Is Naruto the "smartest" battle shonen?

Is Naruto the "smartest" battle shonen?

Nah but it is the smartest shonen-ai

>when people say HxH is "smart" and "revolutionary"
>it's just the worst parts of Naruto if it were written by Sakae Esuno
Glad some people have good opinions

is this the smartest thread on Sup Forums right now?

is this the smartest post on Sup Forums right now?

except HxH did it first and a lot of whats in naruto is based off HxH so its revolutionary and smart in that sense

In almost everything HxH did, Naruto did it better.

Chakra > Nen
Chuunin exams > Hunter exams
Zabuza > Meruem
Tsunade arc > 13th chairman election

The only exception is that Kurapika > Sasuke.

What are you talking about Naruto and HxH started airing around the same time 1997 if I remember correctly. How can Naruto base everything of HxH if they were being written at the same time?

HxH started in '97 whereas naruto started serialization in '99

its also been started by kishimoto that he took a lot of ideas from HxH which if pretty obvious if you've seen both

are spics the smartest people on Sup Forums right now?

HXH started in 98'.
Kishimoto might have been slightly inspired by hxh but as Naruto is vastly superior and togashi only did it like a year before, so nothing groundbreaking. I don't see any significant merit in HxH. It's essentially just a weaker Naruto.

all i said was that it was the first smart shonen of its kind and its revolutionary in that sense. i never said it was necessarly better

its a shame everything was thrown out the window for the vast majority of the series for eye powers and linage to become the deciding factors in a fight and naruto became the stupidest shonen there is

also i like orochimaru but

No matter how many times you make bait threads, Narutard, people will continue to think of Naruto as the bottom of the barrel of battle shounens.

And these baits aren't even funny, Narutard, they are generic and look exactly like what they are, baits, so no one will fall for them and will know that you're actually just trying to be a failed troll.

If you want to make a convincing bait, start to write actual arguments and put effort into your posts, Narutard.

HxH is great but hardly revolutionary. HxH takes plenty of stuff from DBZ and for two different mangas serializing at the same time it just seems ridiculous to say that HxH did everything Naruto did first so it's better.


I wouldn't go as far as to say it is the smartest shonen but it's smarter than most.

HxHfags are bottom of the barrel otaku. Just like JoJofags are.
Naruto is a lot superior but you don't see narutards unironically posting because people who have fun with naruto aren't as stupid as to think Naruto is shakespeare-level material to analyze and have in some stupid pedesta.
Also not OP. I guess more people are realizing Naruto is not as shit as the memesters thought and HxH is overrated crap.

are you even reading what i commented? i haven't once said that HxH came first so its better. I only said its revolutionary in the sense that its the first battle shonen of its kind and a lot of the elements in naruto are based off of that. And there are probably no two shonens written by different authors that have as many similarities as naruto and HxH.

it's the kusoest shonen

i like naruto

Mods really need to start permabanning these cancerous Naruto spammers that spam the same thread everyday.

The guy is just mocking hxh fags tbqh.

>ITT: fags arguing over which retarded show is least retarded

naruto is the whitest battle shonen

>user has 150 threads to choose from
>even has the option to filter out threads of anime he doesn't like
>chooses to enter thread of anime he doesn't like
>makes post bitching about how much people liking things he doesn't like triggers him

wah wah cry me a river you little bitch

If every episode was a Shikimaru episode it might be. But since he only got one good episode, the rest was shit.

If you enjoy shounen because of the cleverness of their fights you're one dense fuck. Or you are 12.
All battle shounens are an asspull after the other.

>If you enjoy shounen because of the cleverness of their fights you're one dense fuck.
I don't. Hence why I referenced Shikimaru and his character. Not the fights.

>All battle shounens are an asspull after the other.
Hajime no Ippo wasn't in the anime. The manga has gotten that way though, but that was after some 20 years. The author should have just ended it long ago.

But besides a few examples like this, you're right. Hence why the good shounens are not battle shounen like Slayers or Cross Game.

Underdog naruto is a really underrated character.
Shikamaru seemed too one dimensional even for battle shounen standards.

All the characters in Naruto were one dimensional. Shikimaru had a little more to him than any of the other secondary characters. Probably because the author admitted he was his favorite character. Which begs the question, why did he focus so damn much on Naruto and Sasuke?

Tomorrow is Naruto's wedding who will you take user?

ik right. while hes at it he should do the same thing for maid dragon, kono suba, hibikek, k-on, gup oh shit... and we have 4 threads left.

This. I don't like Naruto, but it's just dumb that Naruto threads have this treatment of being deleted for causing fights. If any thread should get that, it's Eva threads. And all the currently airing anime I don't like.

maybe because Naruto's quest for acceptance would make him more relatable to a larger target demographic, and because he would deliver the Jump formula of Victory/Effort/Friendship better than Shikamaru


>enjoying shonen because of the stupidness of their fights instead

at least these threads don't need headers subjectively claiming that their anime is better than others.

hxh fag is butthurt af.
It's just a joke nerd.

Its not smart everything is a ass pull.

No, but Jiraiya is probably one of the better written characters in Naruto.

Probably the latter. The magazine probably only accepted his story because it fit a formula they wanted. Or the first version of the story has a Shikimaru like character and the magazine forced him to change it.

So sad since now the trend is for characters more like Shikimaru.

HxH is basically Togashi doing YYH over again and Kishimoto flat out said in an interview he's taken clear influence from both works. The Naruto oneshot that came out in 97 in no way resembles Naruto when it officially came out a year after.

Convince mods to delete BnHA threads and then you get my support.

Only Chunnnin Exam > Hunter Exam

Is correct here. And Kurapika > Sasuke hangs likes an albatross around Naruto's neck because Kishi had the dumb idea of making him the focus. Every Hunter x Hunter arc is good to great while Naruto fell off of a cliff in Part II.

>greed island

Shit went downhill after orochimaru vs hokage.

Way better than Tsunade even, and that was before Naruto fell of the cliff. The villain in that arc was really threatening and the only problem I initially had it with it, that it took place inside of a video game instead of being real, ended up being a ruse. Bisky was good and the interaction between Gon and Killua was enjoyable; most of what we learned about nen came from that arc, rather than from Heaven's Arena, with the protag developing his signature attack.

>really threatening
ok togashi drone

Genthru racked up a higher body count than anyone that wasn't the Ten-Tails.

Did Orochimaru deserve his acquittal?



I haven't been able to wrap my head around this due to the sword. When did that take place? Was it before Zabuza defected?

If anything, Shaman King is. I remember 13-year-old girls on old anime forums reading Goethe's Faust so they could connect to their edgy husbando better.

>at least these threads don't need headers subjectively claiming that their anime is better than others
They do though. By the way this thread is satire

Judging by the fanbase, no.

I don't think so, Narutard never used his brain to fight, he just keep using kagebunshin over and over and finish the fight using rasengan.
Pic related is what I thought as "smart".

>Zabuza > Meruem

you got that backwards

It went downhill when MC started to use divine weapons instead of abilities.

>Also not OP. I guess more people are realizing Naruto is not as shit as the memesters thought and HxH is overrated crap.
People are just using it as bait because they know Sup Forums hate it.

Fuck off narutards.

Sup Forums isn't your safe space.

ITT: anons who haven't read a REAL battle shounen.

>tfw too smart to watch moe

>>>/reddit/ is that way, Narutard.

Still smarter than Narutard, though.

Narutards are the scum of the earth, the bottom feeders of japanese animation. Liking Naruto is like hearing to Nickelback and watching Adam Sandler movies, only the most pedestrian of plebeians do it and only the most retarded people on the planet will go out of their way to actually discuss this crap, which is why no one takes Narutards seriously and only look at them with disgust.

Shikamaru was smarter.

Kakashi sensei is smart and he's my fav by far.
HxH is 100 times smarter than Naruto.

no that'd be Otokojuku

>naruto isn't allowed on Sup Forums
>while equally garbage series like Fairy Tail, Bleach, HxH, and DBS are allowed
Really tickles the cranium.

the show itself isn't the problem you reading comprehension challenged knuckedragger, those other fandoms aren't rampant shitposting cancer

>those other fandoms aren't rampant shitposting cancer
Are you fucking serious? Those shows I named literally attract the same audience.

Shonuen can be good but there isn't a smart battle shonuen.

>last episode of Naruto comes out tomorrow
I'm not ready for this