Things you won't hear black people say

>things you won't hear black people say

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Let's use the crosswalk.

Watch out I'm going to try and sucker punch you whitey

Time to get up early and go to work!

Oh no I'm going to be late for work!

Happy Father's Day

It’s my fault

i love you son

I like white women because they are wholesome and not degenerate.

hi dad


I have principles I live by

"keep the change"

Thanks for the warning officer!

Thank you

I love my country.

I'm sorry.

I wish I could even say that


"Honey, I'm home!"

Of course officer, I will tell you everything I saw.


Here’s your tip!

"Guilty your honor"

I really appreciate America and the opportunity its given me.

Hi, Dad!


This is the thing I'd change about them. They think people are fucking stupid and actually believe them.

This and that

Rosa Parks was wrong

oh yeah man, thats my bike i payed for

I did do something

"Cant wait to get out and vote early!"

god I hate fried chicken.

"Let's go back to africa and bring about a new future"

I hate chicken

Let me help you with that.

"Lets stop loitering around out the front of stores annoying customers"

"I know im going to tip, but how much should i?"

They say that when it's less than 10 cents


Why no, my dick is not 12 inches long, it's only 4.5 inches but I'm cool with that.

I'm gonna put a condom on.

So glad I took the high road on that one..

I'm not too early, am I?

>I’m sorry for yelling
>I should probably stop grabbing all the girls in class and shouting in their face, might make me look bad in the future or something

Seriously, of the few black people i’ve seen/heard irl, each one seems to have something wrong with their ears. Seriously, they shout every single sentence.

Where's my son?

"No,no, what is interesting is the recurrence of prime quadruplets as factors for the relative day-lenghts of the planets; would you like to sit down?"

I just applied for a job

6 AM, time to go out and get a job

I better put this money in the bank.

Yes I agree, that career criminal who pulled the gun on the cop did indeed bring it on himself when the cop shot him.

>off by one

We should keep the baby

>I’m argentinian

I see you

I only tip 20 percent or more.

I'm looking for a job.

Shhhh the movie starting.

I think I will start my own business.



Welfare is only for the truly desperate, therefore I refuse to apply for it

No gf


in polite english we say ""blacks are a very musical people""

"I preffer black women"

Help me get my resumé down to one page.

Let me put on this pair of headphones then ma'am.

My property value went up



Hey dad, the private sector job interview went great! Since I have competitive standardized test scores I have a good chance, but let the best man win!

And they’re favourite genre is jazz

I object to the rabid consumerism of always buying the newest iPhone.


Can't wait to go cast my vote for Doug Jones

That outfit is a little garish and flashy don’t you think?

We just had some Sudanese "refugees" move in to state housing down the road.

The men in the house are like 6,6 as black as the road tar and wear the baggiest clothing iv ever seen. Walking around with cell phones hooked up to speakers blaring their music for the whole street to hear.

Funny thing is when the refugee housing was being built, about 1/4 of the whites around here sold up and left and were talking about "this area isint safe anymore" in regards to the black refugees.

Refugees Welcome
Love Is Love
Israel Is Our Greatest Ally
Adopt A Syrian "Boy"

Haha oh fuck

Obama is finally out.

I will share my home with refugees and illegal immigrants so they can get ahead.

[any black defendant ever charged with a crime against a nonblack] was obviously guilty

I used to be a drug dealer, but a nice jewish music producer thought I was talented and gave me lots of money to produce my music that encourages pimping, murder, and drug dealing to young black kids, and even white kids as well

I then used that jewish money to immediately go out and buy a big diamond earring and gold teeth from a jeweller owned by a member of his temple and i noticed that the jewish community just made their money back rather quickly

Perhaps using the proceeds from my crack dealing business to buy recording studio time from yet more jewish fellows was not proper or ethical conduct for either of us, considering I literally explained where I got the money from in my songs and they did business with me anyway knowing it was drug money

Upon further examination, I now realize that perhaps these jewish gentlemen and myself are to blame for the drug and violent crime epidemics in my community, this country, and urban areas throughout the West

Have I somehow influenced an entire generation of black people to be criminals and single mothers, thereby creating more criminals and single mothers? It doesn't matter if I'm a millionaire if my fellow blacks are doing so poorly due in part to idolizing me

Perhaps I've been giving white teachers and police officers in my city a fuck ton of dangerous work to do ever since my music became popular and that's why they dislike me and anyone who emulates me

Perhaps nobody should ever have idolized me, Snoop Dogg, Fat Joe, or Lil Wayne in the first place and we shouldn't have tried to intimidate anyone who criticized us

Is it possible that these Yiddish fellows are just using us as cash cows and that the white people in the United States have done nothing but bend over backwards to improve my standard of living?

I should donate some of my money and build a library in a low-income black neighborhood so other poor black people like me don't make the same mistakes I did and pursue an education instead


Männer des Deutschen Reichstages!

Ein Jahr weltgeschichtlicher Ereignisse geht zur Neige, ein Jahr größter Entscheidungen steht vor uns. In dieser ernsten Zeit spreche ich zu Ihnen, Abgeordnete des Reichstags, als den Vertretern der deutschen Nation. Allein darüber hinaus soll das ganze deutsche Volk von diesem Rückblick Kenntnis nehmen und von den Entscheidungen, die uns Gegenwart und Zukunft aufzwingen.

Nach der abermaligen Ablehnung meines Friedensangebotes im Jahre 1940 durch den derzeitigen britischen Ministerpräsidenten und der ihn tragenden oder beherrschenden Clique, war es im Herbst klar, daß dieser Krieg gegen alle Gründe der Vernunft und der Notwendigkeit mit den Waffen bis zum Ende durchgekämpft werden muß. Sie kennen mich, meine alten Parteigenossen, daß ich stets ein Feind halber oder schwächlicher Entschlüsse war. Wenn die Vorsehung es so gewollt hat, daß dem deutschen Volk dieser Kampf nicht erspart werden kann, dann will ich ihr dafür dankbar sein, daß sie mich mit der Führung eines historischen Ringens betraute, das für die nächsten 500 oder 1000 Jahre nicht nur unsere deutsche Geschichte, sondern die Geschichte Europas, ja, der ganzen Welt, entscheidend gestalten wird.

Das deutsche Volk und seine Soldaten arbeiten und kämpfen heute nicht nur für sich und ihre Zeit, sondern für kommende, ja, fernste Generationen. Eine geschichtliche Revision einmaligen Ausmaßes wurde uns vom Schöpfer aufgetragen, die zu vollziehen wir nunmehr verpflichtet sind.

Der schon kurz nach der Beendigung des Kampfes in Norwegen mögliche Waffenstillstand im Westen zwang die deutsche Führung zuallererst, die gewonnenen politisch, strategisch und wirtschaftlich wichtigen Gebiete militärisch zu sichern.

So haben die damals eroberten Länder seitdem ihre Widerstandsmöglichkeit wesentlich verändert. Von Kirkenes bis zur spanischen Grenze erstreckt sich ein Gürtel von Stützpunkten und Befestigungen größten Ausmaßes.


I can't, I have to get home and take care of my family.

Hi dad!

I wish the circumstances had been different but the court has spoken. We live in a society of law and must all accept the jury's decision.

He actually commited the crime officer! He did everything!

Heres my concealed carry permit, sir.

Delicious quinoa, Susan

Hey, you just dropped your wallet.

I better cooperate with that police officer. His job is hard enough as it is, and by cooperating with him I won't get in trouble.

Yes officer, no problem

maul, amifag

I bought this

im white

Wassup mah nigga? Ayo shawty drop dat ass down low fo' me real quick!

>I came all tha way to New Zealand from Sudan