Little Witch Academia

>there are people who liked the live-action Night Fall arc

Other urls found in this thread:


>no liking Nightfall's best arc

It's like you can't appreciate true art

>climax of the show
>Akko is about to get attacked by an evil witch's spell, but Ursula sacrifices herself to block the attack
>Ursula lies on Akko's hands, and they have one last emotional talk
>A vocal-only version of the ED starts playing in the background
>Ursula fades away right before MATA ASHITA NE, and the episode immediately ends with Akko crying loudly

Are we agreed this pic is cursed?

Still not as bad as shoehorned romance and characters.

Here is a video of Connie's squeal if anybody wants to hear it

This thread has been blessed by Lucifer, our God-King


A weapon to surpass metalgear


my last roll

What the fuck are you doing?

This is the only show I've watched in like 2 years, what's wrong with me?

Barbara puking might be the highlight of that scene for me, even more than Sucy melting the minotaur

Fuck off

Anybody got the vainilla constanze greentext?

I've seen enough.

You have a problem with it being 1280x720?

Is it moral to have sex with Akko since she's mentally challenged?






Its cute. Its the only seasonal anime I've watched all year and honestly I'm not inclined to change that at this point.

Oh thank god I hope this shuts up the dubfags for good.

finally, shit was getting tiresome

Barbera's cute when she's puking.
I'll bet 30 cents that she has a fetish for throwing up

I have a problem with a 1280x720 image being 1.02MB.

Sucy is still shit though.

Apologies, it's the only good one I had.

Yeah !!

Sucy dubfags BTFO

It's the gloves that make the cuteness pop out.

use .jpg for anything but solid colour images.

>She's afraid of germs and gently pulling off the gloves would be the most intimate experience you could ever have.
>Constanze handholding is deemed an eldritch secret and can destabilize the balance of the universe


I feel the greentexts coming

I don't think I ever noticed that. Neat.

This is Frank

>She's afraid of germs
Regardless of the fact she wears gloves, I have a difficult time imagining that. Like, I doubt she'd manage to just keep her gloves dirty.

Punished Frank: A Man Friendzoned by His Waifu

there's a lot of vaseline in constanze's gloves



I need some fucking unnecessary and uncharacteristically bleak drama

Wanna bully. Wanna turn her into a bunny

So which hat will each of them be wearing when they become the new 9 witches

>LWA episode 12:
>Jasminka goes into town to get an abortion

Frowny Chariot

>why does puking while cumming feel so good?!

Really now?

Give her the tounge

Do yourself a favor and shut up

Someone may have that greentext of the aftermath of Sucy killing herself on hand.

Are we getting fucking Puke fetishes here now?

What the fuck? Did I miss the episode where Akko learns invisibility magic?

Constanze subsists on machine reparations and selling her gadgets because money's tight.

Poor Alcor has to put up with this tard

At least it's not farting.

Am I one of the few who actually enjoyed episode 10? It was one of my favorites. Not because of the "romance", but because it made Akko actually endearing and worth supporting. She's been spouting the same stuff over and over again but this is the first time it came off as genuine instead of annoying.

Why are sucytards so cancerous? Go spam your dubs shit on /s4s/ or something.

Akko is way too OP now.

I blame Ursula and Druid sensei.

During the holidays Amanda just lives in the shed outside the school

He clearly found it hilarious.

I don't understand why you would just post a picture of some background shelves and pictures.

Sucy attracts that kind of ilk

I resent that kind of accusation.

Trash girl trash fanbase, makes sense.

welgom to land of maggigs

Episode 10 is legit. Her relationship with Andrew really sells her character, mostly because he seems to be the only one affected by her. Sucy might be but "kills" that part of her, Lotte seems weirded out by it, Diana is boring as fuck, and everyone else is an asshole.

However, her dancing like a retard on the fountain and making Andrew smile makes you go "You know maybe there's something to what she's saying beyond childishness".

I don't really care for the romance and probably would have preferred Andrew's reaction simply be Diana's, but then the /u/posting would be fucking unbearable so I'll just deal with it.

Also if the recent episode is something to go by Diana isn't supposed to be affected by Akko's "Yay-magic" yet, instead going down a darker path (maybe, just speculation).

>Implying that you didn't find her character endearing after she broke through a forbidden door, turned to a fishman, and set a raging lesbian loose

user, I'm going to slap you.

Nigga are you blind?
That's Ursula's ass right there


Most people loved 10. Not because of the romance (although it seems like the only people that complain about it talk about romance) but because it was a fun, hilarious episode. Akko a cute.

>post lobotomy Chariot

>Am I one of the few who actually enjoyed episode 10?

to be fair, those are misleading choices


Why're you posting Akari? This isn't a Yuru Yuri thread.

>no option for "didn't like it but still like the show"
Does anyone actually think this is legit or is it one big troll?

is Night Fall bookkino?

>***,477位/***,478位 (**1,540 pt) [*,**5予約] 2017/04/19 Little Witch Academia
I love that Trigger keeps fucking up this series with two crappy pretty dudes and forced romance bullshit. Then make up some cheapass excuse like they thought about bringing boys since the OVAs. Why didn't they do it while they were at it, then? Things would've been different.

This is why you don't fuck with the fans, kids. Don't change the formula if they like it very much and want to keep it like that.

-user from the stalker thread yesterday

Reminder that Akko is for happy and yay, and not for lewd

>"user" from the stalker thread
Nobody's buying it, stop pretending

is Sucy a closeted lesbian?

fixed shrapnel colour


Stalker you need to read Tattun's posts, or stop shitposting
>Trigger doesn't lose a dime over bad sales
>The staff wanted to add males into LWA for quite a while

shitpost soon, fellow stalker

por que no las dos

who isn't, really?

diana's character is merely a foil that has to work together with akko eventually to make a conciunctio oppositorum, as they get over each others differences in approach where diana is a very studious and by-the-books technical master and akko is an overly optimistic but childish dreamer who follows the nose of passion

they're meant to work together rather than against each other like a yin yang, they just don't realize it, and if i had to excuse it, it's a common anime setting for rivals, but i don't like excusing it through cliches

i think the problem is people assume diana's character is all about her pride in herself and her heritage, but that really fails to look at the bigger picture of her drawn by episode 2

so you're right, she's not supposed to be readily affected by her yay magic or get convinced merely through akko's rhetoric and fountain dancing, her shell is actually the hardest to crack of all characters in the show, even that of andrew

which is why i find it funny that people say andrew is a discount diana, as andrew's simple obstacle is his fear of his dad as he acquiesces to his demands to stop doing things like piano

but it's clear he's already eroding that connection by doing things like play piano

>The staff wanted to add males into LWA for quite a while
refer to the post, that is just a cheapass excuse

>Hannah walks in on Barbera masturbating
>drool covers the floor in front of her, and Barbera has four of her fingers deep in her throat

Is your shift key broken? Proper punctuation and capitalization are a must, user.


>mfw this was a much more carefree and dreamy Akko than the Akko we have now

English better not be your first language.



it's not, i'm guamish

Dude what,

You're a polynesian or what?