Pic VERY related
Pic VERY related
Forgotten series by Sup Forums that the only people that remember this is /dpg/ at Sup Forums.
Not gonna lie s(he) makes me rock hard though, I want to make her straight for my dick.
You're acting like people actually forget instead of just stop talking about stuff like Himegoto.
>Forgotten series by Sup Forums that the only people that remember this is /dpg/ at Sup Forums.
Well, I just only watched the anime, later on will read it.
But redhead was best girl definitely, the flattie was too mean IMO.
is this a proper trap thread?
How do you even decide best grill in this show? Is it ok if they have a penis? I NEED TO KNOW
I think it might be a Tsukudani Norio thread.
While best known for traps, she also draws very cute idols.
Deranged trannies still spam it on [s4s]
Ummm, sure!
Not to mention cute twincest.
Someone translate Heroine Voice. Pls
I liked the manga better
Is this from anything, or just an image she drew? Can't seem to find anything from her that fits this image (other than the image itself, of course).
Thank kami-san for that spoiler
who these?
These guys
>tfw we'll never have a Magical Trap Hime spin-off
I also blame the fact that no one will ever redo Brocken Blood properly as well
Maid and chairman
ah okay thanks
who did Hime end up with?
Hime ended up with none of them
But Doesn't 18+ kiss him in both the mango and anime?
There's no real development outside of that though
Is this a Norio thread or a trap thread?
Actual homo in Hime? Who would've thought?
Trap x trap is weak.
We can imply the implications
Are these both boys?
They're girls(male)
>twins that don't look anything like each other.
Absolutely disgusting. Well she's a futafag so what did I expect from such poor taste?
What is dis?
It's from a manga she's doing.
Norio's newest manga.
Heroine Voice i think is it's name.
>too stupid to even use the name field correctly
You can only j-j-jam it into one.