Listen up Sup Forumstards

Listen up Sup Forumstards.

Capitalism is in its late stages. Communism is inevitable. WE WILL WIN .

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*starves to death*

>shoots you for stealing a grain of corn while dying from starvation

>100 million vs 6 gorrillion
How can fascist murderlets even compete?

but communism always fails too
wouldn't it be more accurate to say that totalitarian dictatorship is inevitable because that is what comes after communism?

Win what?
First person to be in the bread lines?

Sup Forums has never been hard core capitalists rather a mix of capitalism and socialism similar to the 3rd Reich

Here comes the liberals talking about muh starvation without having any good reason for saying that communism always leads to starvation.

Also ignoring any factors and context, generally terrible historical critique

*Exiles your entire family to the Siberian wilderness because you couldn't work due to polio*


>muh 100 billion trillion

liberals and communists hate each other

On the contrary, anarcho-capitalism will win.

That wasn't REAL Capitalism...??? Or was it Communism? I forget? I know it was one of those silly kike scam ideologies.

I understand this, this so why I said that it's the liberals who are always making starvation jokes to dis communism

I would watch this nation burn long before turning it over to a commie fuckwit.

>implying communism is the only post-capitalist ideology

Are you being ironic? Even if an ancap society happened, it wouldn't stay that way for long.

Europeans making wrong communism with sjw shit. Next step to communism should have been ussr-1980s-like period. Not sjw shit

fair enough

identity politics is cancer, even Marx was against that shit

Defeat was never an option.

Identity politics is the thing that the hard left needs to purge itself form.

I agree, Communism will work if you eliminate 90% of the worlds population, something communists are really good at.

>Hurr Durr we want you to destroy the >government and gas the kikes
I'll get right on it.

communism lost get over it

Sure it will. After the Balkanization of America there will surely be many AnCap factions

>posts form computer that was made in country with approval of the communist party

and the thing the right needs to adopt

Checked and confirmed.

Agriculture and some other essential things to civilization are not automated yet.
We are not in a post scarcity civilization yet.

If Communism will happen organically when we reach the point of total automation, then anybody trying to spark a communist revolution is a con artist who wants wealth and power.

Rich people get rich by using their wealth to produce more wealth. By investing back into the market they increase production. Capitalism works because of human nature. Human self interest helps increase the market size increasing production.

Communism on the other hand will never ever work. "Real" Communism isn't real, and will never be real.
>Step one: Give a government authority ultimate power to "seize the means of production"
>Step two: Government seizes all property and production.
>Step three: ????
>Step four: Government dissolves and the people operate everything organically.
Communism fails because of human nature. You just gave a bunch of bureaucrats all the wealth in the nation, and you think they will just "dissolve and distribute it all to the people"?
Communism fails because human nature. Bureaucrats will try to siphon off as much wealth as they can from their budgets, reducing production. The less government you have the less corruption you have.

I can see Communism working in thirty years down the line, when we have robots that do everything and world peace, why would we even need to bother charging for anything? But you leftest fucks will cause society to collapse in 15 years, so enjoy dying from water born illnesses.

Oh really? Get your helicopters ready, we’re dropping commies!

You need to revise your Chinese history.

This retard is still living in 20th century Jonestown, lmao


Watch Circus (1936), communism has always been for retarded cucks.

Do you even know why they used helicopters in the first place? It was due to the fact that the government of Chile was afraid of public outrage and possible revolt if they did kill communists in public.

Honestly I wish the east would go full red again.

The red beast was a great way to keep the United States in shape. China just doesn't cut it and we need an actual rival again.

thats cause for some reason the public thought commies were people which there not


Looks like the Riceniggers are the next ones to starve in the millions

Considering the steady growth and popularity of Japanese communist party it is only matter of time before anime is killed.

Time for me to invest in helicopter fuel

Really? Get a new Ideology. Communism is so beat it's a fucking joke at this point.

Communism is inevitable, just like the mass execution of all liberals in america :)

You can't reach post scarcity under capitalism. One goal under socialism is to create a post scarcity society.

Rich people use wealth to produce more wealth, correct. But they use wealth to increase wealth for themselves. Steadily increasing how rich they are doesn't enrich the working class, it enriches themselves.

>Capitalism works because of human nature
Muh hooman nature. Human nature isn't static and changes with the conditions of the society and environment they are in. Go back to previous primitive societies and tell them that capitalism is human nature , and they would be confused. We went a long time without capitalism, this should be enough to debunk muh capitalist human nature liberal fantasy.

I explained human nature so I don't think I'll have to explain why communism isn't against human nature again, the human nature you're talking about doesn't exist.

The state whithers away when there is no longer class struggle, the state has historically always existed to rule one class for another, and it continues like this to this day, why is this any different now?

Oh wow leftypol gathered 3 trannies and 2 numale amerimutts and it's attempting yet another raid.

Surely their 100 times over debunked arguments will work this time.

fucking hero

>be rich
>put money in copy machine
>get more money
>become richer without any other human on the the planet benefiting

This is what communists believe

Otoya Yamaguchi is a hero.


one works and the other hasn't. meh

don't starve me, bro.







>be rich
>put money into capital
>capital generates more profit to get more rich

Sure people benefit because of more jobs, so those people get an income, but the capitalist still gets richer

>the capitalist does it for free

OMG these kids and OP are tards. Pick up the Manifesto for once. There wouldn’t even be a government in Communism. All proclaimed communist countries were just State Capitalism mixed with authoritarianism. Lenin even said “We now have state capitalism we must progress it state capitalism.” before he died. Also we need Socialism before Communism you autistic OP. He’s just trying to make us look bad.

No, I clearly said he puts money into new capital, as in costing money.

How do you redistribute wealth without government retard?
>he expects the rich to do it for free

>it was just state capitalism!

The leftcoms and anarchists have arrived, please don't bastardize Marx here

You can't, that utopian as fuck. This happens under socialism when there is a state.

>He’s just trying to make us look bad.
You don't need any help, trust me

You make a Workers’ Self Directed Enterprises. They will lower income inequality greatly in a decade or 2.

We could if we stopped importing shitskins and forced industries to pay fair wages or develop robots.

They invest back into the market, increasing production, increasing labor needs, increasing jobs. Sure its not all distributed evenly, but its there. Guess what is the first thing that happens when you try to "distribute wealth"? That's right, all the wealth just packs its bags and leaves to brighter shores. Now the "evil rich people that will pay for everything" is people that can't afford to just pack up and leave to another nation, the middle class. So now instead of having investor being richer than anyone else, you have some bureaucrat, what an improvement! Now go stand in line for an hour for a loaf of bread, don't complain about the bureaucrats either, you will be sent to a deat- I mean, labor camp for not being dedicated enough.

Oh man I can't wait to devolve into a preindustrial civilization! That sounds great! Who needs antibiotics anyways? Not only that, but primitive societies didn't have the population problems we have.

I am not saying all people are evil and self serving, I am just saying enough people are.

>No longer class struggle
Yea dude, I am sure the higher up people in the government were living in the same living conditions as 95% of the population. Totally, they will give up all that wealth for the good of the people.

They're the de facto government then retard

And who is checking their income?

The Workers, with that system it will slowly destroy the government over time and once it’s destroy we have Communism.

We learned from our past mistakes that making State Capitalism will not lead us to Socialism. We need Workers’ Self Directed Enterprises.This will slowly dismantle the government and will eventually make Communism the end goal.

>person that made anime possible



Yes fellow cummunist soon the goyi- I mean Capitalist pigs will burn!


>Workers' Self whatever
>We're THE worker

>he doesn't know
Large swaths of China are rapidly transitioning to capitalism and seeing massive benefits and increases in living standards as a result.

Communism is a joke that has killed over 100 bobillion citizens and Marx was a delusional idealistic twat with no basis in reality.

Only the strong survive in anarchy.

>Communism is inevitable
>50 million starve to death
>Capitalism rises from the ashes
>Rinse repeat

TAKE DOWN THE GREEDY CORPORATIONS POWER TO THE PEOPLE MAN! Did i forget to tell you about my indie fashion label only $200 for a beanie, also i have a patreon.

Japanese maoist almost wins the elections, gets killed. Ironically, had he won japan would likely be far more imperialist and nationalist.

Liberal is a synonym for communist

>Only those who inherit survive in ”anarchy”.


Are you the engineer guy?

>have a special institution that checks the workers income, but also have the workers, a collective force, check on the income of said institution
Like I said, he doesn't need help to look retarded

I know we are the fucking Workers retard. Thats what it’s just called.

Well corporate dictatorship but yes.

What happens when the wealth is taken and put back into the working class? Yeah the rich will get pissed and try to leave, they can leave for all we care, their shit stays and they can leave with nothing.

All this collected wealth goes back into the working class and state officials via straight into the pockets and the now public capital, services, etc. You say that the state officials will just take it all for themselves, but think about this for a moment. If this were the case, then none of the money would be going into services or public capital, greatly decreasing quality. In doing this, they would have decreased the quality of shit they would consume in the first place. To live better themselves they couldn't be rich. Lenin also talked about the vanguard party in the new state, a party full of the most class conscious people to do state work.

Communism actually only killed 30 million according to more records being released a lot less than 120 million than what we though.

>Workers' organization: Fellow workers', we too are workers, hence we had workers checked our institution. Which division did the worker came from? C-certainly not ours h-haha! Wait, you mean we can't check ourselves despite ourselves is workers?

I don’t think you know what a Workers’ Self Directed Enterprise means. The workers are all the bosses another term would be all have an equal share of the company. They can either Democratically vote on issues or elect managers for the place for a certain amount of time.

it didn't, the records are underestimating since maoist china killed many during the western purge that didn't go on record


You have never won. We are winning right now.

>only 30 million

Fascism is back and there's nothing you can do about it.

Looks at population graphs of it happened within 5 years and killed millions there should have been lower growth but it constantly stay around same rate. Google it

cummunism is retarded capitalism

Compared to 120 million it’s a lot better.

Ok commies in your utopia how are new enterprises started? Who give a potential entrepreneur the resources to start that enterprise and how are they motivated to do so? How do you reward risk taking?
Also how do you avoid sociopaths rising to the top of or creating an economic/social hierarchy and abusing it like in any other form of state or economy?
How are needs, abilities and availabilities of resources communicated between all actors of the society?