Gentlemen, the time has come to worship our goddess.
Open your pants, remove your penises and begin fapping.
Gentlemen, the time has come to worship our goddess.
Open your pants, remove your penises and begin fapping.
Masturbating to God seems a bit blasphemous in my opinion.
But user, it is the most sacred form of worship. You give of yourself, intimately, so she may live and gain strength.
I worship the devil.
But user, Haruhi only asks for a little of your seed, is that so hard?
I don't know, user. Semen has been considered the life-essence of men by many cultures. Offering perhaps the most intimate part of yourself to your goddess sounds like a good form of worship to me.
Listen to this user, he knows of what he speaks
We need to go lewder.
>remove your penises
>and begin fapping.
With what? I removed my penis.
Here you go
Was wondering how long it'd take someone to mention that.
Got that as a wallscroll hanging near my bed
>implying any woman would take an offering of semen over offerings of wealth
Put that crusty cockadoodle away and start shelling out the big bucks for your goddess, worm.
>tfw ywn be punished for being a bad boy by Haruhi
y go on?
She is not worth it.
My balls have been hurting for over a year
Seek help
She's waiting user
Are you assuming I wear pants while on Sup Forums?
One of the top Haruhi fanarts IMO.
Literally the worst time to wear pants
Thanks man
>remove your penis
hey that's pretty good OP
>remove your penises
Any idea what the runes say?
I've fapped to Haruhi more times than I care to admit.
*stretch stretch*
Those are my best guesses, I can't read moon. If you use your imagination, it can be better than it being written out for you when you're yacking the gack if you know what im sayin
Okay, done. What now?
Fantasize about having Haruhi in your car while listening to Eurobeat.
>orthodox Haruhi-ism
>in 2017
Why haven't you joined the protestants yet?
Why would I do that?
Can someone please post the other picture of Haruhi laying in bed with black underwear on, the better looking one? I've been looking all over for it.
Got you bro
God damn you.
But really if anyone has the uncensored version that's be cool.
Found it
I still don't understand how Kyon hasn't fucked her yet.
How am I even supposed to fap if I remove my penis?
I want Haruhi to kill my virginity.
Btw people.
Haruhi also has a dedicated thread on /c/ Its the closest thing we have to a constant Haruhi general
Digusting cartoon fapping weeb.
You lot must be completely repulsive.
>Not being a yukifag
She only banged her band members.
I've heard worse stories, to be frank
dropout pls