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>Yo where the women at
>herded for us like cattle abdul
>but where achmed
>mohair points to the safe zone
>I want the one that looks like a chubby goat, let's go
>molestation intensifies
To deal with africans they take measures against all men, which they know creates less outrage even though it's not addressing the core issue.
Just another small defeat on the road to Sharia.
50 years from now, women will not allowed outside the house without a male accompanying them.
So basically the fences will be just to keep the soyboys away while real men take the spoils of war.
>Designated Ficky Ficky areas
Stop making the screenshot of an article's headline your whole thread
Aren't you collectively making them all defenseless by doing this? Now the only people who can prevent anything from happening to the women are, well, other women
Don't tell me anybody thinks the police will seriously follow through on their countermeasures
Isn't this racist? Are those German bigots saying that brown men rape more? How can they stand this racism?
>be male
>wear hijab
But we were told this was a lie and didn't actually happen.
Which is it?
But seriously, that's what Berlin deserves. Bunch of snobs and coal burners loving fungees getting their deeply beloved cultural enrichment. But I'll think they won't show anything in the news this time, they learned from cologne.
got a machine head
this is the brize of diversidy :DDD
also diversity is in itself a good thing. dont ask why, though!
Good thing female police officers have to cover up this year in order to avoid upsetting visitors with migrational backgrounds.
its like an inverted zoo?
No, its just somewhere they can go after they have been assaulted or harassed.
I like the advice to seek help from other revellers if harassed, as if it's the job of random men to be your bodyguard and as if they particularly want to have to fight a swarm of Mohammeds. It's not like that'd be safe for the men involved either, if you're outnumbered severely you're basically just fucked.
Women; using men as your bodyguards just puts those men in more danger than you were. Don't be this selfish.
>But I'll think they won't show anything in the news this time, they learned from cologne.
except they already tried to supress the news last time. But then some women got sick of it and video footage leaked from personal accounts and they had to admit it happened
It's not even a safe zone, just a checkpoint with a few shrinks for the women to talk to after they inevitably get raped...
Agreed. You voted for them to come here, you deal with getting raped by them. Not our problem.
Good, let them reap what they sow.
Not to mention that's supposed to be the job of the police. I'm sure a gang of hooligans would be happy to bash the shitskins, but that's not allowed. Going too far - not allowed. Just do what we say when we say it, goyim.
The article even includes that, to no one's surprise, people are already calling this racist.
>vote for more enrichment
>get enriched
>gets disappoint
>needs to be protected against enrichment
>vote for moar enrichment
dear lord, please let the protestant heretics get raped by islam. amen
When will we revoke women's right to vote? It has undeniably been a BAD IDEA.