Mom basement

Is Sup Forums really full of virgin asocial living in mom basement or is this just a meme ?

How about you user ?

Been living in my own apartment for ten years now. A dozen years since first contact with Sup Forums, through Encyclopaedia Dramatica.

can confirm i was moms basement

This is a non argument used by leftists when they can’t refute the “alt right”.

What about job ? Friends ? Family ?

I agree, but it's time to prove it.

Unlike the right who always have polite debate and never scream buzzwords like UR A KEK XD or FKING COMMIE


Started working 5 years ago, office job. Good pay, great brands, but wageslavery is shit nevertheless. Good circle of friends, used to play in bands some years ago. Together with gf since 1 year. But before that I had a 6 years hiatus where I was basically a honorary virgin again.

Can't really complain about life. I manage quite good in this society. I just happen to hate it and I am always looking for an alternative but who knows.

obese virgin neckbeard neet living in moms basement is the shared persona of every user on Sup Forums.

Thats what makes the typical Sup Forums poster pretty much invincible to any kind of personal attacks or character assassinations attempts, we already told everyone that we are the lowest form and don't give a single shit about it, you can't go below that.

That said, I'm a NEET with money, it's called privatier and actually respected, nota virgin and my parents life with me in my house... So pretty good right?

Just a meme mostly.


i have a wife and 5 kids and i live on a homestead gtg gotta chop more wood

Divorced ex military Sup Forumsack and /fit/izen remarried for 5 years with a family here. Havent lived at home since I was 18 and my sex life was quite healthy prior to being in a committed relationship.

I live in the basement but I have friends and a gf.
I also work out of town for 10 days at a time.
I pay rent and take care of the animals. Not gonna give money to some jew outside the family to live in a shit apartment for $1500 a month.

I live in the attic

>roiding for this
Bet you can't even squat 2x bodyweight

2x bodyweight isnt even an impressive squat user.

Working for a fake news corp. Make enough to live comfy.

I'm going to kill as many sandniggers as possible

no gear, just high test