Is Yu Yu Hakusho worth reading as someone who started with Hunter x Hunter?
Is Yu Yu Hakusho worth reading as someone who started with Hunter x Hunter?
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This probably the only time you'll hear this with regards to shounen jump series.
Watch the anime.
One of the few cases that is both dub > sub and anime > manga. So long as you don't expect it to be like HxH you'll have a decent time.
hxh is a shitty deconstruction of yyh, so yes
Watch the anime because it's fantastic
yyh is shit when compared to hxh
Yeah, this is true
>dub > sub
>favorless subs devoid of any emotion vs corny as fuck yet high engery dub work from the 90's no less
I'll leave this here for OP to decide.
>Japanese version
>devoid of any emotion
Read Level E.
Wow, that doesn't sound like a biased assessment at all. You're clearly not blinded by nostalgia at all.
>user thinks sounding like every sub performance ever is a good thing
>admits the dub is corny as fuck
>biased and blinded by nostalgia
The subs are great. And yeah, YYH is a great manga. HxH is better in my opinion, because it frees itself more of classic shounen tropes but YYH have amazing characters.
Yeah, it's really good.
Anime > Manga in this case. Best shounen IMO
animu > mango
you can do dub or sub, though the dub is pretty great and seems to suit the characters more
Yorkshin > Dark Tournament and Spirit Detective arc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest of YYH >>>>>> rest of HxH
Koto is a 10/10 and Juri is a fucking 0/10.
Worth reading?
This is one of the rare situations where the anime is clearly superior to the manga.
You could even argue that the ENGLISH DUB anime is superior to the Japanese anime on top of that.
So just watch the ENGLISH DUBBED ANIME (it's up on YouTube)
Best post ITT thread.
I just want to grab Koto from behind and fuck the shit out of her. Koto is just a brown girl but made into shit by also being a fishlizard.
>Yorkshin > Dark Tournament
YYH would have been 10/10 if it ended after Dark Tournament and grandma stayed dead.
Discuss, but if you disagree you're not smart.
Hunter x Hunter
Why does this shit sound like the title of a gay porno manga?
how can mans opinion be so shit?
I haven't watched much past the dark tournament but the grandma coming back to life was what put a really sour taste in my mouth and made me not want to finish it so i agree
That's just native language bias/nostalgia. All dubs range from mediocre to shit, including Finnish dubs for Moomins and Alfred J. Kwak, but I could never watch them in any other language. English dub of Cromartie is the only exception, all the rest of the well-regarded dubs are vastly overrated.
It doesn't, you don't pronounce the x, you autistic pleb
Yu Yu Hakusho is on of my favorite anime so yes. On that note I've only seen the 1999 Hunter x Hunter anime but I thought it was mediocre at best, with a really obnoxious protag and I just don't see what's so great about it.
Don' get me wrong they're both amazing, but Yorknew is only slightly better because some of the dark tournament fights were boring and the pacing was all other the place.
>That's just native language bias/nostalgia
No it's called not being a fat fucking weeb who assumes that all English voice actors could never succeed at portraying the character(s) they're playing.
And Chimera Ant arc finale was better than Yorknew!
Literal existentialism Kino!
you wouldnt be far off considering how every hunter x hunter thread on Sup Forums is full of gay shipping
however its a fantastic manga and anime...just the vocal minority of shippers belongs on /lgbt/ not on Sup Forums
On topic its worth the read but has a different end then the anime. I liked the anime better overall and this is one of the exceptions id say the dub is better then the sub.
100% true
I'm not saying that waito piggu are inherently incapable of reaching the level of VAs in glorious Nippon. Only that the ones actually on the field are.
It's like every bad anime trope being exaggerated but somehow it's good anyway.
I like it enough to recommend it even though it's cheesy.
Story is nowhere near as complex as you may be used to.
Lastly, kuwabara is a top tier bro.
Most of the performances from the main cast in the dub are pretty good, but I never liked Laura Bailey as Keiko.
Some of the choices for characters in the dark tournament were questionable as well. There was really no reason for Jin to have a terrible Irish accent or for Chu to be a Straya cunt.
Literally, THE otp.
The anons telling you that anime > manga aren't just pulling your leg, OP. The manga is good enough on its own but when you compare it to the anime you can tell just how superior the latter is. You can watch it either subbed or dubbed, both are good, but this is one instance where I prefer the dub for the most part. Yeah, there are some annoying voices here and there but the main cast at least has solid VA's and they didn't do any weird localizations.
YYH is my all time favorite anime and I cannot recommend it enough. The characters are great, the action is great, the scenes that are supposed to hit hard succeed and while I do admit that the Three Kings arc kind of tapered off into wtf territory, the actual ending is surprisingly solid for a shonen.
Hiei best boy and my eternal husbando.
I'm a big fan of YYH but was never able to get into HxH.
Best battle shounen of all time, provemewrongyoucan't.
The only problem I have with this pairing is that it feels like Mukuro was kind of shoehorned in to dissuade the Kurama x Hiei fangirls. Like Togashi was trying to say, hey, I never actually intended for them to be gay for each other. Sensui and Itsuki are definitely gay, and thats cool, but not Hiei and Kurama.
I wonder if her introduction and the semi romantic role she plays in Hiei's life was a decision pushed onto Togashi by his editors or if he decided it on his own.
Accurate, English writing is superior
>Missing out on the doctor episode
The only reason to watch a dub is if you don't understand Japanese and you're illiterate.
This, fuck whoever says otherwise.
Don't you dare shittalk my husbando's voice
Are you talking about Dr. Ichigaki or Sensui's minion who goes by the moniker Doctor?
I thought Togashi literally said they were originally going to be gay with each other (before they became protagonists)
Sensui's minion
No. Originally Hiei was going to be a one off villain but he was so popular that Togashi made him a reoccurring character. Notice how Kurama had resolution to his story in the Forlorn Hope episode/chapter and Yusuke goes out of his way to help him. It was setup like that because Kurama was always meant to join the group.
Compare that to the Shadow Sword where Hiei is simply defeated without any kind of backstory for him being revealed and Yusuke clearly doesn't like him. The signs are obvious in the material but it was also confirmed in Shonen Jump that Togashi never had any plans to bring Hiei back until he became so immediately popular.
The best directed episode of YYH.
That clip with Yusuke beating the shit out of Doctor at the end, loved every minute
It's a fun time. The anime improves on some things at the cost of others -- the rougher, more horror-themed texture that Togashi sometimes gives his art is often missing, for example. I love the anime's ending, though.
As a story, YYH is mostly wasted potential. It sets up an interesting world with a lot of flexibility with fun characters but gets somewhat lazy and reduces everything to typical shonen fair. That doesn't mean it's bad, because it's still usually a lot of fun, but it could have been a lot more. HXH especially shows that.
Makuro didn't feel shoehorned to me, she fit the narrative perfectly and helped show an interesting side of Hiei's character.
Also, I never really saw Hiei and Kurama as anything more than friends. If there was meant to be romantic chemistry between them, I didn't feel it.
Bumping for a good series.
I always had the feeling that Mukuro was more something like a mother to Hiei. She really cannot be sexual at all (it's way more clear in the manga, sorry but I disagree with the anime better, it's really good but the manga is better on many aspects and stories untold in the anime). He loves her, but if it was supposed to be romantic, it's a big fail for me.
Did the manga expand the last arc more? It felt rushed as fuck in the anime.
No it didn't, in fact some fights were created only for the anime but we had more things after it. Togashi didn't want to really write the last arc, he wanted to end with Sensui's arc, and you really feel it.
>something like a mother
Didn'tknow about this, it makes sense.
Why is the x silent
Why not call it Hunter/Hunter
It just is.
The x isn't even an x, it's a cross.
I only watched the anime, so I'm not an expert, but I felt like there was huge potential, considering how similar they are and how well they work together.
I didn't feel mom-vibes from Mukuro in the anime, but maybe I'm just forgetting.
I still cant get over the fact he retconned the entire series in a single page
And then he gets arrested on the same page
Watch the anime dubbed so you can have best boy's voice forever etched into yoir mind saying "Your-a-mesh-i"
Sensui did nothing wrong
He didnt watch chapter white
It's an interesting idea but it needed a lot more fleshing out and time to unravel than the handful of panels it got. Overall it was kind of a pointless twist, since it was established very early that there are both good demons and bad demons; it makes sense that there could be evil demons coming into the mortal realm just to fuck with shit. There wasn't any need to invoke some secret nefarious plot from Enma.
There also wasn't any need to make Yusuke a demon.
Instead of reading a gay series like Yu Yu Hakushit you should read a cool series like Bleach
It was mostly just Togashi burning the story down so he could end it without someone else taking it over.
shit taste
>actually taking the bait and getting memed on
You got played...kiddo
Bleach somehow managed to have an even shittier final arc than YYH.
Kubo just sucks, period
who the fuck even reads togashi's scribbles
I hear the anime is better then the manga.