Trump banned entrepreneurs

Why have i yet to see anyone talk about this?

While trump has clamped down on immigration, he has also delayed a program for entrepreneurs being able to launch startup without having millions of dollars or being someones employee until citizenship.

As a prospective entrepreneur wanting to leave this shithole (yes i am white); why have you /ptg/ faggots supported this?

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Black people use the term entrepreneur on themselves unironically when they sell drugs or are part of a pyramid scheme.

If their ideas were any good they could "startup" in their own country.

We dont want all the pajeets coming over here trying to sell their next big scam idea.

What does that have to do with this?

Because there aren't a whole lot of viable entrepreneurs that can reliably succeed without millions. Also, planning on being someone eles's employee until citizenship, bretty much proves this whole program was a sham in the first place another work around for shit-tier immigrants.

wow youre one sad individual

>we want to bring business back to the USA
>we don't want new business

we want AMERICAN business.

>we want AMERICAN business.

Most "American" businesses are globalist international. You can't be a nationalist and a capitalist.

"Small businesses make up 99.7% of US employer fitms, 64% of the net new private-sector jobs, 49.2% of private sector employment, 42.9% of the private-sector payroll, 46% of the private-sector output, 43% of high-tech employment, 98% of firms exporting goods, and 33% of" quick manual copy, couldn't get the last one in as my platform doesn't allow me to download the pdf file. 'Percentage of American jobs by small businesses' was my jewgle search. Also, did it occur to you that many US found it easier to move jobs and invest overseas because of the tax structure here and there? You make no sense.

>we dont want new business from travel ban countries


But we're not. There's a bunch of flyover states that need innovation. They're full of rednecks living off the state.

We're full. Fuck off.
Longer answer: this is used as a sweetheart deal for foreign oligarch types to simply buy their way into the country. They're not entrepreneurs, they're scammers or pyramid schemers or heads of crime families looking to bring operations to the promised land.
Be an entrepreneur in your own country. If your country is too shitty to run a successful business in, then fix it. We don't want people from countries like that anyway.

>borders are racist and white peple should be replaced
>I'm too stupid to realize the US will turn into just another colored majority third world shithole

I live in a flyover state. We're as full as we want to be. Fuck off. If you want to encourage innovation, cut taxes and regulations, and leave us alone.

Great source, schlomo

Sorry we don’t need your app game company, your MLM scheme, or your food truck. We need to reindustrialize.

Dude wants 100k for a blog? Fuck off with that shit, blog about how much you hate America in some other country

Leaf piggu go home.

we don't want your kabab/asian food/taco stand/ etc.

Why can't you start a business in your own country?


I'm a poor wyte boi from the california central valley, what kind of business should i run?

minority business get tax exempts causing them being more competitive with white business, that is the problem you fucking dumb.

And why have the Arizona National Guard been deployed to GITMO???

These people probably think it’s a coincidence that no white person ever thought to open a Chinese take out place, a dry cleaning business, or a 7/11 in the ghetto. Certainly no system in place to prop these people up. Couldn’t be. They just have a racial proclivity for frying dumplings and washing clothes.

This is actually pretty good. Read the article!

These people wanted to come here on an entrepreneur visa, set up shop, then import people from their country on worker visas instead of hiring Americans.

>Dude wants 100k for a blog?
And why the fuck would he need to come to the U.S. to run a blog? You can do that anywhere. Scam detected.

oh hi i i'm an entrepreneur from china or iraq i want to start up a highly profitable kebab store or chinese medicine store it will impact the community greatly and it totally isn't a front i'm scamming all my friends and family with once arrive getting them to dump their life savings into it so they can come to america via chain migration and have "job" when they get here and immigration asks them how they are supporting themselves....

okay user, you need to give a name when you post a webm with someone that hot in it!

'Startup' is just a posh codeword for 'I have a shitty idea, that no one cares about, now give me money' these days.

yeah you pretty much summed up what i was saying also name of this instagram whore?

I am not a pajeet and have a legitimate software enterprise. Taxes and regulations here are killing me and its too tedious to have to always split income and register myself in ireland while paying some kike a significant portion.

I also want to live a cheaper life because atm its cold, shit and expensive to live in a city despite that being all of where the business is made.

Also, the united states is a superb market for any entrepreneur. High purchasing power and boatloads of people compared to here or hyper competitive europe where i need to know another language.

I will create jobs if i move to the united states as well, but i dont want to be someones assslave first or dump half a million dollars in some ghetto as investment.

Lol, he didn't ban whites- niggers don't invent anything worthwhile.
I wish he would ban all niggers.

user were being serious we need a fucking name.

good. now fuck off and make leafland great again.

It's code for "unprofitable business", as in "We've only been at this for 3 years. We project that we'll be profitable in 5 years as long as people keep investing." You know, like Uber.

blame the chinks, indians and muslims for using everything as a loophole to scam the US into bringing their whole family into america

Leafland cant be great without changing burgerland first.

Its like trying to change the dog and not the owner who tugs his leash.

>have a legitimate software enterprise

Useless app developer detected. Fuck off. We're full.

this. he wants us to endure thousands of shitskins, just so this one motherfucker can benefit. fuck that shit.

Mfw i would never be choked between this pair of thighs.

>being this fucking thirsty over some whore on a screen

I not any of those and frankly if about 2500 people (this is the number who are qualified to apply for this hypothetical entrepreneurship visa) come here and start an enterprise that creates jobs and the bring their family it shouldnt really be cared about.

Their brith rates are shit anyways, look up any asian fertility rate stat and youll quickly realize its worse than ours. At least for the ones that come here.

seeMy app changes the color of your eyes when you do selfies guys its gunna be great i just need 1 mill start up.

>mfw that shit would probably work and people start using it for fake ID's shit.. and when they pass through airport security they wear contacts and shit

I don't remember her name. Just some gym thot I saw on /fit/

Whether you count app developers useless or not i bring capital, tax revenue, and comfy white collar jobs.

Im also not a kike so i treat my employees well and dont have any intention of hiring indian labour because they generally are underqualified.

I wouldnt call me useless if i were you, id be interested to hear what your occupation is.

Pay locals a decent wage, and/or train them.


stop using this term poofta

I dont need a million i need permission to conduct business for more than 6 months a year without being arrested by ice.

>so i treat my employees well

do you even have employees?

>he has also delayed a program for entrepreneurs being able to launch startup without having millions of dollars or being someones employee until citizenship.

so he cut funding to some Obama era pork project? sounds like him

I'm saying you develop useless apps, you stupid leaf. There are maybe 5 useful apps in the world right now. The rest get used once and then sit idle on people's phones. So fuck off. We don't need your business, which can literally be run from anywhere, in the U.S. We have enough millennial morons writing apps.

>I wouldnt call me useless if i were you
Leafs are useless by definition!

We don’t want immigrants starting businesses. Period (full stop). We should be exterminating immigrants anyways

its a shame that with the level of highly specialized inmigration that we are receiving that the mayority unicorn are being founded by european america or jewish and this speaking about cali, they are very good servant and that all

Yeah 2500 + family + their friends who they claim are family + the workers they import because their business needs an ethnic flavor. Over the next three years this is probably like a quarter million people.

>register myself in ireland
Pay your taxes you fucking kike

Fuck we are full. In miami atm for vaca. I dont need my area looking like this with half the ppl not speaking english.

>I dont need a million i need permission to conduct business for more than 6 months a year without being arrested by ice.

you're Canadian, who gives a fuck what you do and why not set up shop in Canada?

here in America we're just hoping to become able to do business without interference from regulation crushing us

We want the businesses. We just don’t want the shitskins, because let’s face it, the word “immigration” is basically synonymous with “more illiterate shitskins”, and god knows we have enough of those. Besides America is not the only place on earth where someone can start a business

>(((overseas startups)))

>I will create jobs if i move to the united states as well,
why? why the hell would anyone want to deal with having to file all that bullshit

you have the wrong approach my friend

you should stay there, I can tell from your language you would be unhappy with the principles of liberty

>It's code for "unprofitable business", as in "We've only been at this for 3 years. We project that we'll be profitable in 5 years as long as people keep investing." You know, like Uber.

or google

Oh, no, they'll have to hire American workers.

Another shoahcaust is upon us!

we could have dream live if it wast for our greedy politician,and im for accept inmigration but only novel prime tier ones,we dont need the million of medicre indian engeenier of 130,that wont revolutionate anything and will lower our salaries
only 150 iq or above

Google is profitable, though. Like Amazon, those niggers actually had a path to profitability. Most of these new tech companies just acquire users and market share with no path to profitability. They just get rich from investor money and hope that something eventually appears to make them profitable.

Reminder: youtube has never made a profit.
The profitable (i.e. capitalist, invasive, privacy destroying) companies fund the others.

the even funnier part of this is how Eric Trump made 1mil for bringing over wealthy investors via another visa program that was paying people to headhunt wealthy immigrants who would start a business

>Google is profitable, though.
sure, selling corporations lists of people who have bought mein kampf is profitable

only because you cannot get this information from the library without a warrant signed by a judge,

also wasn't their first profitable year only recently? they could become unprofitable with a decision but I suppose your money is safe with a CIA front company so go ahead and invest maybe there will be more interest in tracking people who have purchased a copy of Marx when the hammer finally drops

>i can tell by your language you woudl be unhappy with the principles of liberty

How? Because i speak formally (or at least attempt to) and somehow thats going/being against liberty? Id be curious to see how you connected those dots.

>like uber

I can tell you right now their reproted losses are most likely for tax evasion. Considering its investors arent instantly pulling out the moment their software tells them their financials are doomed.

It is also involved in neumerous legal battles and is trying to fight google for the self driving car.

Uber were losing a billion dollars a year with subsidized rides in China until they threw in the towel to the state backed subsidized ride company. Their tech is basic, their differentiation is ignoring the law. Same for AirBnB

I remember Obama using this to bring in a lot of African entrepreneurs

>African entrepreneurs
aka stolen state money launders.

>then fix it

Its almost as if you dont realize fixing canada and not america first is like trying to fix the dog not the owner who tugs his leash.

It was an abused system but why not reform it and allow for the promising to come here?

>>yet to see anyone talk about this?

>why have you /ptg/ faggots supported this?
> a fucking leaf
judging from the incessant shit posts, day in, day out, from your fellow leaf country man, we dont want you here
straighten yourself out and become an entrepreneur in your own country

>loosing a billion dollars

Again, maybe because (statistically speaking) who i am talking to isnt an entrepreneur, you dont realize ive been solicitated by countless tax evasion lawyers telling me if i hire (((them))) theyll make my company losses* seem so real the media will report on it if i ever get big enough.

If uber really lost countless dollars then investors would be fleeing and taking their billions with them. Especially when large portions of investment is conducted by computers who run profitability calculations and long term predictions that pull out in an instant.

You can't even differentiate between lose and loose you idiotic syrup nigger. Fuck off.

Assuming each person that gets into the united states via this visa program imports 100 people; which many wont even over three years weve had over 6 million immigrants, a quarter of a million relativley speaking isnt as bad especially when they are all employed and make money.

However, if the program reformed it self to only allow the business founder himself, then your only looking at 2500 people.

Can't you do software from anywhere? If you find Canada cold and stifling, why not go somewhere like the Virgin Islands or Bermuda instead of dealing with all of the red tape in US and A? A lot of those Caribbean places are easy to get into and a lot of mobile Americans with new-found wealth choose to bail out from here and go there.

>cant differentiate between loose and lose

Tell me where i gave you that impression then before you just shitpost.

Sup Forums was discussing it. apparently a lot of poos got fired in computer jobs.

>being someones employee until citizenship.

You have to go back..... before you even come. There are people here to fill that job.

>You can't be a nationalist and a capitalist.

Sure you can. You just recognize the value the nation brings you.

Entrepreneurs without funding or infrastructure seeking visas because they are “entrepreneurs?” No, they’re probably running a con job. Good job, Mr. President, cracking down on fraud and refusing citizenship to scammers.


>pyramid scheme
The only ones the kangs built.

The United States doesn't have to cater to your big idea, what if your idea fails? Will you voluntarily go back to your own country? Oh, you won't? Sounds like a nice exploitable loophole to me.

>obama-era initiative
stopped reading there.
>the gurdian

wtf I hate trump now

Fuck off make your own country less shit

The program is probably broken such that it lets in loads of undesirable people. Fixing that is probably too big a job to just do in, like, a week or so. They probably need to look into things and do some serious homework. Doing a temporary full shut-down while you work out how to fix it is probably the best course of action. This is what it looks like when a regime that treats the country like a doormat gets replaced with people who actually give a shit.

Thanks Obama

Why do we need foreign entrepreneurs? We only need American ones.

So much truth.
The W2 crowd always think they have the answers for business yet don't have the faintest idea of what goes on behind the curtain.
>"But we need innovation from third worlders that shit in the streets!"
Do they not understand how retarded they sound?

Made they can fuck off back to India and imporve their own country. The west belongs to people of European ancestry only because they built it.

Like most things, I expect if I look at more than just the headline there's going to be a really obvious explanation for it and it's going to be totally reasonable.

RAISE Act - if it gets implemented - already has a proviso that if you're investing over $1.75 million into the US, either in jobs or in business, then you're significantly more likely to get in as long as you're not also over 40, uneducated and unable to speak English, which all seem unlikely if you've got $1.75 million to throw around.

Is it basically just to stop Chinese and Indian people coming in and setting up shell corporations in the US to facilitate import from their factories back home? That's just off the top of my head, not sure how viable that is.