Yuri!!! on Ice

They're so in love

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How much longer can I live off of watching the love between 2D homos before offing myself?

I think about this all the time desu
but then I see yuri's adorable face and I soldier on

Is this a magazine poster?

any translations of this magazine?

why is this pig's body so lewd

wondering if there's a digital edition of this magazine like CREA has


I don't understand why there hasn't been any translations lately. Have people not received their copies yet?

People got tired and left. If you didn't force daily threads this wouldn't happen.

Victor's body language screams 'This is mine' and Yurio being left out of the warmer and softer part of the poster means he's better leave before these two start to kiss in public.

anyone else feels like Victor bought everything Yuri is wearing? He isn't even in his usual tennis and those are definitely colors he wouldn't pick (his closet is basically gray, black and blue)

Fairy is there for plausible deniability and for BaldFat to look wholesome. They wouldn't dare any lewds in hos presence.

>implying magazine translations are posted here first

You could've tried harder to not make it obvious you're a shitposter

Lurk 2 decades before posting.

I don't think the magazine is officially out in stores, otherwise Aki would be translating already

You're obviously new to these threads

gray black and blue
It looks to me that their clothes are mainly in the brown palette though? And this totally fits Yuuri to me.

so, are they going to stay a couple, or go the three-way route?

The magazine isn't even out yet, dear homophobe shitposter

Must be the case when the no-homo translators have been quiet too

can this shit die already

You're too obvious with your reverse bait. Go shitpost elsewhere.

>cries the hetfag shitposter

Go back to watching Berserk.

Probably. Those jeans look expensive.

how do a pair of jeans blandly drawn look expensive

@YoISkate is posting about Anan

apparently the article it's 8 pages long?

Can't they just let Baldfat be in love and leave Yurio out for once? I like the Fairy but damn, let the homos have their own moment.

The color, fit, cuff. That looks like high quality denim.

this is a special article about the anime in a skating magazine, having all three suits it

CREA had only Victor and Yuuri but it was recycled art

It is. The posters were scanned already.

Anything interesting? My moon is weak.

can't read moon

Doesn't Anan have a digital version?


there's a kindle version on amazon.jp



It just came out. Nips on twitter don't all have it or are going to buy it now. From what I see they seem happy with it.

>mfw a doujin cover has Victor pouring alcohol into Yuuri's ass

If you're talking about the OP image, that's a tiny-ass "scan". Not to mention it literally just came out and it'd be weird as fuck if somebody already managed to scan the entire thing and clean it properly.

I said posters. No one scans the pages anymore.

Do you know how fucking enormous a poster is?

What about the one where they're all in tuxes or that hideous fabrage egg one? Didn't that come out last week?

Yes, and? That never stopped them from scanning the Pash! ones.

Okay, but the image in the OP still isn't a fucking scan.

Don't expect to be spoonfed everything.

Scans aren't even out yet. There's nothing to spoonfeed

correct, those were taken from tweets of people posting the digital amazon.co.jp/anan-アンアン-2017年-3月29日号-No-2046-雑誌-ebook/dp/B06XQ2M8BM/ref=dp_kinw_strp_1

>It's been scanned
>You know the OP image isn't a scan right


Nice try.

That's what I figured. Thank you user for not being retarded, hope we get actual scans soon.


>throwing a fucking tantrum because no one spoonfeeds you a link

Do you need someone to hold your hand while you torrent too?

Can't spoonfeed a link to something that doesn't exist.

A Yuzufag mentioned YoI in their overview od the magazine, but it's pretty bare bones.



How the hell do you mistake a tiny kindle image for an actual scan?

There's no fucking scans. I'd spoonfeed the thread if there were since I love HQ homos.

They're backpedaling hard to cover up their dumbass mistake, cute really.

Even nips don't have it. hashikure, yoshi and others are buying the kindle version.

Thread's off to a good start lads

>mfw when it's BaldFat at the beach
>samples reveal that they will fuck out in the open

I'm surprised that Victor didn't include rose petals to go with the pillows. He seems like the kind of man that would go all the way with romantic stuff.

will bald die if he doesn't touch piggy

Suit yourself. You'll be depending on tumblr for breadcrumbs forever with that dumb patronizing attitude. I bet you're the same retard whining about fatbald not having enough scans in /y/.

I like how in the all skaters group pic he's reaching for Yuri

I bet MAPPA has instructed all illustrators to make sure Victor is touching Yuri

I just looked at that. I hope it was a private beach

What the fuck are you even on about? Christ, just admit you didn't look at the resolution, this is ridiculous.

Well Piggy becomes a zombie if he can't receive Victor's hugs, so it makes sense.

I don't understand what are you argue about, but magazine is defiently out already.

It's the opposite of a restraining order. He must be within one foot of the Pig at all times. It's a wonder this man had survived 27 years without that.

Wasn't there an Otsuka interview in the magazine with BaldFat and BikeFairy in Hasetsu?

You would know if you stopped assuming shit just because you're not being spoonfed and read the fucking posts you reply to. I wasn't talking about the OP picture. Stop leaking your ignorance everywhere and fucking lurk more.

out since 22 minutes ago, at least

After reading shitty BL for 15 or more years I can't believe I got Yuri on Ice and Doukyuusei in the same year. 2016 was really the year of the blessed fujo.

If you weren't talking about the OP, your post still makes no sense because nobody else has posted anything to the effect of a scan. If there were actual scans they'd be all over twitter by now, and nobody would have to ask what the fuck you're talking about.

Fairy is officially legal now. Even within a canon.

Just like the BD rips and doujin scans are all over twitter? Stop assuming shit.

So I can pay a cosplayer to cosplay him and fuck him without guilt now?

Magazine scans aren't doujins or BDs. Can you stop being an idiot already.

We already know that BD rips and doujin scans are in the usual places. There are no fucking scans of this magazine that came out half an hour ago in any of the usual places, hence the incredulousness at your retarded mistaking of a kindle image for a magazine scan.

It's okay to admit that you made a mistake. We regard Straya user fondly.

They really overuse this image

It's a masterpiece, why wouldn't they

So it's all reused art for that one? I'm blanking on what the cover was.

>not knowing a secret club for magazine rips exists
>not knowing where to find quick scans
>i-it doesn't exist unless you post it! Apologize!

I already said more than enough. If you can't use your brain then wait for dumblr to scan it for you.


seems like it. it was this

>2016-2017 season

Time for fencer to shut up about YOI taking place in 2015 now.

Well, Victor looks so beautiful in it. Why wouldn't they?

You are really full of shit aren't you

No, he doesn't.

Nice. Makes me kinda sad, but happy to see him grow.

>still 163 cm

That growth spurt is gonna hit any day now.

This is the point where you gotta just stop replying

Doesn't it? Fairy being 16 in 2016 and turning 17 in 2017 means YoI took place in 2015.

It's so ugly and Pig looks like a monkey.

where did you find this?

Follow your samefag advice and stop replying if you don't know what you're talking about.

>people shitting on the iconic gyro art

For what purpose

I can't read moonrunes, what does it say?

it's a pekin duck roll

No, it means he turned 16 in 2017

Wow, fairy is pretty lucky then. I stopped growing when I was 14 and now I'm only 153cm tall.