
Season 2 probably won't reach volume 8, but it will still include the best girl... Right?


But she's just a mere village girl.

So when's season 2 gonna start?

There is absolutely no reason to cove that volume.

Wouldn't it probably be summer?

of 2018 ?

How about because it's fun? The events of it should be interlaced with 7 and 9, just as the events of 4 should be interlaced with 5 and 6.

Madhouse said this year.

I'm fairly certain that volume 8 will be covered with OVAs while 7,9 and 10 will be a (hopefully) a season 3.

I feel that the end of volume 9 is a fucking aces way to end a season though.

Since I'm redoing v7, I'd like to ask you guys for any areas where the previous TL seemed vague or where you want clarification so I can pay extra attention to them when I come across them.

It will include best girl

Wew lad, 4 8 5 volume anime is gonna be epic.

Been awhile since I read V7, and I don't recall which version it was, but iirc Ainz's "REEEE" moment had some awkward-sounding dialogue in it

Other than that I can't really recall

The one where workers blabber about power levels comes to mind.

Narberal shrugged, and muttered something to the pile of scorched meat that had once been Khazit:
“Even inferior lifeforms (insects) smell good after they’ve been roasted… I wonder if it would be fine to give him to Entoma as a present…”
A mocking smile came over Narberal’s face as she mentioned the name of her human-eating colleague.

On the subject of TLs, I've been reading off the Skythewood blogspot but is that the best source still? I picked it up again after not having followed it much in quite a while, so I don't know if I wound up in the best place or not. I just went there because that's where NovelUpdates directed me, but that's not how it used to be in the old days.

I was actually flipping through the raw for that part yesterday, Ainz does go a bit incoherent with rage back there. I'll pay closer attention to it when I get to it.

Chapter 2? I'll go over that carefully.

>volume 8 is gonna be epic
I can agree with Vol.4 since I liked the lizard arc a lot. Vol.5 Gays in the Kingdom is great since it shows us Sebas's character and what Ainz would do if the guardians act unpredictably, but Climb should be written off honestly.

The latest versions of v1-9 are there. The PDFs and such might be from older versions.

When does that happen? Is it when the dude in Arche's group lie to him about Nazarick players?

>but Climb should be written off honestly

Friendly reminder

Why is Climb even a thing? Is it because of his """potential""" ? I don't see him playing a big part in anything as long as he stays a Renner's lap dog.

Well, story-wise he's important just for being Renner's lap-dog, as he's one of the few things that can somewhat tie her down with shackles of loyalty to Nazarick, since Climb is literally the only thing she cares about. And I doubt she'll betray them so long as Ainz and co. allow her to do whatever to her dog.

But also, Overlord is mostly a reversal of the usual tropes in its genre. Climb is the character that we WOULD be following if this was typical shonen shit.

Is there a good way to locate the latest versions for 10/11?

He strongly resembles a shounen MC.

Read to the end of v9.

Wasn't she in the first season

I understand that they're not there because of Yen Press, but that doesn't mean they're not anywhere.

For all we know, you work for Yen Press. Go find them yourself if you want to read them.

>wanting to skip volumes
>hating on characters
>not loving every volume and characters like it's the bible

To the farm with all of you, NOW.

Tell me about Demiurge, why does he have the eyes

No, really, read to the end of v9.

Ah, I see. I apologize, I was blind before.

>just a mere village girl
Tell that to first prince and his army.

She's too swole to control!

Is it true that Renner has the potential to become more powerful than a floor guardian? Considering her intellect there won't be anyone that could oppose her, if anything she would b the end boss along with PDL.

Ains will have a real fight eventually and the odds will be stacked against him...

What could she do with her intellect though? She doesn't have any resources that can rival the might of Nazarick. I guess she could potentially mess up some of the more subtle plans of Demiurge but that is, at most, a nuisance.

From what I know, she might receive the status of an Area Guardian. However, she won't enjoy the overwhelming intellectual superiority she has over all of humanity because Albedo, Demi and Ainz-sama are there and there's no way the first two will allow her to betray them.

Frankly speaking, she seems content to keep her doggy around.

>Fantasizing about what to do after breaking her curse
Now that she knows that Ainz can most likely break her curse and she's ready to do anything for it. Considering that she knows that she'll be serving Ainz afterwards, What do you guys think she fantasizes about?

>implying she won't headcanon herself into madness like JUSTniv when confronted with the glory of Ainz-sama.

I know I want to smear my erect cock in her pus and make her lick it clean.

She will knock some sense into ainz when his overlord persona takes over and he goes full evil.
Enri is the woman ainz needs.

Does anyone else feel like the appearances of the characters that appear in your heads based on Maruyama's description are often way cooler than what So-bin does with them?

Enri is literally perfect.

Much less frequently than with most other works. . So-bin does good work.

Depends on how creative you are with your imagination. I'm not very good at it so So-bin's art works quite nicely for me.

>“I understand… Then should I let her work in my breeding pens?”

>“Ah, where you were raising your Chimeras? Speaking of which, are they suitable for consumption? We need to work on food production for Nazarick as well.” Demiurge’s gaze avoided looking at Ainz who was murmuring: “Chimera steak… No, Chimera hamburger…” and wandered around before returning.

does Demi know that Ainz is misunderstanding about the breeding pens?

>Interests: Writing in her revenge diary
All the revenge she's gonna get for people talking shit about her cursed face over the years I guess. I wonder if she'll lose her Cursed Knight levels if she's cured.

He probably thinks that he's intentionally being vague for the benefit of Mare & Aura, or something.

No, Demiurge thinks that Ainz knows they're humans.

the only ones present at that moment are Ainz, Demi, Sebas and Cocyotus

Perhaps for Sebas then? It's well known that he's a white-knight who doesn't mind humans.

Either way, Demiurge likely thinks that Ainz knows they're human. After all, Demiurge thinks that everything dances in Ainz's hands. Him looking around nervously after Ainz continued to do that was probably him trying to figure out some headcanon reason for Ainz calling them Chimeras.

It's most likely Sebas, those two are constantly getting in each others way.

>the plot twist is that they really are Chimeras, Demi is just programmed to talk in ways that can be misunderstood because of his race

I see all of them as way more realistic-looking in my head, so Leinas for example would look like a warrior in her twenties or thirties, with her eye more directly obscured and a normal human face shape. So-bin's work does kind of fit the look of a Japanese-made MMO I guess, but it doesn't feel appropriate to the book a lot, in my opinion. The only thing I can think of that seems explicitly wrong is Zaryusu's sword, but then compare it to something like the Dark Children, which are described as inky and black (and in my head, I saw them as a matte black which surpasses all shading and is wholly unnatural, since they are after all the offspring of the Black Goat of the Woods) but so-bin basically just drew some messed up otyughs and called it good. They're not even black, really.

>I see all of them as way more realistic-looking in my head
I think that's your problem. You're trying to have a realistic interpretation of things which will inevitably be influenced by the modern Eastern "anime" style. There's always going to be some stylistic things going on, and so-bin's art, while gritty and detailed, is still far from 'realistic'

>They're not even black, really.
To be fair, very rarely do things which happened to be described as 'black', actually end up being completely black. They're dark enough to warrant the description, anyway. And there's always going to be some discrepancies in color since artists love to cheat with lighting and whatnot. I mean, just look how differently Lupus' skin tone can shift from image-to-image.

so-bin's art is pretty good, in my opinion. What's good enough for Maruyama is good enough for me. And he's improved a lot over the years--just look at the art in the earlier volumes.

That's one thing, but these are the Dark Young. If you're going to bring something like that into the story, you need to depict it pretty fucking intensely. And Maruyama did, but I don't think So-bin did.

I suppose it depends on what you use a source for the Dark Young.

>The mouths was like leaves and the whole thing was like a tree in the wind, a black tree with lots of branches trailing to the ground, and a whole lot of roots ending in hoofs. And that green slime dribbling out of the mouths and down the legs was like sap!
>it was the black thing of my dreams-that black ropy, slimy, jelly tree-thing out of the woods. It crawled up and it flowed up on its hoofs and mouths and snaky arms.
>The Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath are horrifying, pitch-black monstrosities
All seems pretty black if you don't cherry-pick from a deviantart source.

Here's from Maruyama's description, incidentally:
>It was something like asphalt. It absorbed the light, like a wave of hungry darkness

He is just an average guy.
A lot of time passed and he is still mostly the same aka useless.

Sure, but my point is is that plenty of artists have drawn the Dark Young as anything but pitch black; it's hardly unprecedented. Not to mention that if we were to truly take the extreme of that description, and make it truly black (that is; 0,0,0), then I don't know if it would really look good on paper. There's always going to be some sort of sacrifice between description and an artist's interpretation.

Now thats some nasty headcanon you got going in there.

Ainz is an idiot.

Yes but Demiurge does immense mental contortions to believe otherwise.

>I don't know if it would really look good on paper.
It can. Especially since this is something that's supposed to be outside the norm anyway, so a variation in art style is fine.

So how grim are translations for the Novel looking?

Last I remember being translated was the one with the giant baby goat demons and that dragon empress girl first appearing in.

I prefer this one.

looks weird and feels like it belongs in Courage the Cowardly Dog or Rick and Morty type of show.

Literally already discussed in this thread.

Fuck, I'm retarded.

I should really learn to not dring and post.

Renner is a retard. She can't do shit.


She's literally only the most intelligent character introduced so far. If that's your definition of retarded then yeah she's a retard.

She is Golden Princess not Beautiful Princess. Though I don't see why she would even care enough to go against Nazarick in anyway. As long her she has Climb, she wouldn't care even if Ainz SPLAT the whole humanity to extinction.

Don't you mean kid?

>most intelligent character introduced so far
Are you forgetting the dozens of times she’s been stated to have an intellect on par with Albedo and Demiurge, not superior to? She is not the most intelligent character.

I'm gonna play Demi's advocate here and say she's emotionally stunted/retarded in a dictionary definition of the word. While she might understand the concepts of such things to a high degree she really doesn't seem to feel proper empathy.

Renner is a retard who wouldn't even be able to outsmart Nabe.

>doesn't seem to feel proper empathy

That's demiurge, albedo is better at management but not as smart as demiurge.
Renner has no flaw so far, her acting skills are perfect.

Fuck off nazarickfag.

>her acting skills are perfect
Wrong. Demiurge saw through her act in like 2 seconds. Her acting skills are only good enough to fool retarded NWers. Renner is pretty unimpressive.

>Renner is pretty unimpressive.
That's funny considering Demiurge pretty much said the opposite.

Fuck off, humiefag. Renner is trash. She would not be able to outsmart Nabe.

No user. Renner is mostly emotionally dead and feels nothing about anyone but Climb. Like user above said, She does understand the emotional concepts but doesn't feel anything and mostly cover it up with her acting. I actually now a person like this irl as well.

She's interesting compared to other NWers, but that's about it

Doesn't really matter what Demi says, the dumb blonde cunt hasn't done anything impressive, at all.

In terms of intellect: Nabe > Renner

Nice headcanon.

Out of all the humies in the NW, she has secured a possible Area Gaurdian seat for herself in Nazarick's rule. That's pretty impressive if you ask me.

Inferior lifeforms should just shut up and bask the greatness of the Great Ones and their creations

She's going to be a humie area guardian, as in; she'll still be a second class citizen in the Nazarick hierarchy. That's nothing impressive.

For a NW humie, that's pretty impressive. Especially considering the fate of the likes of Blue Rose and Six Scriptures.

Nope, that's pretty mediocre.

Name one humie who will get the same status. You can't, that itself rules out the use of word 'mediocre'.

Kissing Entoma would mean you would be kissing some random bugs asshole!
What do?

Not really.

Area guardians are a sovereign within their own territory

The only one who would outrank her is Ainz and Albedo

Demi never saw through her act in all of sebas's reports, it was only when renner lowered her intelligence that demi finally figured it out.
Renner > ainz > demiurge > albedo

Jircniv is a potential candidate. Likely other humie viceroys will be selected in the future.

>Demi never saw through her act in all of sebas's reports
Read the LN. Also, get some better bait.