Whatever happened to Sup Forums's Libertarian leanings?

Whatever happened to Sup Forums's Libertarian leanings?

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Libertarianism is incompatible with racism.

Niggers are just gonna starve in a free market you idiot

It became clear that "voting to opt-out" of our degenerate anti-white society would never be allowed. So the time of playing fair is over.

Not if the local free market warlord takes them in as slaves for his poppy fields.


Free market saves the day again.

Libertarianism died with Ron Paul’s campaign and young Americans libertarians are usually just very right wing people who don’t believe in God.

The rise of intense left wing identity politics made it impossible to defend a lot of libertarian principles as everyone has got caught up in identity and culture war issues. Also, the GLOBAL free market has FUcKED rural small town white America. Tonnes of jobs move overseas, wrecking communities when they leave. Trump promised protectionism which is very anti-libertarian.

>Whatever happened to Sup Forums's Libertarian leanings?
Trumpfags ruined everything. They'll get theirs in the end, though.

We came to realize that you cannot achieve, let alone maintain a libertarian society as long as you have kikes, niggers, spics, gooks, or leftists in it in any significant number. Therefore we must first purge them all with a heavy handed authoritarian.

The libertarian party happened

pol is a place for (((someone))) to corrupt the young and impressionable and since libertarians are a direct threat to the collectivist NWO agenda, there has been significant shilling against libertarians and Ancaps and now enough suggestable kiddos repeat blindly the mantras that see libertarians as less favorable and state-worship as appropriate considering Trumps win.

We shut that shit down

>kikes, niggers, spics, gooks, or leftists
these would all either die off or improve their attitudes to manage in a libertarian society.

Thats the appeal


You are doing (((their))) work

It evolved, i’m a Paleo-Libertarian Ethno-Nationalist.

We realize we're right and are just LARPing as nazis now.


They grew up and had to get jobs and pay the bills and realized that their bosses are dicks.

The (((system))) is the jew system. By supporting the system you are doing (((their))) work.

If ancap was a jewish thing, it would be getting spammed on TV - like the elections. Ancap and libertarian are the greatest threat because it encourages people to be independent.

They became monarchists and reactionaries
t. former libertarian

Both are spammed into the minds of autistic teenagers

Resurgence of communism.

>all the cheap to hire people that don't mind working to death will be out of work

No sweetie... There will be nothing but slave labor and you'll either have to compete with a mexican or asian that don't care they'll die at 40 or die in a gutter.

A libertarian is just a republican who does drugs.



Surely communism is spammed to teenagers

liberty and freedom is for white people exclusively
we are not responsible for other people's choices
we will not fight their fights

Smoking weed and pretending to have everything figured out isn't a threat to the system. See: Bugman Libertarianism that exists today.

Hail Cantwell and Hans Herman Hoppe

Marxists keep them alive so they can exploit racial strife.

well if I keep my money in physical and out of the banking system how can I get jewed?

We can go back to libertarianism once we're not beset on all sides by brown people that want to destroy the country.

>At least its not the jews!

>you cannot be racist within your property



everyone became ancap then realized it would never work in the real world so they probably stopped coming to Sup Forums

That one really embarrassing convention happened.


Gary Johnson decided to force us to bake a gay cake. Fuck off.

yeah - it was like (((someone))) felt threatened and sent in their disruptors

(Not going to accuse you personally of being s boomer here, but it makes my point more clear.)

This is 100% an example of the boomer materialist worldview that has resulted in the western world dying. The idea that the only thing at risk under Jews, is your fucking money... just goes to show how badly people are ignorant of the Jewish problem. I'd rather be a poor man in a white ethnostate (with no welfare), than a rich man in a diverse multicultural society build by Jews.

Plenty of NEETsocs came here
I would unironically give them a helicopter ride too


Storefront is dead, and the daily stormer is an incredibly important website for calling attention on the Jewish problem. Your merchant meme only exposes your intent to direct anger at Jewish subversion at young men fighting for their own future.

Fascism is what we need.

well, your money is at risk too. I suggest you convert it to physical also, but everyone can make their own decisions.

Boomers supported the jew system for their whole lives. They can't even consider it bad after the war brainwashing. And money is debt - not value.

Wrong. I want a libertarian society, but only for White Americans.





ancaps are a meme

All groups act in their own self interest and all groups are not equal. If niggers are disadvantaged by a free market they will never accept it no how long they are here. Forceful separation is the only key to dispelling the lie of equality.

We are busy preparing for a Holocaust.

which one of you commiefags voted to remove hierarchy?

So-called libertarians are 100% lockstep behind globalism. Jeb Bush calls himself a libertarian. Libertarianism is trash, it has become, in essence, soft communism. NatCap is the way of the future, and you degenerates will go the way of the dodo.

Cato was a mistake.

Jej. If you're concerned with being outcompeted in the kind of job illiterate niggers and mexicans can do, you should probably kill yourself.

who is the second gentleman?

That would be Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

This desu. Likewise, women offered equality but incapable of attaining it by merit will also reject the system, thus their exclusion from political activity is necessary.

>100% lockstep behind globalism.
ummmm no - its the exact opposite

>Jeb Bush calls himself a libertarian
ok but is Jeb BUSH libertarian........................no

that was easy. Stop blindly believing the last youtube video you saw



libertarianism has been put on hold for the fighting off of internationalist antiwhite commie scum. we will pick up private property theories when the race war has ended and a new european empire has been born and we are looking to how best to organize the New Europa Mars One settlement

Sup Forums was the center of Libertarian sentiment on Sup Forums. To my recollection, Sup Forums was never especially Libertarian. Stormfags colonized it early and Sup Forumstards largely felt Sup Forums was a containment board for extremist idiots shitting up Sup Forums. Last year CTR and ShareBlue went out of their way to shit on Libertarians because of Gary Johnson (can we mention his name without obligatory "ALEPPO" responses, yet?). Somewhere along the line came the non-Stormfront Neonazis trying to push "right-wing" and "Hoppean" Libertarianism, which is just total nonsense. And then there are the ancap retards larping as Libertarians.

Its not "capital" if it can be printed - its debt and debt is not money.
Central banking is a tenant of communism.

liberty, civnat and classical liberalism cannot exist with non-whites. they take advantage of and ruin all 3 of these. these principles were created for and by europeans, so cannot exist where there is no european majority.

personally, i like the /fash/ route, but i think what's going to happen if governments don't change is white separatism. the ethnostate. you could even think of it as late-state white flight.

balkanization will occur.

We realized that supporting libertarian policies in U.S. and Europe is pointless virtue signalling. "Progressive" and "leftist" policies require us to move way up into the authoritative quadrant in order to be fight back.

A libertarian immigration system brings in undesirables (and with them, anti-libertarian ideals). Also, small and authoritative government is much more effective and obtainable than small and weak government.

Unqualified Reservations - Why I Am Not a Libertarian

Vote at the poll

i did

Nothing wrong with fighting socialists for property rights if you ask me.

> lolbergs
bandwagoners who soon became disillusioned. Same reason as why Molyjew keeps making pro-western videos. All libertarian visions for the world cannot be realized if non-Whites are part of the picture. They simply refuse to let them be.

Disagree won again.
Large scale civilisations are unsustainable?

more 5 minutes to vote

>Having a boss
Yeah nah YOU fucked up.

They died when the liberals went full Marxist.





We realized it's cucked by kikes.

>Yes goy, (((the free market))) fixes absolutely everything, just trust us with your shekels and everything will work itself out! Yes goy people should have the freedumbs and libberdy to race mix, turn their kids into trannies and there should be no borders! Good goy!


Defending your rights is the only way to have them, user.


If libertarian was (((their))) goal, it would be getting spammed everywhere. Individualism is the enemy of their goal.

and as ever: Ayn Rand was not libertarian.

Those Jews are our Jews though. The free market is unbelievably awesome but I wouldn’t expect a cucknadian to appreciate it.

Not edgy enough.
But it is autistic enough.
Ethnonationalism is both.
It beat libertarianism in the marketplace of ideas.

They're not going to allow it to exist though user, thats why.

Wrong. It makes them wealthier. Women gain political opportunities and wealth through prostitution. Niggers rise up into the middle class. Sounds all good and dandy doesn't it? But here's what happens next: Niggers and women use their new position in society to gain civil rights and elect welfare state enablers. Congrats on your free market, shitskin.

if legal businesses sell cocaine and heroin, the gangs will have no money left and thug culture will die out

imagine being a commie and falling for their (((tricks)))



True capitalists realize that the best chance we have of removing the commies and niggers is by removing the fetters from the market and letting it work. The government is the primary obstacle to a white ethnostate. If the market is allowed to, it will solve most of society’s problems

It got swamped out by all the plebbit trumptards that came here during the election.

>race mix, turn their kids into trannies
Bankruptcy and starvation is the free market's way of dealing with uncompetitive behaviors. That, and covenant communities.

>and there should be no borders!

Thats just 100% projection. You fear scenarios that you have conjured entirely in your own mind. This is a common occurrence among americans

>but if le libertarianism is good for Jews they would push it everywhere!!!1

We're in this (Jewish) mess we're in because of individualism, just look at the atomized, nihilistic and narcissistic society we live in where everyone is such a special and unique individual with no duties or obligations to their people and towards one another. Libertarians are just SJWs who hate taxes.

the best way to remove commies is lethal force and the best way to remove niggers is to remove welfare


Oh so women won't prostitute themselves out just because your free market was established in the UK? And niggers wouldn't just begin advocating for welfare politics just because you're on Bongistani soil? Keep telling yourself that, mudshit.

>Free Market Will Fix It: The Post