Only one episode left until we get Aoi, who will surely become the best main girl in the franchise.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
What do you guys think this dragon is, Sup Forumsrc-v?
So what do you think this dragon is supposed to be, Sup Forumsrc-v?
She'll be thrown aside like trash by episode 10 along with the ugly guy
As long as this happens i'am fine
The exact same thing was said about Yuzu, and we all know how that turned out.
It's a matter of personal preference on what makes the best girl, but don't get your hopes too high on the treatment of female characters in the Yugioh series.
But she has no tits :(
Dark Rebellion Wing Dragon
Clear Wing Rebellion Dragon
>watching this show for female duelists
>caring about females in YGO
This show has always been about men and will continue to do so. Women have no place in YGO.
KINGU agrees with you.
If she gets cowtits in the VR world then she would indeed be the best
Aki got a full story arc of relevance. There's value in hoping for that much. Unless Yoshida's the writer anyway, in that case it's just GG, better luck next time.
Yeah, the Yugioh series is generally more about friendship, rivalry, and bonds rather than romance.
>Yugioh series is generally more about friendship, rivalry, and bonds
Then why was hardly any of that in Arc-V?
What if I told you that Aoi and Go are going to end up as Yuzu and The Man, Gongenzaka?
Synchro and XYZ arc was full of that
Actually, a lot of ARC-V was about just that. The issue with ARC-V is the laziness in character interaction.
Disgusted, considering how they turned out
I already decided she will. She is.
Because of EGAO.
After the 2nd Yuya VS Reiji duel, the shows concept shifted to egao along with the introduction of Smile World. It was okay when it was a part of Yuto's ideals but Yuya took it too far.
As a result, a lot of episodes that could have focused on character interactions were cut out to jam in episodes that focused on Yuya egaoing the opponent, like the Tyler sisters, Edo and BB.
Dark wing rebellion dragon sounds better.
It doesn't fit the pattern though.
Because Kamishiro doesn't understand YGO.
How about genuine love? The characters seem to be a bit older than 14 yo, too.
let me hope
Reminder that no one is allowed to be surprised now if Vrains doesn't deliver on your borderline delusional hopes
bromance is the only truth
Do you remember the hotels?
And assuming you're right, a lot of it involved not very likeable characters or irrelevant ones.
I agree with KINGU; women in duel monsters should be cheerleaders and nothing more.
>inb4 muh female inequality
Aoi's VA leaked.
There won't be any legacy characters or alternate dimension selves this time so it should be fine.
Legacy characters don't explain every single thing wrong with Arc-V, especially the fundamental problems.
I want you to say the same when Crow appears in Vrains and becomes part of the main characters.
You say that now but the almighty Crow sama shall return in his BLACKWING glory.
Or Arc V original characters come back to finally get screen time and still be useless.
>that beautiful animation compared to what we have now
What the flying fuck happened?
Will we have rituals in Vrains?
Arc-V's animation had regular QUALITY ever since episodes 4 and 5 you dunce. It was probably at its worst in some parts of Synchro and Xyz.
How much does she charge for enkou?
We don't even know if we'll have Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Pendulum.
Why do these threads keep having the next worthless YGO girl in the OP? Girls are irrelevant in this show.
There seems to be a waifufag who keeps making new threads as soon as possible (ignoring the unspoken page 8 conduct) just to be a faggot about his ugly waifu
So fusions had contact fusion as an upgrade, synchro had clear mind, xyz had rank up and pendulums had synchro-pendulum/xyz-pendulum/fusion-pendulum. What will links get as an upgraded form?
No one cares
that skirt though, muh dick
>Arc-V original characters
Which ones?
We wont this is gonna be a link only anime until the next aniversary anime.
Compared to the summoning requirements for Synchro and Xyz, Link monsters can be summoned with loose requirements in a similar way to fusion, so I hope we will see some creative evolutions for it.
was this intentional?
oh hey the terrorist bitch is back
Who /getting off the ride now that DSOD is subbed and provides a perfect sense of fulfillment and growth and Vrains is clearly a behind-the-scenes mess/ here?
>Putting faith in females in the year of our lord Takahashi 2017
>After getting burned three times by potentially decent girls
>After Yuzu and the Ruris having all the potential in the world before getting aborted from the story, not to mention all the other girls getting fuck all or getting Egao-brainwashed
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me
Fool me thrice, Fuck you Konami, you want me to see girls as nothing but fapbait? Fine, I'll just appreciate the porn
>and Vrains is clearly a behind-the-scenes mess/
Vrains starting late is really more on Arc-V than the next one
(DM)aster Race
Odd-Eyes Clear Dragon
>DSOD isn't at fault for Arc-V's plummet, those are completely separate issues.
>It's Arc-V's fault for Vrains' delay
Pick 1
Arc-V and Vrains have the same crews working on them. DSOD was a separate production. You idiot.
So do the duelists in the future still use cards from the original generation like Pot Of Greed or Swords Of Revealing Light?
>Pot Of Greed
That card is banned so it probably won't be used.
where, nyaa?
Yes, but the default subs are the dub script, switch them when you watch it.
>It's Arc-V's fault for Vrains' delay
That's the only true thing though
No need to be a faggot. Do you also think only men have a place in your sexual activities?
>DSOD isn't at fault for Arc-V's plummet, those are completely separate issues.
Separate production idiot. Though most of the animation went to work on it
>It's Arc-V's fault for Vrains' delay
Well yeah
>had the chance to duel at least two times in the movie
>stupid kids send him to a different dimension
worst movie ever
DM Super with Joey's Pro Duelist Adventures when?
so Arc shit is finally over? thank fucking god
The Joey shit was just filler they put in to extend the runtime.
>DM Super
Hopefully, never.
I would be fine with just a Joey's movie
I dunno. Seems like he understood it just fine for over half the series.
>complains about lack of Jou in a Kaiba movie
His story already ended in the manga. If he dueled he probably would've jobbed.
Friendly reminder the only Duel Bakura ever won was against Bonz
it's too late they've already become one
I will miss her, and all wasted characters on Arc-V.
Life is unfair.
I did appreciate the call back to him being in a gang when he scared Kudaragi off. His scene where he collapsed near the clock tower referencing his promise to a Atem to be a true duelist was heartwarming too.
user, why were you dueling 10 year olds?
Is the Arc-V manga any good?
Says the man who would have died for a girl he had only known for atleast 3 days.
If you aren't capable of that you aren't a complete man, honor code and shieet
He's a master of speed dating.
KINGU is just stating how women shouldn't be dueling, he didn't say you have to be gay.
Greatest love story ever told.
So you're saying that,
a woman got in the way?
Why limit Maxx c?
More like master of premature ejaculation.
No I'm saying that it was a waist of a budding romance. Even after the DS arc Jack continues to see Carly when he didn't have to. It's obvious she made a great impact in his life and he wants to continue to have her in there.
>More like master of premature ejaculation
Being the Master of Faster has its drawbacks
Yami ni kagayaku ginga yo
So, he is gonna use a Red monster, a Galaxy-Eyes and a Destiny Hero?
Kaito would have to fight him afterwards since there can be only one Galaxy Eyes master.
>he haven't watch the Anubis one
hi ono
Why are the japanese so based?
I still can't believe Yusaku looks this good
Who is buying the starter decks?