96 year old former SS must go to jail, for being involved in the death of 300000 people in Auschwitz

he was accountant at Auschwitz.
Is this fair and reasonable? i mean he is 96 years old this shit happened more than 70 years ago and they would have found someone else for the accounting for sure. its not like he actually killed anyone.


wouldn't want him revelaing any information about the brothel, cinema, etc.

>Is this fair and reasonable?
For goyim everything is permitted!

where have they been all these years? why wait till now to prosecute him? i fucking hate leftists

>implying they care if he's guilty or not

everywhere around the world you see war "criminals" going to jail when they are of extremely old age, keep in mind that the people going to jail often represent nationalist groups or so, this procedure is the same Everywhere: they are to stand against a kangaroo court which will always rule against them, it specially happens in argentina, Germany and we've seen it in the Balkans with the guys who got convicted again last month,i suspect such is the case everywhere

meanwhile israel gives shelter to thousands of communist criminals from all over, the jews deserve the worst

>1 low-level grunt responsible for killing 300000 jews
The Germans just had a incredible K/D ratio throughout the war.

it's revenge, plain and simple. there's hardly any of these guys left and modern jews want their revenge.


He should get a medal for service well done and be allowed to live out his days.

also all deaths at auschwitz were thanks to tyfus and bombed out supply lines, an accountant cant do much about that now can he?

No, people who kill Jews should be given the palaces of the Rothschilds

holy shit

>Upon his return to Germany he led a normal life, reluctant to talk about his time in Auschwitz. However, more than 40 years later, he decided to make his activities at Auschwitz public after learning about Holocaust denial. He has since openly criticised those who deny the events that he witnessed, and the ideology to which he once subscribed. The recorded accounts he provided to the BBC, however, contributed to the decision and ability to prosecute him. His record as an activist against Holocaust deniers since 1985 was not taken into consideration. Gröning has been notable as a German willing to make public statements about his experience as an SS soldier, which are self-incriminating and have exposed his life to public scrutiny.

did you guys read this?

>lead a quiet, normal life with no one knowing about your past
>decide to come out into the public in order to fight against holocaust denial
>kikes persecute you anyways and put you in prison

say that in germanistan and you go to jail. this is how sick the current era is

If this guy was a former ISIS terrorist you would want him to get tortured to death so shut the fuck up you hyprocritical pieces of shit.



WHOAO that's a lot of people! any proof?


>oy vey, the way he balanced those books, the icy tone in his voice when he called up overdue accounts receivable he was no man, he was a monster

At the very least he should be placed in a prison medical facility or house arrest. He is most likely too infirm to be in jail.

Anyone who is too sickly or infirm for prison and must serve out their sentence should be in special facilities to assure they live as long as possible to serve the sentence proper.

>ISIS terrorist
Nah. As long as they're not following their sandnigger religion anymore, I don't care.

if someone killed your wife and 70 years later they found him would you be ok with him being let go?
he was in the military based on his uniform so it wasn't like he was a civillian
you would be asking for a society that lets criminals get off the hook if they manage not get caught for a long time
Getting real tired of the children on this site here

every few years someone has to go to jail because goyim should never forget

hitler did nothing wrong, and neither did this old hero. jews are rats.

>If this guy was a real terrorist instead of a make-believe terrorist you'd want him punished
Yes, Klaus.

It's military justice. You think that because he's old he's exempt from what he did a few decades prior?

What are you, a numale?

>>decide to come out into the public in order to fight against holocaust denial
Fucking cuck.

>He outed himself currying favor with kikes banning free speech
Thanks, now I couldn't care less that he's going to prison.

He was an accountant you cuck. And I don't think anyone is going to give a fuck about ISIS accountants 70 years after the fact, do you?

>man arrested for serving his country 70 years ago
>86 year old woman arrest and jailed for 6 months for saying facts surrounding the holocaust narrative were untrue
Wow let it fucking go. It was different times

Here's the """"""""""witnesses""""""""" who testified against him in court

>During the trial, several of the 60 'co-claimants' gave evidence.[11] Eva Mozes Kor who was 10 years old when she arrived at Auschwitz, testified that she and her twin sister were used for the cruel medical experiments conducted by Josef Mengele and that she had lost her parents and older sisters in Auschwitz. Kor conversed with and embraced the defendant after giving evidence,[12] while other Holocaust survivors in the courtroom protested against this gesture.[11] Another witness, Max Eisen who was 15 years old at the time of entry into Auschwitz, described the brutality of the extermination part of the camp, including extracting gold teeth from dead victims.[13] On 12 May 2015, Susan Pollack, an 84-year-old Briton, gave evidence how she was taken from Hungary to Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen; describing the living conditions encountered at Auschwitz, she said: "I was in a barrack with about 800 other girls ... we were losing weight, we weren’t able to use our minds anymore".[14] On the same day, Ivor Perl, an 83-year-old Briton who was born in Hungary into a religious Jewish family, also gave evidence;[15] Perl testified that he was 12 years old when he arrived at Auschwitz and that he and his brother lost their parents and seven siblings in the Holocaust."[14] In July, Irene Weiss, an 84-year-old survivor from the United States, testified that her family was torn apart on arrival at Auschwitz in May 1944, during the mass deportation of Hungarian Jews and that she had lost both her parents, four siblings and 13 cousins at Auschwitz.[16]

He didnt kill anyone because the holocaust didnt fucking happen

But if it did, this man is still innocent

I'm not a Nazi Larper, in fact I hate Nazis. But yeah, this is unfair and unreasonable.

Yes goy keep paying reparashuns to niggers.

>he was an accountant
No wonder Jews want him dead

>Killed your wife
Well maybe if h-
Yeah sure throw a 96 year old dude in a dark cell for balancing some books.

go away kike, they were conscripted, and didn't have much of a choice either.
Why did Obama get a peace prize for bombing the middle east? Shouldn't we jail war criminals?

Lmao that Mengele sure was a busy bee wasn't he

'kangaroo court' is a term known in Argentina??

>military justice
you wanna clarify this soyboy statement?

yeah his accounting was surely an act of terrorism. do you have any idea how long go that is? returning isis fighter get sugar blown in their ass compared to what is happening to this man. mind you, ISIS fighters all knew that they were joining an terrorist organisastion. he was a german in nazi germany. not really the same if you ask me.

I respect it, though. Modern day americans do all sort of horrible things for the 'freedom' and there is a zero chance any of them will come out and incriminate themselves because they did horrible things. The man had a different upbringing and does what's right no matter what the costs are. What does he really have to lose at this age anyway? It sort of proves that the germans are way more civilized than the anglos and amerimutts.

Prison is for housing animals, user. If prisoners are remorseful for their crimes and able to live a responsible life, there is no reason to house them. What's happening with this guy is just perverse, and you are part of that perversity.

>Mengele, Mengele everywhere
every funking time

he was helping to facilitate an environment, an accomplice
if you are an accomplice of a crime, you get punished when you learn about the law you understand these things
yes you can resist the draft and go to prison,
I agree on obongo too bad corporations and bankers own this country

>you would be asking for a society that lets criminals get off the hook if they manage not get caught for a long time
>what is a statute of limitations?


Kike. The lolocaust is a myth.

Ah, the accountant, the deadliest position in Nazi Germany, feared the most by the Jews

Canada doesn't even care about ISIS militants already.

>muh 70 years

You want to bend the rules because "aww look at him, he's a harmless old man.. how cute!"

That old man would have blown your stupid GI Joe head clean off your neck with a panzer faust, you dumb redneck

>Killing your wife is the same as being a conscripted accountant and associated with all events of the Nazi regime.


obviously this is an achmed

>are you remorseful?
no way that could ever go wrong
but you are okay with someone murdering or helping someone else murder your wife as long as it was 70 years later and he was sorry for it?
holy shit what a numale cuck


70 years is not a few decades you mutt brain

yes, we have them in great quantities
the judge has even seen taking pictures with one of the parties... talk about impartiality

No matter
Gas the kike
Get the pike


What war crimes has an accountant commit? Did he papercut people to death with money?

huh weird then how did he go to prison?
use your brain on this one

By not being public for over 40 years he technically denied the Holocaust for 40 years, and for that he must be punished.

And for those of you saying he didn't do anything wrong, HE WAS AN ACCOUNTANT FOR THE NAZIS! What he should of done is killed as many Nazi officers as he could have, even if it meant his own death, in order to stop this pure evil monstrosity. That would have been the good things to do, instead he turned to evil and is thusly punished for his crimes against humanity.

And another thing, those deaths head soldiers didn't take any prisoners. They did not give a flying fuck about taking in any american POW's

dura lex, sed lex

how do you know he's jewish?

We're not depending on his word for being a responsible citizen, user. We're depending on his 70 years of actions demonstrating such.

Prison is for animals, and this man is not an animal. But by your perversity, you appear to be.

He could take a mans head off with a ledger at fifteen paces

>yfw the six million were done by just 20 guys

He was serving his country. This shit hasnt one goddamn thing to do with his "victims" he murdered with account-jutsu. Its grandstanding to rebuke the morally inferior past.

he went to prison because jews don't give a fuck about the law, or conscription, or reality, the uninitiated just want ''vengance for the shoah'' and those in power don't give a fuck anymore but allow such a travesty to proceed out of amusement and to further the narrative

Pretty much, he's the one giving the orders

no prison is for people who break the law, he broke the law and if he was truly sorry for it he would have turned himself in within that 70 years time.


When will the kikes demand generational guilt and justice? Surely the grandkids of the 6 gorillion feel the pain and even more surely tje grandkids of the omgnazis have to pay for that with jail?

>break law
>go to prison
>jews dont care about law

No, prison is to house animals. Those who are not animals don't belong there. Once remorseful, proven so, they walk.

Unless you're a perverse society, as you seem to prefer.


what law you autistic kike shill
>don't lose in a war
>don't be conscripted
>if you lose in a war better turn yourself in for summary rape/execution/life in jail for being conscripted

>to a jew, being called out on some faulty documents is the same as being executed
wew there, Moishe

>if someone killed your wife and 70 years later they found him would you be ok with him being let go?
>he was in the military based on his uniform so it wasn't like he was a civillian
>you would be asking for a society that lets criminals get off the hook if they manage not get caught for a long time
>Getting real tired of the children on this site here

Then what is it that a jew like you spends his time amongst children on this board???

>you can't refuse conscription
>you can't betray the country that conscripted you and give intel to other forces
>you can't desert your post

German efficiency!

then man is really old for a regular prison so house arrest or a special facility but no.
you can actually look this one up
Prison is for those who break the law
smoke weed infront of a cop and see that even though you are not doing anything a feral beast does you will be thrown in prison

nice leftists larp.

>you can't refuse conscription
No, you can't
That's why it's conscription and not voluntary service
>you can't betray the country that conscripted you and give intel to other forces
typical jew, no honour or concept of honour
additionally, collaborators were still punished at Nuremberg and executed abroad
>you can't desert your post
same as above, except in addition to being called nazis and executed by the jews they were called cowards

How long until everyone between 1939-1945 time frame is dead? 10 years?

which law did he break?

Jailed for siding with the enemy

>Is this fair and reasonable?

A conversation i had the other day with someone who was raised jewish

"I dont really practice it. But it took me a while to kind of put all the pieces together. They would show us 10 videos about the holocaust a week. Really drill into us that kneejerk reaction that the holocaust was the worst thing to ever happen and that anyone who disagrees is a nazi."

Make of that whatever you want

It's almost like children don't understand the world around them and just believe what they're told with their imagination filling in the blanks. Very similar to how my dad sometimes rolled his own "cigarettes" to save money and they totally weren't spliffs.

He's 96 and didn't do anything, but because Sippenhaft and guilt by association is still a thing for some assbackwards reason he should go to jail. Fine logic.

>No, you can't
That's why it's conscription and not voluntary service
yes you can they put you in prison
>typical jew, no honour or concept of honour
additionally, collaborators were still punished at Nuremberg and executed abroad
when you have been fucked hard by your state that you worship maybe you will see why I think this
if your country has turned into a war hawk and has crushed down human rights then you are not betraying the country you once knew
Collaverators as in they had to surrender or die then spilled the beans or those who were with the allied forces from the beginning?
>you can't desert your post
I guess to you shit is like a video game and a invisible wall appears

Accomplice in a crime

>Is this fair and reasonable?

yes, vae victis

Reminder that prosecuting an accountant at Auschwitz now is like prosecuting an accountant at the Andersonville POW camp in 1945. The idea of something like that happening is completely absurd. Only those who transgress against the Jews get this sort of (((justice))) meted out to them so long after the fact

Jews just want to keep the holohoax alive. They notice the newer generations don't know much about the 2nd world war anymore. So by convicting old "NAZIS" They can get the press to focus on the holohoax again.
But the holohoax will eventually surface. Truth will always surface no matter how hard people try to change the truth.

The German legal system is pretty sick if this is what they're doing. I don't think I'd want to live there or invest there even if the rapefugee crisis were to go away.

If he refused his job he might have been shot during the war. He tried to get a job location change but they didn't allow him. So what was he to do? Run away, get caught and shot?


Actually in my country they would let him go as there is a 20 year limit. If it's more than 20 years ago they won't prosecute due to unreliability of witness accounts and evidence.

What’s his crime?