we complete this reread we won't go back and do it again ever right?
Why do you think you're a part of something? Nobody cares about you either way user. In your mind do you think people on Sup Forums aren't going to talk to you anymore because some other people are reading Railgun for the first time?
Different user,didn't get a chance to reply to you yet.
The rewatch is a special occasion though, we literally only did that like once a year and only as a way to uplift our spirits before being crushed by the festival/no HO theater scene.
Considering the reread was started because literally one user asked for it to happen and everyone else jumped on and said they'd reread it again? No it'll certainly happen again
Rewatch is too reddity
Get PTSD at Aleister funhouse
You know funny story about the rewatch, everyone went and did their autistic thing in the stream, the thread was a normal thread
All this shit could have not even started if all you guys just filtered some very easy words.
Can't you understand that samefagging is a thing and that people which only want to stirr up trouble abuse it because they hate something?
I hope you know what I am talking about, it is not even fun anymore how much shitposting one can produce and the fact that all of you are doing nothing to prevent it.
You mean get it the first time or reveal she already had it from a previous event when it gets triggered?
Still only reddit does that
Going back and checking on it it looks like I did assume that, as she says that she could try contacting the church so she doesn't think she's been cut off yet
I cannot think of any way creating a thread every Saturday to discuss two chapters of Railgun would effect literally anybody in these threads in any way. Why is everybody having a panic attack?
Because people are taking the bait
Probably the first time
Obviously not because it happens all the time on Sup Forums.
Nofunposter is new top waif
Mobileposter is #1
That's good, so we know for sure that Fran is still on Laura's side. I can only hope that the magic side reinforcements arrive in the middle of the volume to make it even more of a clusterfuck.
Come on man, we're disproving on something in a civilized manner this time.Going against the rest does not always make it bait, it could be legit disapproval and criticism.
Which of the volumes would benefit the most from an adaptation? NT1, 2 and 3 seem to get a lot of flak and I think 1 and 3 especially would be a lot more interesting in an adaptation in comparison to reading it with the switching camera sources.
Everything is going according to plan.
NT3 due to it having something to do with the camera pov that I vaguely remember reading about.I think NT3 had more action than the other two so it would be neat to see it.
No need to do that. I've thought about it and decided to chill a little. Or at least be more diplomatic.
1 for Hamazura's bike with eurobeat playing on the background
3 for the cameras, it could be like a fake documentary
Silver Cross might finally get a face too
more importantly, is tsuchikimaru a dead man walking? He emptied a handgun into Aleister.. I don't think that will be laughed off.
And when do we get more Lessar?
Even if your assumption about Laura wanting her dead is wrong I'd sa she still has the highest chance of death out anyone confirmed to appear
In speaking of "confirmed to appear" who do you think might make an appearance or get a mention?
Lessar won't show up until we get back to britain or they become relevant again, which they well could do if Fran calls for back up. As for Tsuchimikado he's utilizing the safe zone around Touma to avoid being killed so as long as he makes it to him and whatever the 5 second doom is doing separate him he'll live
>ywn have burgs with lessar
If we get into the windowless building I can't see Laura not being mentioned at least. For appearances I'm betting on Fraulein seeing as she was actually inside the building they might consult her as best they can to get the insider info
Kagun will probably get mentioned since he made the method to drill into the WB
I'm sorry slav biri. It won't happen again. Maybe. Definitely maybe.
>Touma's look of absolute disgust
Anybody got any more?
People assume that Tsuchi and Touma will be going to the Windowless Building together but it actually doesn't say that. It says Tsuchi barges in while Karma attacks Touma and "others". It could potentially be a split volume of Touma + (???) and Tsuchi/Fran + (???) doing separate things and the groups ending up together. If Karma has anything to with Aleister, it's likely Touma attempting to stop it would lead him to WB even if he has no clue Tsuchi is there. Tsuchi might even be the reason Karma is activated.
Sauceposters getting more creative I see.
a couple
rub it in, why don't you.
Komoe is so fucking cute. I can see why Aogami tries to be her favorite.
Post the mexico one
Who will voice Lessar?
Yuu Kobayashi.
I could see Karma being an emergency security spell that activates when WB has been legitimately breached. It'd probably do something similar to Vento's 9/30 spell and give ill intent back to those people who give it out. I'm guessing it'd be more brutal than Vento's. Touma could use Index or Othinus to track the source of the spell to WB. Or perhaps be told by Hyouka since she appeared the last time a spell like that was casted