How do you remember what you're reading Sup Forums?

How do you remember what you're reading Sup Forums?

Autism and/or never stop reading that manga until scans stop and then leave a note of what is happening chapters before.

I use anime-planet. For series not on there, I keep bookmarks of things I'm in the middle of reading, and use follows on Batoto.


By downloading what I read and organizing them into folders such as "currently reading" and "to be read", and the rest is me exerting a quarter of my brain because this shit isn't hard to deal with.

I have better things to use my brain on.

Must be sad having such a limited brain capacity.

Must be sad to not use tools.

That's like trying to act superior for needing a calculator to do 2+2. Sorry but you're simply inferior to me.

No it's like refusing to your phone's contact list or browsers bookmark function.