Here are your friendly neighbourhood homos.
Here are your friendly neighbourhood homos
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It's not homo unless they actually produce offspring with their activity.
Did I miss something? Where is this pic from?
Yuuri is so fine holy shit.
What are they talking about?
His face/expression reminds me of Yuzu here.
Whoa, Yuuri looks hot here.
Good question, first time I see it. It looks official. Perhaps one of the calendar or from a new mag?
Is this from ice skating magazine? Piggy looks kinda like Yuzu
Should I watch this?
t. heterosexual male that likes boobs and women
How can Bald resist this? I don't get it.
When does he resist it? He's all over him 24/7.
If you're OK with a sports anime that has a gay romance subplot. If not then just skip it.
He looks ready to take Pig's dick
Plushenko and Hanyu practicing
Weird how he's got Yuzu's body.
It's from anan
Then why is he still an untouched piggy
Victor is so fucking gay holy shit.
There are a few pretty female characters but mostly cameos, and no fanservice in that sense, be prepared.
The story is absorbing so my advice is to give it a try anyways, if you can stomach two dudes falling in love with each other in a non-yaoi-cliched way.
If I squint I can almost see a nipple outline.
> gloves
Hnng thank you for giving me this kink yoi
Victor's outfit is a such a 70s gay man look.
Oh no, Victor probably has a little dick :(
>and here we see two homos telling gay jokes to a bored fairy
Guys I think Victor is a homosexual.
Way to make Bald look even more homo than usual
Are you on meds yet, tulpafriend?
Thank you!
I want to comb Fairy's hair.
Wears grandpa clothes, his hair is whiter... is he really about to die?
Piggy's stamina is too much for the old man
Very Yuzu like. Compared to OP pic it's kind of obvious.
Who the fuck thinks Victor likes vaginas seeing stuff like this?
You are heterosexual now but the question is will you still be after this.
Yuzu is not as yummy as Piggy.
If you don't mind a gay romantic subplot then it's nice.
He really looks bad here. More bald than ever and weirdly drawn face. And he is hiding the goods with that jacket.
We can't tell this kind of thing here, Yuzufags will attack Sup Forums with their tulpas.
That ass should be illegal.
I want to have Victor's babies!!!
He's taken, he has to hide the price only Piggy gets to have
too bad, he's a faggot
No way this has a dick
Otabek's waifu.
I don't need anymore friendly neighborhood homos
Fuck San Francisco
I want to kill them all
Fuck fuck this city and all the shit stain "progressives" in it
it is
It's ok, user. Fapping to feminine penis isn't is still homo.
Piggy please stop posting
kek, are you ok user?
jj please
Silly user, fairies don't count.
is yuuri trying to show off his manly pecs to victor by using his bag's buckle
Poor Yurio, having to deal with them all day.
user, they're in Russia.
Me too!!!
I kind of want to bully him for it
He looks so tiny.
What a beautiful girl (male).
Yuuri and Victor look so relaxed and happy. Just. So fucking loved up.
Piggy looks like a fag
wait, is Victor a gay?
Sauce on this beautiful pure piggy?
I want to squeeze those thighs!!!!!I want to be squeezed to death inbetweem them!!
Actually the one who looks like a complete homo on that poster is Victor not the pig.
Still my favorite dj.
For once Victor isn't spreading his legs.
Yeah. No self-respecting homo would have a backpack strapped across their chest like that.
As much a I love this, Piggy looks like a fucking middle schooler compared to Vitya. Either he starts dressing more fashionable or Victor more casual.
Pig looks like a nerd who would get called a faggot anyway
The backpack isn't helping. Victor looks like he's about to go on a date while Yuuri looks like he's coming home from school.
Vitya is perfect being /fa/, Piggy's the one who needs to dress to match him. Like in ep 10
Why don't they have their rings? I'm getting very tired of this.
That's how sugar daddies like their sugar babies.
Yuuri has a daddy kink.
Victor pls
Pig looks like a tech fag
When do you think Baldfat relocated to St. Petersburg? After Nationals? After Worlds?
Exactly, their outfits clash so much they look like there's a 15 year age difference between them.
Barcelona episode had them looking their best because Piggy was wearing a nicer coat and a scarf.
I always loved the design for his Mizuno pants. The blue highlight really accentuates his ass cleavage.
You know you really have to remind yourself that the YOI world is a homophobia free place because otherwise what kind of gay couple would choose to relocate to Russia of all places.
Victor is Russian, besides Japan is even more homophobic than Russia.
And what kind of nip family would be ok with their faggy son marrying a male foreigner and not taking over the family business?
Prettiest Piggy is when he's more fashionable.
>Japan is even more homophobic than Russia.
Definitely untrue. Japan is a gay paradise compared to Russia believe me. Ofc Russia isn't Saudi tier bad but if you had to choose between Japan and Russia as a homo, that'd be Japan without hesitation.
I think the Katsuki have already given up on their son being straight and taken over the family business. They will just do as plenty of Nips have done since 2 millenia. Adopt the husband of their daughter into the family and let him inherit the business.
Fuck no
They are also OK with their Christmas cake daughter. Katsukis are mellow as fuck.
Toshiya is trans though, so they understand Yuuri is different.
We haven't seen them encouraging Mari to date either and she's practically spinster age by Nip standards.
Victor is not just any foreigner. He is a celebrity and brought in a fuck ton of business. If Yuuri was hetero he would have married a nobody and business would have continued to tank.
Isn't she like 29? Still plenty of time to get her married through an omiai.