She's melting my heart!
Why is she so perfect anons
Other urls found in this thread:
Season 2 never
Not even top 3 of her own show.
Forehead not large enough.
100 points!
who is the best girl for you then?
Forehead scares me
Why is she so perfect?
Yoshimoto is also great
> useless idiot
> perfect
Mah nigga.
>no S2 of anti-lolicon, pro-shotacon shit
Oh god I hope it stays that way.
Plebs, Katsuie is clearly best girl
Success breeds jealousy.
Why isn't straight shota more popular
Straight shota main appeal: pedo women and little boys, or guys who feel like they're little boys, or have oedipus complex.
More popular than loli in anime, apparently.
It's the "REEE PEDO" vs "Niiiiiiice~" double standards.
She's FAT
As expected of a shogun.
I wish we got more, it had cute girls but also kept interesting male figures.
The reason they never had her go for MC is cause she would win for sure
Literally the Milly of Nobuna
I'd give her 100 ten
Boobs are men's hopes and dreams! They're just not some fat!
I want her to play with my balls
If you catch what I am trying to imply
That sound awfully painful, user
She's literally a pro soccer player
>ends showing all the potential plot and new characters that would appear next season
>no next season. Ever.
I will never not be mad.
This desu
They will deliver another season, no?
I wish
You wish
Everyone wishes
But it will never happen
So for now the novels are the only thing
Dreams can become reality user, don't give up easily.
Not only good ones
Or dudes who want to be dominated by large, imposing women
It's been five years and I still haven't gotten more of the prettiest girl in Japan
What a disaster
Wrong image, user.
A-at least we got Pachinko last year or the year before that
Wrong image
Does she even like the MC? Does anyone, besides the lolis and Nobuna?
Nope. Then again, why would anyone want more when they have cohorts like this?
I wonder if this show boosted sales of the books
Shokugeki was a flop but the book sales were so good it got S2 still
Can't forget the god tier OST
Too old.
The novels stayed on the Amazon top ten for quite a while during the anime run so I would assume it did well.
You probably missed your chance for a daki.
>Nobuna thread
>no Hanbei
Squeakers are no good.