>you can come inside
>it's my safe day!
You can come inside
Other urls found in this thread:
>you can't come inside!!
>leglocks the guy
When a Japanese woman says no it almost always means yes.
When a woman gets groped on a train there is a high chance she apologizes
>>you can come inside
>>it's my safe day!
I'll be right over.
The leglock is actually an instinctive reflex.
Women are hardwired to get pregnant.
That's basically code for "I need to trap you, and having your child is the perfect way to do it."
Directly after copulation the devil's laughter is heard
that's my fetish
sauce me brother
>not being able to recognize the artstyle, and running a two-tag search with the leglock tag and artist tag to find the source
You sicken me.
are you sure?
It's futa on female
and I know lots of people on Sup Forums don't like that
Do women really have safe days or is this something virgin otaku made up?
kinda, it's period mumbo jumbo shit.
It's more that there are days where they're ovulating than a safe day.
Gross why would anyone go inside a girl's house anyway
>period mumbo jumbo shit.
Why are 3D women so gross?
you didn't get this from me ok?
>vacuous shit threads unrelated to anime criticism like this won't get deleted
this board is even worse than pol
Any day the uterus isn't configured to accept a fertilized egg is safe.
Basically, you gotta bang right after her old lining has rotted away, so it's kinda gross.
just hide/report if it bothers you
>h-manga trope
>Sup Forums - anime and manga
Really makes you think
Women can only get pregnant at a specific time in their menstrual cycle, but it's complicated by other thing like that fact that sperm can survive for a few days inside the woman, the menstrual cycle isn't perfectly regular and such. So it's generally extremely unreliable to depend on timing the ovulation just right to avoid pregnancy.
Thanks user
If that's true then do accidents only happen because of negligence by the woman and/or not telling whoever they're fucking that they're ovulating?
Yes. A woman is always at fault for an unwanted pregnancy.
Don't let them confuse you with their lies.
I just said that's it's very unreliable to try to dodge the ovulation period, pretty difficult to predict EXACTLY how long sperm will remain viable or EXACTLY when your ovulation period comes around.
Most women don't track their menstrual cycle to the microsecond either since like I said, it's a very dumb idea to rely on timing alone for contraception, and probably there are plenty of women who don't even know about the ovulation cycle due to shitty education.
wtf i hate women now
hate the moon for it created the menstrual cycle by the varying gravitational pull with the Earth
If a girl gets pregnant, it's not an accident.
That's not what my mom told me.
>Most women don't track their menstrual cycle to the microsecond either
Thats not what my chinese comics tell me
Ignore that picture
>anime """""""criticism"""""""
Wrong website
>anime criticism
Fuck off.
They keep a vague idea about it like "hey it's been 3 weeks since my last period; I should expect it any day now." The average woman isn't going to know "safe days" and when she's obvulating. If you believe that bullshit then you are probably walking into a trap
> So it's generally extremely unreliable to depend on timing the ovulation just right to avoid pregnancy
> then do accidents only happen because of negligence by the woman
Can you not fucking read?
It's okay I always wanted to be a dad.
>My Amy's is taking the shape of his penis!
>My Amy's
>If you go any further I'll be unable to live without your cock.
Sounds great.
>Oh, no! If he keeps doing that I'll come!
What a fucking tragedy.
>Your sperm are raping my sperm!
Succumbing to pleasure is shameferu dispray
Has this artist done anything new recently? Not often I actally like a futanari_centric artist.
>My Amy's
what a cute name for a disgusting hole
Japanese women aren't supposed to enjoy sex user. It is a tragedy.
Delete this
According to my extensive knowledge of sex I know that having it makes you become retarded.
>Girl gets raped
>Clearly hates it
>At the end she becomes a cock hungry slut
>Cum shoots out like geysers in hentai
What's this from?
>minbreak genderbend
rape is a very common fetish in nipland
Sort of, but it's not very reliable.
Japanese women actually believe this shit, it's not made up by otaku. They also believe that they're so genetically different from the rest of the world that birth control hormones don't work on them, which is of course complete bullshit, and so they have a billion superstitions about "safe days" and whatever else instead of just taking the pill and ensuring that every day is "safe."
Should've been more specific. Fetish as in women fantasize about being raped. This goes back to the days of the Samurai where the Samurai would sneak out during the night, break into their own homes during the and rape their wife.
>They also believe that they're so genetically different from the rest of the world that birth control hormones don't work on them
That could be why their women aren't insufferable cunts
>Samurai would sneak out during the night, break into their own homes during the and rape their wife.
>sneak out
So they would sneak out of their own home just to break into their own home?
It actually is fairly reliable if you combine several tests to determine when the ovulation has occured. Which no one does, ever.
>you can come inside
>(males) can't get pregnant!
>not liking futa on female
That just makes me want it more, faggot.
Is that Tonnosuke?
Yes, they would disguise themselves as burglars
Shimimaru, and I also just learned it was animated. I'm gonna go fap now
IIRC, abortion providers pushed really hard against birth control and abortifacients when they first came out and Japan never really saw the need to change.
Accept my love!
>Boy gets raped
>Clearly hates it
>At the end he becomes a cock hungry slut
Still works!
is this true?
Only one way to find out.
Well, that's technically the safest time, but there's really only a 72 hour period in which women can get pregnant. If her cycles are regular, you can predict when it'll be, but if not, gfl
just wear a condom, the risk isn't worth it
It's okay, you can insult me. It's my safe day.
The idea of an M having emeotional safe days is actually kinda neat.
It's true. Sperm has amazing moisturizing properties and is fill with vitamins.
user thats a bit gay
If /fit/ has taught me anything, it's that you can't be both fit and heterosexual simultaneously.