Why is he such an amazing character?

Why is he such an amazing character?

Genuinely releatable and funny lad.

I can't self insert in this loser.

What's amazing about him? He whines and complains like a bitch 90% of the time

The rest of the cast are so stupid that he looks so much better.
Fuck Konosuba. Anime is dead.

patterned after one of the greats



>Genuinely releatable and funny lad
>amazing character
>every other post can't even define why Kazuma an amazing character
OP confirmed posting ironically. This just confirmed that every 'Konosuba is the best show ever' spam thread also being ironic.

Same reason people love Always sunny in Philadelphia, its about awful people being awful to each other. Except one is set in an bizarre, nonsensical shithole and the other is wish-fulfillment isekai

Konosuba is less about awful people than legitimately retarded characters.

Luck builds are the greatest of all time.

If the isekai main character is going to have plot armor, you may as well make it part of the story.

I don't understand the facsination with kazuma. Hes a total unrelatable cuck with a shit attitude and shit opinions. The entire show is the very definition of self insert, wish fulfillment storywriting, specifically catering to incompetent weebs with no talent who get off to lucking their way to riches and bitches without any reasoning or justification for that success.

If this was any other show you guys would tear kazuma apart but because you're hard for the supporting cast you cuck yourselves right into kazuma and ignore how bad he is as an mc.

Literally me

Anime only.

LN is killing his character.


Hai hai, Kazuma desu!

>is a dick to his party
>bully Aqua for things that are out of her control and completely disregard her contributions
>know that Megumin and Darkness like him but is too beta to actually touch them
>is a pervert and a hikiNEET
>small penis
anons love Kazuma because they self inserts as him

Because he is scum.

Because he was written by a female, so he has an actual personality.

He's like random e-eceleb so kids like him.

He doesn't take shit from anyone.

He's a legitimately awful human being, so it's fantastic to watch. Especially when paired with other awful (or stupid) people like Aqua

Just is

Does that make some edgy kid who's against the "system" and doesn't take shit from anyone amazing too?

>self insert

not this dumb buzzword again

Whoa you might be onto something here

>gets bitches without any reasoning

Doesn't put pussy on a pedestal and treats them all normally. Something you don't really see in anime and manga done right.

And this is just ship posting.

Gets me everytime.

>And this is just ship posting.
>makes wacky faces because it's "funny"
>makes some ecchi jokes
>dumb and useless
Pretty fitting to me.

He couldn't give a damn about killing the demon king when he gets rich. More than content to just stay at home and drink with Aqua all day every day.

All those 4 points apply to the girls better than to Kazuma. You have zero idea what you are talking about huh?

But we're talking about Kazuma here.
>You have zero idea what you are talking about huh?
Why? Because you don't want to admit that you like the same thing that's popular among kids nowadays?

I never got this joke, isn't he just saying "Yes, I'm kazuma"

>he's amazing because he'll drink all day when gets rich

he literally takes a bath with megumin

>>bully Aqua for things that are out of her control
aqua please go

No seriously what the fuck are you talking about? Rewatch the show (though it doesn't feel like you watched it in the first place) since the girls are what you point out in your post.


>Funny faces
Everyone in the party

>Ecchi jokes

Megumin is a glass canon and Darkness is a meat shield who can't hit shit. Aqua is a literal double edge sword but is dumb as a rock. Kazuma knows how to use all his party members to their maximum capabilities and generally thinks of the tactics while being the jack of all trades.

Kinda. Reminds me of how FMA is the only battle shonen with actual three-dimensional characters that feel like people.

No, you stated why he is amazing. I'm saying he is highly better than the normal run of the mill generic nice guys you see.


he's just being a smart ass

And Kazuma too. Did you miss his straight man reactions to Aqua and Darkness every episode?
>Funny faces
>Everyone in the party
i.e Kazuma too
>Ecchi jokes
Did you miss the pantsu "joke"? Or any of the bath scenes? Or his tits jokes?
>Kazuma knows how to use all his party members to their maximum capabilities and generally thinks of the tactics while being the jack of all trades.
And they still suck 90% of the time. Hell, even konosuba fags themselves say that everyone in a party is a retard.
>any opinion I don't like is a bait

>pantsu "joke"? Or any of the bath scenes? Or his tits jokes?

I see, so those are appropriately labelled as jokes for virgins

He is not paladin of justice. Pretty easy to relate to

It's not hard to be than the bottom of the barrel.
Why do people not praise this guy then?

They were treated as jokes in anime.

Do people actually like this show? Watched the first two episodes and screamed autism.

Yes, it's reddit, MAL and some part of Sup Forums's winter AOTS

Compared to Aqua, Kazuma is a whistle in a hurricane.

And Darkness ecchi jokes are more abundant than the things that Kazuma does, especially when they fight.

And no shit but they get the job done at the end of the day. You really think megumin, Darkness, or aqua can come up with a plan with better results? Especially in the party swap side story where Dust begged Kazuma to take his party back and Kazuma is actually a pretty good party leader. They are all loveable losers.

Point being, the girls are more of a factor for all your complaints than Kazuma alone.

>generic self insert cancer
>amazing character
This is what underage 3D world subhumans believe. Watch Rance instead teenage fags and fuck off from Sup Forums.

I praise him too, akiba's trip has been fucking great.

You tell me. Not a lot of people watch akiba's trip. Plan on binge watching it when it's done though.

That explains it.

The point is, people like him for these things I listed. Just because the girls have the same traits doesn't change the fact that Kazuma is popular thanks to the said traits.

Really don't understand why's it not popular. Better than Konosuba and they do something new every episode, yet it's no one gives a fuck about it pretty much everywhere.

jesus fucking christ dude. rance is alpha male

Kazuma's personality fits perfectly with Aqua.

He's not
He's a retarded, self absorbed pervert

People liking him is a given, no matter how shitty a character is, there would at least 1 person that like that character. But all of us know that wasn't the question, you moving-goalpost poster.

"Why is he such an amazing character?"
The way you describe it, he doesn't really that amazing. Just likeable, and relateable.
But amazing?
So far in this thread, there's still no post that proved what OP saying.

>But all of us know that wasn't the question, you moving-goalpost poster.
Try following the reply chain, I was arguing that he has a lot of traits that kids who follow some youtube celebs like.

hai hai kazuma des

No one gives a fuck for your e-celeb shit you bait posting dip.

He's a male MC I don't want to punch in the face. That's quite an achievement these days.

He's the ideal MC. /ourguy/ material

>implying you don't have a micropenis

Neither a Nice Guy™ nor an edgy emo kid.
Isn't overpowered, in most situations has to rely on companions and creativeness.
Doesn't reject underhanded, morally questionable solutions and is willing to abuse them to get desired results.
Has genuine and relatable character flaws - laziness, selfishness, cowardice, pervertedness - but can get shit done when really needs to and has his moments of kindness.
Thanks to his character traits he has interactions much more interesting and enjoyable than your typical Mr. Moralfag that only preaches cliche crap.

He isn't an idealized, heroic character and that's what makes him human-like and relatable. Vast majority of protags is nothing but delusional glorification. Anime is infested with average high school boys that are everything but average and NEETs without even one NEET trait - morally perfect, selfless saints that never take advantage of anyone, spout idealistic nonsense, have no lust and are willing to go through hell for someone they just met. Kazuma acts and is treated like an actual imperfect person would.

He didn't make me want to immediately stop watching.

Anime only

Not an argument and I didn't bait. There are certain things that attract wider audience and you have to be retarded or delusional to deny it.

How would Kazuma take him down?

Create Water + Freeze.
gg no re.

doesn't he essentially do so with misurugi

>not an isekai cliché best guy ever who does things great because of neetpower, but is able to manage his high INT and LCK stats effectively (relatively)
>terrible personality traits, but coupled with good traits
>hides genuine love for his friends and comrades under the asshole façade
>can care about unrelated people as well
>courageous enough to subject himself to painful death for the sake of his party and others

You don't count Rurouni Kenshin as a battle shonen?

Lol. Good joke user.

Isn't that exactly what we do here?