Is Saki really about mahjong?
Is Saki really about mahjong?
Other urls found in this thread:
I would make my daughter dress like that
I would make my son dress like that
>not daughter(male)
>Saki about mahjong
Can't say this enough to people i meet, Saki is about irrational bullshit luck and yuri/ecchi
There isn't much suffering so no, I don't think so.
>There isn't much suffering
They make you root for the teams that are going to lose.
>delayed chapters
>new anime never
>dead fanbase
There's plenty of suffering.
Best anime ever!
T-they'll win 5th place! I believe in them!
Oh shit, there was a NIPPLE.
I'm screwed now.
everyone has nipples
don't worry about it
This is how children should dress.
>hole for easy access
This is legal, right?
It's a crime more girls don't dress like this.
I hate this trash meme
At least wait until there's some release.
Then we'll be tanoshii for a few hours before toki,
Is this Saki thread?
S-stop it
If you want it to be.
Saki is a yuri series with mahjong undertones.
But seriously. Saki has some fap fuel that's only barely taped into.
I think the fact that Saki is possibly the coolest sports series ever greatly overshadows the fact that it has a full cast of cute girls.
That said, the matsumis are fucking hot.
Yuki is so cool.
Cant' wait for her to fuck Teru up.
I'd access it.
Sadly yes. I started watching it because of the presumed nopan lolis but they actually play too much mahjong for me to enjoy the show.
Mahjong, tanoshii, suffering, fire and toki.
Oh, boobs and nopan also.
Mahjong isn't a sport, though. Some players are sporty, but you could play it with just one finger and a touch screen while on a hospital bed. With future tech, I'll bet you don't need even the finger, just a man-machine interface of some sort.
Well I still don't see how Saki is anything but a sports series.
The same can be said for chess but that's a sport.
no it isnt
You can drop links all you want, it doesn't change the fact that mahjong is a tabletop game that requires zero physical activity. You could play it by proxy through a phone if need be.
I don't know what you're tring to argue here. Regardless of whether they were playing Football, Mahjong or fucking Monopoly, if all they do the whole series is compete in it like it's a sport and go to tournaments and whatnot, then it's a sports series.
>I know more about sports than the International Olympic Committee
Fuck off.
>appeal to authority fallacy
Olympic committee would accept shitposting as as official sport if you gave them big enough bribe.
24 hours to 3/25 BG leaks
Isn't it digital now? Why do we need low quality leaks anymore?
You gonna hack into the Gangan servers and release them before the official date or something?
If I did, would you want them? It'd just make them cancel the digital edition.
/e/ thread toki'd.
Any postworthy lewds?
you forgot
>bare sketches
I remember that doujin
Calling it a competitive series is more accurate.
Shh. No logic now, only toki.
So there is some suffering. Mahjong is like 99% suffering though.
This is your Toki for the time being. Use her carefully.
Excuse me, my Toki seems to have deformities on her head.
They're upgrades so she can hear you unzip better.
Truly we are the Toki.
No, it's about PTSD and familial abuse.
I know, right? At least it's ninja butlers birthday tomorrow. Anyone got april's calendar page?
I would make Yulia Tymoshenko dress like that
>shitposting isn't a sport
I wish I had a son like this
Anyone? Last years is fine.
Something's wrong with her torso.
Of course it is, why do you ask?
back in my day we would just say we would make our sons dress like that but okay
Saki-san kawaii
>not ako
How much netter is Nationals compared to Saki?
Speak for yourself.
Toki is lame.
I want to be a teacher at the prestigious Eisui High!
Common sense, dayo.
Saki is about wahaha
Tacos, djey!
Reminder: You will never (be) impregnate(d by) any of the Sakis, Terus, Tokis, biyoris, -hayus or Ritz's.
What is her name?
Why is there so few doujin of her?
Mon Key.
April birthdays
highlights: Shizuno (8), Kainou-pro (10), Funa-Q (12), Arata & Ritz-sensei (14), Wi-Fi#2 (16), Wahaha (21), Sera (22), Sumire (25)
plus whatever Shinohayus or Tokis have been added since 2014
you really need to stop with this shit meme
>Ritz's birthday 4/14
>next month's YG on 4/7 & 4/21
guaranteed delay / skipped issue
Ako spin-off where she has sex with fat old men for money when?
starting a new /e/ thread:
Please never post in Sup Forums again, filthy crossboarder.
Make me.
That background radiation isn't doing those girls any good.
nice Himematsu fanart
strangely erotic Kyouko
Why does Ritz only draw girls with either no tits or giant tits?
radiation causes cancer
Tsumo. Chinitsu, toitoi, sanankou, sankantsu, red dora, rinshan kaihou.
You are now pregnant.