can someone tell me what Satania does for the show?
Gabriel Dropout
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carry it
She carries it hard.
Gabu a shit.
Makes it worth watching.
She does this
remind me of my family
There to be a bullyslut for this yandere angel
Provides literally 100% of the actual humor
She exists to be bullied.
She makes humans root for demons against angels, which makes her the most evil character.
To NTR gabriel
tap tapu
Keeps it from being utterly irredeemable shit
Based on the threads here and before I started watching Gabriel Dropout, I assumed Satania was the MC and honestly even after watching it, she feels more like the MC than Gabriel.
I thought Gabriel was going to lose her angel status (Dropout) and call herself Satania like a rebellious teenager.
Be everyone's punching bag.
This. Raphiel did nothing wrong.
She's the obligatory seasonal meme girl with obnoxious fans.
The difference is that the show would literally collapse without her. Compare her to another meme girl like Nene where nothing of value would be lost if she wasn't in New Game.
how do we unsmug this girl
Only the lowest of the low would think about unsmugging a Satania.
Cut her off completely from her parents (not even allowed to talk on the phone) and make her roommates with her brother for a few years.
What did she really say here?
Bad to the bone.
Besides being the main character and providing most of the comedy?
This show would be incredibly boring without a character like Satania.
This. It's be like Ichigo Mashimaru without Miu. The show is still pretty bad but at least she gives it some value.
I think I would like Satania more if she weren't so inferior to everyone else in every way.
Typically Chuuni passion allows the character to excel at something which they use to stroke their own ego.
Did you skip episode 8?
She's most definitely not inferior in cuteness, what more do you need?
Her "easy to digest" humour makes the show casual enough so everybody is able to enjoy it.
Being a loser and an annoying girl.
Why is Gabriel so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
Guess what I found
I want to SNIFF that panties so hard
Satania is a bitch. Literally everyone's lil' bitch.
This. She's cute so I was disappointed at first, but she's the center of most scenes and Gab wasn't too bad of a tradeoff
Some inane Sataniafags like to force the MC meme, but it's just a meme. Up until episode 10, Satania barely had enough screentime to even be the center of focus. Gab as a whole tend to have more screentime than her.
>scribbling over your waifu
What a devilish action.
You literally can't.
Why is this so popular when it's so repetitious and bland
>popular opinion is just a meme
Carries the fuck out of it.
she's supposed to be Gabriel's opposite. While Gab's motivation to do good work is practically absent, Satania strives to do evil acts, even though she kinda sucks at it.
I don't tend to watch anime like this, but I gave it a chance and I was surprised at how much I liked it and how funny I found it. Can someone recommend me anime with a similar style of humour?
Vigne x Tap OTP.
Reply if you agree.
Yuru Yuri
It's addictive, easily the best CGDCT show recently.
she cute
Does this really need answering? It should be obvious.
Tapris x Me x Vigne is the best OTP
I want to see Satania corrupt Tapris
Popularity has little to do with measuring actuality in that Satania isn't the MC and doesn't have the scenes that would depict her as one. This is a matter of facts and not opinions.
See how you refuse to address this list?
-crack shippers are the minority
-crack shippers are even against the rules on this site
-crack shippers used to be banned on site
-you always act the same way
-you always ignore what people say to you
-you always refuse to give proof for anything you say
I can not think of a SINGLE reason why anyone would think it's more than just one person.
The humor is done quite well, the characters are also well done and the animation is good. Some of the jokes are repeated regularly, sure, it's far from being bland though.
If this was a weaker season like most of last year then it would be much higher on my rankings. This season is so strong though. I have at least four, if not five, anime above this one. I really like this one as well. Especially the Satania character.
She is the main source of style and humor by far and I cannot really place a character like her right now.
Aren't we a bit too early for this shit?
She almost ruined Christmas.
Body made for breeding angels.
Vigne makes my body tingle.
She needs to be bullied HARDER
Vigne did nothing wrong.
My guess is that it's slang that's outdated to the point of being cheesy. So "bad to the bone" or something like "wicked" would be accurate to its meaning.
Tap and Satania have almost the same body
What did they mean by this?
Satania is much more /fit/ while Tap is softer
Same person? Or are people with that body retarded?
>Satania adopted the same dog that made her its bitch
She gets knotted every night, huh?
Why is this spam not being deleted? Spamming and reposting is against the rules. So is trolling and baiting.
Why does Gab of all the classmates wear pink?
Would you blow that trumpet?
She is a punk.
>1 more episode
Make my penis hard.
All the girls in this show do though.
Elevates it from a 7 to a 9
People like you are more obnoxious than any fanbase. I mean seriously, have you ever thought about your life when this is the shit that upsets you?
This has been fun to watch a girl being bullied by a dog.
Vigne gets my marriage senses tingling.
>I'm evil? See that's where you're wrong. Evil is always the loser. It's the victor who has justice. The victor being the last man standing. And how you win in battle is irrelevant.
>S3 never
Jesus Peter Griffin, we haven't even had a S2 yet.
...that being said, this show is a comedy with no plot. There could be 1 season or 300 seasons like The Simpsons or Family Guy, and it technically wouldn't matter that much.
Some anime shows become positively horrible in the 2nd season. Like Food Wars, what the hell was the point of the 2nd season there?
or Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara? Anyone who was able to stay awake during the 2nd seasons of these shows probably has sleep deprivation disorder.
>Like Food Wars, what the hell was the point of the 2nd season there?
Shokugeki strictly followed the manga and with S2 finished the arc that already begun by the end of S1. The quality of the adaptation is another topic entirely of course, but here is your point.
>Satania isn't the MC
When will this shitty meme end?
Truly the dark times are here.
Please go away.
With people like you, who go into full autistic nerdrage over where an image came from, yes.
>local demon not so smug after being molested
Then when you get to hell she gets to take advantage of you in return
I'm ok witht this.
That's a reference to Evangelion I believe.
At the time that old show was being aired, the expression was already out of use, and now the only likely reason to use that phrase seems like giving a head up to old timers.
I wonder what days are nopan and what days are panties for Gab.
The cafe owner is old, so he used an expression from his times, that's all.
That's good, it's ok that the Dropouts don't have any purpose. I just want to watch them doing cute and silly things every week.
When she is out of clean panties, but Vigne still isn't there to do the laundry.
Reminder first doujin is out
>local smug girl not so smug after being dicked.jaypeeg