To think that I actually have to remind my self to look at 2B's ass as I play.
How can Taro be such a god at making gaems?
To think that I actually have to remind my self to look at 2B's ass as I play.
How can Taro be such a god at making gaems?
Other urls found in this thread:
This fucking game, man.
I wish they'd used the singer from the first Nier for the soundtrack.
But you can't see her ass with that dress in the way.
Robots are human too
Captcha; I'm not a robot
What would a Drakengard anime be like?
Soundtrack of the fucking year.
This game is giving me fetishes I didn't knew I had.
That is always a good thing in my check list.
Extremely lewd and autistic.
Based fucking Keiichi Okabe. Right after his team at MONACA delivers best OST of last year too.
>I wish they'd used the singer from the first Nier for the soundtrack.
They did.
Huh. It doesn't sound like it to me. Must have been to long since I played the first.
>it's another Sup Forumsermin mistakes Sup Forums for Sup Forums episode
pointless unless it was a original story, so much of the stories and atmosphere is tired into the gameplay, it was meant to be a game from the ground up.
read that sentence again and see if you see what's wrong with it
Taro instructs his sound designer to not make similar compositions for his games.
He works with the same team every time.
Oh, that's pretty cool.
>Keiichi Okabe
He said Drakengard, not Drakengard 3/Nier. We classical experimental now.
Okay Sup Forums, as a weeb with dignity I finished ending A playing entirely with Japanese voices, but at many times I couldn't read the subtitles fast enough during battles and some boss dialogue at times didn't have subtitles at all. Is the dub acceptable enough to use for my second playthrough or should I just git gud at reading faster?
I actually really like the dub. Jackass is the best.
The dub is okayish.
I thought he just meant the franchise as a whole and not any specific game, my bad.
You missed Sup Forums by a mile there buddy.
Now I'm wondering if Okabe could pull off a OST similar to DoD 1's. Drakengard 5 needs to go full madness again.
Wrong board, nigger. Fuck off.
I think he would if Yoko Taro would write a protagonist as batshit insane as Caim.
I mean consider that he worked together with Sano on Tekken 3, so I think he's perfectly capable of composing similarly crazy pieces.
Oh, calm down. Sup Forums is just Sup Forums with its legs in the air.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums for riajuufags
The dub is good. The biggest complaint subsfags have with the dub is that 2B is slightly altered from a doormat pushover gentle waifu type into a somewhat stronger, sterner woman. She's just as nuanced a character as the Japanese version, however, and it makes the moments when she lets down her guard and real emotion creeps out of her all the more gratifying.
Shit, my bad.
Can we make this a "we fist android girls" thread?
reminder to report the Sup Forumsfags
Why not a meme outfit thread?
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Fuck off crossboarder.
Fuck off /vg/, we don't need you.
Automata is more anime than the shit airing this season.
I dunno, I feel the other way around. The English voice gives her too much emotion in her normal voice. The Japanese voice on the other hand sounds cold and distant, even if not stern and strong, which makes the moments of genuine emotion all the stronger.
t. only here for LWA
>It's made by Japanese therefore it is anime
Fuck off.
Not even close.
Try Kuzu.
It's more of a videogame than most of the shit being released these days.
Try and tell me how an anime could replicate Ending E.
You can't.
is this the /ss/ thread?
Doubt it, LWA threads have the most crossboarders this season.
>this thread