Why does Sup Forums not talk about one of the best anime of the last 5 years?
Why does Sup Forums not talk about one of the best anime of the last 5 years?
Just caught up on s2 yesterday. Can someone remind me what happened when Shin and the bitch died in s1?
The red head girls first kid is with the Yakuza boss that is doing 6 years in prison, right?
Miyo tried to jump out of the window with Kiku, Sukeroku tired to stop her, window broke, Sukeroku tried to save Miyo and got carried down with her, Kiku saved them but couldn't get them up, Sukeroku says something about their plans for rakugo to Kiku and then he falls to his death with Miyokichi.
We really don't know for sure.
This girl's a terrible writer, but here's a good play-by-play. animenewsnetwork.com
That was a fabrication told to Konatsu. The real story is a suicide attempt gone wrong. animenewsnetwork.com
I know it's a fabrication, I watch the series doofus. user asked what happenend in s1 when Sukeroku and Miyokichi died, not what really happened.
>We really don't know for sure.
Wait, really? I thought she said it was before he went in and ranted at the dude before he pushed him into the water. Then before Bon dies in the latest episode she said it was "Yotaro's kid this time" or some shit.
I avoided the threads because of spoilers. And I will leave this thread because of it.
Yeah, the first child is not from Yotaro, that's hard to miss user, but nobody said who was the father, Yotaro just came to a conclusion by his own.
Konatsu tried to stop him before he faced the boss but she didn't said the boss was Shin's father.
Wait didn't Yotaro compare how similar the kid looks to him right after that?
Shin's also looks like Yotaro's aniki who was pretty nervous at the time and older Shin looks like Kiku.
Marathoning this shit now and it's the best thing I've seen since the 1st season
It's badly written. Really.
I'm waiting until it's over so I can marathon it
It's something that'd work better as a live-action.
That's because Yotaros aniki is the bosses eldest son.
The one thing I don't quite understand is the latest episode. The inclusion of supernatural stuff was weird. Or was it only in Kiku's head?
Not really, some camera angles would be hard to do in live action and lets not get to the supernatural things.
Why do you think so?
I think that's what they were trying to do the whole series, be ambiguous about the supernatural thing. You could say it was a dream or that it actually happened, what fits you better and you would never know for sure just like who is Shin's father.
In the manga the ghost are 100% real though
The majority of Sup Forums is far too busy caught up in moe, fart tier humor, lewds, edgy battle shounen and of course shit posting.
sounds like shit. so glad I dropped it
It's fake though. Kiku was lying while telling the story to Konatsu and Yotaro
Yup. it's shilled so hard as some godly "serious" anime, when in reality it's just an average drama... BUT WITH RAKUGO!!!!!11 Also character designs are so repulsive for me.
It's a drama done well, the romance isn't the main focus of the drama but what they gain and lose from their relationships with others. Characters are more believable than most other characters in anime. The show fells very realistic but at the same time it makes a commentary about storytelling itself and how everything in a story is a facade.
And season 1 was the closest thing in anime to Yasunari Kawabata's stories.
>forced drama
that makes it worse
>It's a drama done well
wrong, it's melodramatic and over the top
How do people as stupid as you function? user is literally explaining that the drama wasn't dramatic at all, except as part of a meta narrative. The fact that it was a lie isn't drama.
It wasn't a dramatic point for the characters.
>over the top
You didn't watch the show at all because it never becomes over the top.
Because it's a slow-paced, realist character drama focused on a very niche subject matter. Of course most people aren't going to be interested. It shouldn't take much brain matter to figure that out.
Also, it's not even that great.
Don't just say really, faggot. Make some kind of actual argument for why it's badly written or shut up.
I was expecting him to kick the bucket for finale episode, totally not prepared.
It'll hard to portray supernatural segments but the rest will work just fine or even better in live action format.
The flashback was more interesting than the "main" story.
If the granpa is dead, what's going to happen with the wife being apprenticed into rakugo?
I feel like I'm in the minority here but in my opinion the second season is a lot weaker than the first. Besides from the episodes focused on kiku it's nowhere near as enaging.
Because it's so much worse than the first season. The characters and the setting just are not as interesting.
It is supposed to entertain or create fun. Failing to do that it should make you think or make you question the theme presented.
It failed to do both.
Just finish it already.
In your opinion.
Why do some people think anything short of 24/7 shitposting is "Sup Forums doesn't know this exists". There are threads every week.
it has barely any animation and the setting is dull as shit
yeah but you'd have actual acting and facial expressions
for something which is 50% a closeup on one guy telling a story live action would be waaaay better
Maid Dragon threads are very common, OP
Why do you think a show like this would be popular on Sup Forums?