How do you think this manga should be handled? Timeline wise it's gonna be weird

How do you think this manga should be handled? Timeline wise it's gonna be weird.

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Accel anime when?

I think it's already weird enough but if it covered the parts Accel was in instead of just skipping them it might do just fine.

Unless s3 + something in the novels/manga makes Accelerator's popularity spike really high (like to the point they'd be fucking retarded to not cash in on it) I doubt this will get animated.

Maybe we could see those arcs through Estelle's eyes. It'd have to imply she never left Academy City and was never too far from Accelerator, with most likely him not being aware of it

Lots of timeskips/flashbacks. 0930 will probably be expanded on.

Accel's popularity is already ridiculous, s3 will only increase it. They're gonna make one, even if it's just 1 cour.

They'll probably do it but after railgun, HO S2 and Bloodsign

That sounds like more work than it's worth and would retcon her into a lot of scenes. She doesn't have to be there all the time just follow Accel.

>HO S2

This long ass arc needs to end first. It's been 3 years and it's still getting short chapters where not much happens despite being monthly.
If they do 0930 next people will lose interest because the Index manga just finished that arc and with superior art. Doing the battle royale would be difficult without the skill-out arc set up too. I think they've invested so much time on Estelle (including the idol spinoff) that they'll probably just do another original arc with her working with Accel.

Are those two a couple? I've only seen the first Index anime.

No, that's just Accel with a random clone.

Well if he isn't aware she's there, it wouldn't hurt anything canonically to say she was nearby. If Kamachi DOES go the route "Estelle has been shadowing Accelerator a while", I hope it's either legitimately unintentional (i.e. "I keep seeing him literally everywhere. HOW?") or that she has a very, very good reason for intentionally tailing him.

>getting with any girl romantically

Accel manga is so fucking boring and the art is atrocious. I dont like trading it off for his appearances in the novel.

Surprisingly enough it dropped more information relevant to the main LN in one chapter than Railgun has done in years.

Did they fug?

She has no business being in a lot of the scenes he's in is the thing. I can't imagine her "just happening" to follow him during all of OT15 and 19 for example, or just happening to go to Hawaii, to Russia, to be next to the building Terra was in when they fucking nuked it, etc. It just would feel way too forced.

We're kind of assuming that though. It could be a coincidence.

Don't anime usually get made when the manga is doing badly? Isn't that the point of anime in many cases, to promote the source material?

>inb4 "3rd novel series!!" people are right and it gets announced before NT ends and Estelle shows up last novel of NT to say that there's an ACTUAL demon following Accelerator around since September and she's been doing her best to keep it at bay all this time and she's about to be overpowered. First arc of 3rd novel series confirmed to be about this new demon.

Yes, they went to Hawaii together for a vacation later in the novel

So I found an old flash drive with my original Raildex related folder. Shit has changed quite a bit.

It is, but at the same time it's also to ride off a hype wave. Index introducing Biribiri to the world led to Railgun's anime. Accel s1 should be a given after Index 3.

Like rabbits.

This...this is exactly what's going to happen, isn't it? It'd mirror Fiamma and the "One Eyed Othnius" thing.


The demon is Aiwass?

Chronozon maybe

Fuck off

It would be logical for it to be at least related to that but this is Kamachi we are talking about. It could easily be something completely different.

>metacomplaining about shit that doesn't matter

You fuck off

It could be, but Aiwass being referenced this early on in Accel makes me think otherwise. Regardless of what does or doesn't happen with Aleister in NT's next arc, Aiwass has to do something, one way or another.

Kamisato spin off when?

See Although Chorozon is more fan speculation rather than a name that's been confirmed in the novels, right?

A thread or so back a couple of anons came up with crack-sounding theory about Aleister giving sperm to Aiwass and Accelerator being the result of that little exchange but it actually made sense. Who the hell knows? Kamachi is gonna Kamachi

Hey, Index twitter came back to life

>Accel technically shot his mom/dad


Chronozon isn't confirmed no, much like the Aleister giving his sperm to Aiwass memery it's based on the real Aleister and the way that IT has been described. Considering "that which writhes in the Sahara" has been brought up though Kamachi seems to be hinting it

No, she is too pure

I honestly wouldn't be shocked. It'd make all the vague hints towards Accelerator's origin (the name thing and "he wants a family because he never had one") pay off/amount to something

Combine the "Aiwass made Accelerator out of magic and Crowley sperm" theory with the Estelle theory that sparked this conversation and we could be going somewhere interesting

There isn't enough Raildex fanart with nice backgrounds of AC like that.

Did we already cover "that which is stored in Ryouran Maid School" or might that be Karma and why Aleister would use it to keep Tsuchimikado in check?

This might refer to Maika? By herself she is nothing but she can move Tsuchi easily.


Well it's not Maika herself unless she's an odd entity like Kazakiri, since the rest of the reference is "That will answer the question of why maids exist in this futuristic SF city"

Of course this all depends on how much you think those were jokes but still.

What if the maids are some kind of idol magic

I know, although I feel the water on what I presume is supposed to be the camera kind of ruins it.

That's the water on the windows of the carriage. It's on all the windows.

You're pretty dumb if you couldn't see on your own

Yeah but it's angled weirdly for it to be the window. Either way the point still stands.

I wanna fuck salome

They probably will skip them in respect to Square Enix's manga. No one wnats to see two different companies adapting the same exact story at the same time. Accel features heavily in the content the Index manga is approaching.

I mean, the Index anime should've been in the sisters arc around the same time as the Railgun manga.

The real life Aleister's work has been a pretty good guideline so far though.

Though the semen thing just came from some poetry he wrote, so I doubt it's anything.

I don't think it's necessary. It'd be like if the Railgun manga had adapted Kuroko's LN arc.

New chapters this weekend.
Will the #2 siscon live to see another day?
Will we actually find out what the FUCK is going on in Railgun?

>Literal Orc harem plan
Kamachi really was going through doujins when he wrote this.

>Will we actually find out what the FUCK is going on in Railgun?


What's Kamachi's favorite hentai genre?

Age gap for sure.

Blondes no question

>favorite hentai genre
Literally everything. Aogami is his self insert.

I'd honestly be shocked if Choronzon doesn't show up at this point. I can't think of any other being that fits the identity of the Invisible Thing better than it.


It's going to be an all-powerful loli and the final boss

>Acting like a newfag

You fuck off or lurk more.

just finished volume 19 and damn, I never expected mugino to be alive, but it makes sense considering how much Sup Forums talks about her. can't wait to read like 20+ volumes more and catch up with you like 5 years at my pace.

Scent play

So why didn't AC deploy these for peacetime use? They seem like they'd make it alot easier for Anti-Skill to deal with troublesome Espers.

You've got WW3 next, take your time and enjoy it. It's a wild ride.

Shiage was testing the mass production version of them in NT12. Anti-skill will get them soon.

Dark side only thing?

They were supposed to be Anti-Skills new patrol bike during the Russian occupation, but the war ended too fast for them to need them.

All I hope for the Accel manga is that if the main Index manga skips an arc like Battle Royal, the Accel manga will hopefully pick it up when it's time since the arc mainly had Accelerator in it anyway. Same with the Dragon arc and so forth. As long as it includes those and the other new arcs that get introduced are good, I have no complaints.

I'm just worried the Index manga will end soon since there's been slight rumors of it ending halfway through OT13 for whatever reason.

It's weird since the original had a top speed of like 1100kph I think, but the mass-produced version with lower specs is stated to be able to break the speed of sound. Maybe the suit isn't as strong or something.

>I'm just worried the Index manga will end soon since there's been slight rumors of it ending halfway through OT13 for whatever reason.

>halfway through OT13
It already finished OT13. People think it'll end because Aqcua's conversation with Terra was cut and Etzali replaced the Group controller in Accel's last scene. We'll probably find out next month though, Index is going to be on the cover for the manga's 10th anniversary.

Anti-Skill on motorcycles SS when?

That was a stray user on 2ch, and they're back to discussing how soon it will reach OT14. It's most likely not ending.

Why is the manga media so against showing Battle Royale? Like the Uiharu scene was skipped in Railgun for no reason.

>the Uiharu scene was skipped in Railgun for no reason.
There was no reason to show it in Railgun.

Probably because if the anime returns they don't want the franchise to cannibalize itself and let the anime always be the first visual medium

By the time the Accelerator manga reaches Battle Royal the anime will have finished S3

Someday you'll miss me like I missed you, Someday you'll cry
For me like I cried for you, Someday you'll want me back like I
Wanted you, Someday you'll understand why you broke my heart
When I didn't, someday you'll understand that I was the only
Girl that put up with all your mess, when your own family didn't
Someday you'll know how pain feels how you hurt me
Someday your life will turn upside down, like mine did when you broke my heart.

Railgun is weird because on one hand you'd think they want to keep things focused on Mikoto, but on the other hand everyone who participated in the battle royale has shown up in Railgun besides Block. But Dream Ranker in general has been more about the side characters than Mikoto.

Uiharu is one of the four main characters. Since there were 8 chapters about Saten's story with Frenda there was no reason to skip the part of BR from Uiharu's point of view

At this point I think Mikoto and Misaki are the main characters.

Anyone knows the sauce for this fanart?

>he has a problem with this

Not just block I don't think we've seen professor either.

Well yes. Saten is far more interesting than Misaki. Her friendship with Frenda was really good, she's simply good at interacting with anyone.

Misaki is the typical bitch-who-actually-is-nice archetype we've seen too many times, while Saten is a refreshing character


I dunno if I'd call Misaki that nice of a person

Misaki's relationship with Dolly was pretty interesting though.

And Misaki is clearly not actually all that nice, she just has some sympathetic motivations.

Saten is probably getting less screentime since Kamachi basically already did the whole "Level 0 overcomes the city's discrimination and his own weakness to save the day" thing with Hamazura. Saten has no room for development that Hamazura hasn't already gotten.

Saten is largely a generic nice girl though. She has what, the urban legend fetish and that's about it.

Saten's more of a comedic background character too.

why is this so cute?