Watch your back, ACCA is on the way.
ACCA episode 1
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Prince is cute.
I'll spam some pics for now.
Why are they sitting like that?
It's based on the VA's picture.
>episode 1
Did we go back in time ?
Ya goofed it, Jean.
Does Mauve want to fuck Grossular?
Prince is a dead man walking.
So why is Lilium family so influential? Because of oil?
How is he so confident in controlling Jean to do stuff that benefits the Lilium family?
They have his best friend. Do you seriously think they didn't know about the assassins? They let it happen so the danger forces him to act. Doesn't mean he won't counter them next episode.
Lucky dude.
How has the coup not leaked to the prince now that this many fucking people know about it
He's too much of a baka.
>kaitou still hasn't released episode 10
fucking hell
Why do girls always make the best girls?
Too busy eating keki
What did he mean by this?
Literally no one likes Baka Ouji. Maggie is his only ally and I bet it's only because it's his duty.
wtf I feel bad for him now
So now the red head girl from the first episode is dating the guy with glasses? And Mauve isn't interested in Jean anymore. Damn, that sucks for him.
He doesn't seem to care though.
He'll be king soon, he'll have harems of women nowhere near as old and busted as her.
Good riddance. Eider had a one sided crush on Jean and the second another guy decided to listen to her complain she hoped right onto his dick instead, so she's a slut. And Mauve is a manipulative cunt who never had any interest in Jean besides using him for information.
The only girl Jean cares about is his qt imouto.
and Nino
NIno is really the best match for him.
>intro seconds of newest episode
>2 family members are brown
>all servants are white
Lotta wants to fuck Nino, though.
Given the oil and minarets Furawau is more like Saudi Arabia really.
Anyone got a final collage of all 13 districts now we've seen all of them?
>smiling always
Good stuff in them flower plants.
>spelled out sounds like Flower
I am [shaking]
Don't ruin Lilium for me, dude. Let me believe he's a curry and not a sand.
maybe their butts hurt
She didn't deserve Jean anyway.
>Kind, big back, good listener.
Grus confirmed for MC
The little romcom-ish bits seem so weird amidst the whole coup d'etat conspiracy. Warbler is right, everyone is way too chill about it.
Jean is ACCA sexual forever now.
Everyone seems 100% sure the coup will succeed because of how much good ACCA brought to the nation until now I guess. Only people that I found somewhat stressed is warbler just getting to know in this episode, Jean and Grossular. Talking about Grossular, I hope we get to see what kind of stuff Lilium has to control him this way.
they will make him procreate to have a heir or use Lotta
I've been wondering
what's the organizational equivalent of ACCA in real life?
does something like that exist in any country?
A unified police, military, railways, taxis, runs hospitals. It's basically your average government run services in a socialist country run as one.
>your average government run services in a socialist country run as one
so it doesn't exist then
>put forth a coup
>put Otus on the throne
>control Otus as if he were pussy-ass Grossular
>somehow Furawau will rule the world!!!! XD
flawless plan
as expected of a monkey
Jean would do anything including pleasing old men if you gave him enough cigarettes.
Damn, tasty looking bread.
Jean is pure!
Far right is most pure and cutest.
The idea is to have Jean reign as a weak and ineffectual king who does nothing and lets the state bureaucracy (ACCA) and the provinces themselves manage everything. Since oil land has, well, oil, if they manage to keep a larger portion of the oil income they'll suddenly become a lot richer and will be able to use their wealth to exert more power across the country.
So in the end, Prince Schwann is the only hope left for the country. Let's hope he manages to foil the coup and punish the traitors.
I like Nino and that next episode preview crushed whatever was left of my hopes of him having a happy ending.
I hope Jean manages to negotiate something with Baka Ouji and avoid the coup.
Lilium is way to shaddy, he can't be allowed to win.
Nah, Jean needs to seize control, but then backstab Lilium in a Lelouche tier turnaround move.
Yeah but we've seen Lilium manhandle Grossular, I don't think Jean would be able to pull that off.
Backstabbing would be easy. Grossular and Mauve know about Lilium and seem to oppose. Others don't seem to know about it. Maybe only the brothers at Furawau support Lilium.
The hard part is what comes later: managing 13 states. They supported the coup and expect rewards after. But some want more independence and others more support, which is contradictory. So you need someone to play the bad guy and tell them it's not possible.
I don't know but it's a surprisingly unpopular opinion.
I hate characters like Jean. Autists fucks who dont do shit yet every char licks their ass
hes just a guy doing his job
and they lick his ass because he's royalty
He's literally royalty and everyone is scared shitless of his cousin becoming the king. They're not kissing his ass because he's charismatic. The average user would probably have no problems collecting all thirteen cigarettes.
He just follows the flow of coup de etat, its good that the series seems to be a lighter one than a darker one where his autism of "lets see how this goes" probably going to get him killed off in some woods later when he got crowned.
Don't they have a huge difference in age?
When has that stopped anyone?
like 20-30 years wasnt it
Nino pretended he was ten years younger to go to school with Jean, I don't think anyone ever told her that specific detail, though. And besides, she's an adult now so 10-15 years age difference is not that big of a deal. It's not like she's fifteen.
Author loves that shit.
Isn't she still in school?
Wait, is she? I thought she was an adult. They didn't show her ever going to school or something, right?
She's in high school and he's like 40. That's a huge gap.
They mentioned her going to school during the assassination attempt.
Those assassins are hilariously bad at their job.
There's no controlling according to Suwabe, they are just two guys working together to achieve a common goal. He even said that if Lilium ever does something Grossular disagrees with, the alliance is over.
The anime overdid the hair scene, in the manga Grossular's reaction was more like "what the hell is this nigger doing" and less "I'm gonna shit my pants".
If they were dedicated enough to commit suicide, then why didn't they just charge at the pretender with guns blazing to try to take him out with the after their first attempt failed?
This guy.She was shown multiple times in her school uniform.
>anime overdid the hair scene
Well shit, it did feel out of place watching that scene.
I thought he was blackmailing him somehow and forcing him to do his bidding. There's none of that, it was just a weirdly done scene?
Didn't they get killed by the arabs? Then the arabs told Jean that they an hero'd to not complicate things. Hell, maybe they didn't die and are getting tortured for info.
This show is beautiful. Thank you for the scenery chart, user.
The people making merch for this show know what I want. Fuck it looks tasty.
> Nino's recommendation APPLE CHOCO
Nino has the best taste
And Lilium didn't run his fingers through Grossular's hair either.
I keep expecting Schwan to wisen the fuck up but i guess he really is a complete fucking retard.
Best girl.
>mfw the antagonists are actually gay sandniggers
I guess now that Eider and Mauve are out of the Jeanbowl, she's the next best thing.
does flavored sandwich bread like that actually exist anywhere?
outside of anime merch I mean