How would you have fixed Akame ga Kill?

How would you have fixed Akame ga Kill?

Make it a generic sol school anime/manga with the same cast.

>Add more depth to Wild Hunt.

The Wild Hunt Arc is usually agreed to be where the series went to complete shit. They should've been fleshed out more, instead of just being 'rape lmao' and they should've had some better fights. Seriously, they had some pretty good Teigu.

If we keep all the hype for Izou, actually have him deliver on it.

>Budo doesn't job

Nigga's the Grand General, doesn't even know how his damn Teigu works. Should've played up his opposition of Honest more, until eventually he and Esdeath fight.

>Keep Seryu alive after Kyorach

Not having Seryu during the Wild Hunt arc was such a massive waste.

Feature the titular character.

Make a completely different manga.

all this, but also having tatsumi pork esdeath into a decent human being

Simple; make an honest woman out of her.

There you go.

Didn't they kinda drop the whole thing where if two Teigu users fight, one of them will die by the end of it?
That was one of the decent draws the series had for me, combined with allowing pretty much anyone in the cast to die meant the battles had real stakes. It's something a lot of series lack, there's no tension because you know the main characters will either win, or not die anyways.

Remember when Akame and Kurome fought with teigu, but neither died?

Remember when Tatsumi and Wave fought with teigu, but neither died?

Transform it into eroge.

Lighthearted SOL featuring Dragon Tatsumi and Mine

The kingdom and basically the entire world in Akame ga Kill always felt so ill-defined to me, they just made the settings anything they felt like at the time and had the level of technology be up in the air.

That would be the best thing to happen to the series.
Not even joking, an Akame ga Kiru eroge would be an instant buy for me.

Fix Esdeath's characterization. Her love for torture is stupid and unmotivated, while her lack of empathy is well done and well explained. Work more on that

Fix Seryu's characterization. The way she's now, it feels like it was designed by That DM who just loves to see Paladins falling. I think she was meant to be that character who tries to follow justice but only sees one side of the coin, and thus ends up having a flawed understanding of the situation. However that role was later taken over by Wave, so that's why her character become less of a character and more of a joke. Perhaps have her reflect on the meaning of justice a bit more, then?

Also absolutely fucking fix Wild Hunt, holy shit.

But the most important thing is that there are no trains. so add trains immediately.

I think it was originally supposed to be one.

>When Tatsumi gets captured he chooses to become a double agent..
>He gets trained by Esdese & has to commit horrible war crimes to maintain his cover.
>At some point he kills a member of Night Raid & they hate him for it.
>When the time is right he breaks himself out and returns to night raid who immediately attempt to kill him for being a traitor.
>Tats narrowly escapes and finds himself alone in a dangerous world with no allies.
>The story follows Akame from that point on while members of night raid slowly get picked off and the rebels being wiped out.
>The world is in a state of true misery, Night raid has been disbanded, and no one can hope to stand against the military might of the Empire.
>A great search for all teigu in the world has begun, the empire's power is growing more and more every day, it's only a matter of time before they become unbeatable.
>Akame decides to make one last ditch effort to save the world.
>She finds Tats mentally broken in his old village now ransacked, he resolves that he has nothing left to live for so he'll give her plan a shot.
>She attempts to recruit her sister but it goes horribly wrong and they end up fighting. Tats kills her to protect Akame.
>Naturally they go into hiding because they just killed an elite empire soldier
>Wave finds them before the rest of the empire and expresses how the empire has been breaking every last shred of humanity they had left, killing her was a mercy.
>Wave explains that the only way they'll have achance is if they have Esdese with them.
>Esdese has grown bored now that her enemies are all dead or broken, with a manly speech from Tats she too is convinced to join the coup
>final battle ensues, new Night Raid wins, everyone but Akame dies

Author chickened out

Make Akame the main girl so at least Esdesu goes more crazy.

Sounds good

Tatsumi gets tortured to death in the very beginning by the psycho rich loli

>No tatsumi.
>Just NR against the empire without wasting time with Tatsumi's pointless romances.

Tatsumi was needed to help introduce the leader to the series' world.

Tatsumi doesn't turn into a dragon.

More Akame rape torture mindbreak doujins

And then kill him off after that's done

He worked very closely with the anime and probably chickened out because his chickenshit fans threw a bitch fit about it, despite that he would've had more time to pull it off in the manga.

Then again, he was also the one who wanted Leone to live on for hours after she was shot by Honest (the anime crew wanted her to die right there), so he wasn't all that good.

Basically, just allow the anime writers do their thing and it would've been at least decent.

Well yeah the anime ending was a lot better
Also fans are fucking retards, why would you get mad at characters dying in AgK of all series?
It's really stupid

>Add more depth to Wild Hunt.
remove wild hunt entirely, if the series was shorter people wouldn't have grown tired of it before it ended

Add actually killing off Mine and you're good. I feel like the author chickened out of killing her and instead turned her into a vegetable. Honestly it would've made Tats turning into a dragon more sad if it was also fueled by her.

Nothing can save this fucking trash manga.

>Well yeah the anime ending was a lot better
If you have cancerous taste, sure.

Shouldn't you be rearing dragon babies, Mine?


Is it me or did the author play it too safe for the manga? The anime killed everyone, he let some get out (sort of) scot free.

Make Esdeath the main protagonist.

That would make it even more trashy.

Everything would make it even more trashy.

see He went full pussy

The author's problem was that he killed everyone off too early for shock value and when he got to the end there was nothing more he could do with the story.

Say that again an see what happens.

If you wanted to keep killing everyone then do not pussy out with certain characters or you will piss people off who expects a bloodbath or something at the end.


remove the plot armor from akame

At least in the manga more people lives.

Have him join with Esdeath.

I'm willing to continue the manga where I put it on-hold (somewhere around 50something) but which of them will survive? I don't care the spoilers.

Remove male characters. Fucking harem elements ruin everythig

For starters

Just these two? Really? Then no, thanks.

Some minor characters lives.
Oh and Kurome.

I can't stand that the author pussied out in killing her off. If I recall, you die if you lose your teigu. Why did she of all characters defy that rule?

>unrewarding and edgy end it's better

>Oh and Kurome.
That sounds good enough. Ok, I'll give it another go.

Waifufags would have thrown a bitchfit, like they did when she died in the anime

Yes it is
Watch Dragonball if you don't want consequences and forced happy endings

We have a true mature edgelord here, ladies and gentlemen.

Fuck waifufags. Why does she get to live after losing her teigu? What gave her a special pass from the rule?

Again because waifufags

Actually give Akame more focus and character development.
Kill off Mine instead of Sheele.
Have Esdeath die midway through the story and no more bullshit asspull powers from her.
No more retarded deaths that could've been prevented like Leone and Run.
Have Budo not job and don't kill off Lubbock.

There, fixed.

Post the full image faggot

Akame ga Kill the author

>pointless romances.
In that case we don't need Wave and Lubbock too.

You're right, we don't

Fix esdeath portait
Fix the fuking teigu hero
Fix leone death
Fix last battle

I actually wanted to see her killed off so I can see waifufags get angry.
I actually did like the idea of Esdeath being the last fight I guess.


Actually having more than 1 arc and move on into actually explroing the world, this could have been the next HxH but it just started and ended in Yorkshin. Also this Basically author dropped his own premise.

Made it solely about Akame

Aniki end

Lubbock doesn't die and Mine doesn't go in coma.

Baka trio a best.

Less edgefaggotry for the sake of edgefaggotry.

He looks happy with his wife now. At least he can control his own body later.

This is a Married couple

I would have made Tatsumi return Esdeath's feels
I would have had him change the government from the inside.


>Mine doesn't go in coma.
Or just full blown kill her off instead of pussying out.

This thread is about fixing it, not ruining it.

This. Her coma bullshit didn't make any sense on the first place, since after that she only appeared in the last chapter and got like 4 panels just for the sake of some forced happy ending.

Try to explain why she went into a coma instead of dying.

Well They both happy now

Without her Tatsumi doesn't have any desire to live though, you have the mediocre anime ending to tell how it goes.

Which is fucking stupid
Imagine if Romeo and Juliet changed the ending into a "they lived happily ever after" after audiences were sad because the protag dies they first time they showed it

It's still retarded as fuck.

Why is it mediocre?

Terrible analogy, Tatsumi and Mine weren't from different factions that hated each other, they were together and everyone around supported their relationship.

Or are you saying every romance should end with one or both dead for it to be good?

Manga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anime

I'm saying forcing a happy ending in a tragedy is really dumb, especially since it's done for fanservice reasons

You're not going to find many people rating AgK anime as more than mediocre.

The manga as well to be fair, even if a better ending in my opinion, but if you want to fix why change it to something that is even more popularly criticized and by that also removing all what made the manga still interesting and not a 2 years long fully spoiled ride.


I really liked this chapter. Hell, this mini arc as a whole was surprisingly well-written.

Romeo and Juliet WTF!!!!!!!!.
Worst comparison

Manga Always better Animefag

The anime's directing was one of the most horrible ones I've ever witnessed in any anime and that alone is enough to make the manga 20 times better. (Kurome × Wave helps a lot too.)

Kill yourself.

Not forced though, Mine was never hit at all in that fight so she was perfectly fine. Only thing that might have been forced was Akame being able to aim at Tyrant.

Akame lesbo end with Leone

It was forced as hell.

Turn it into a Taimanin style defeated heroin hentai series with a shit load of rape, impregnation, monster sex, bestiality, gangbangs/gangrape, mind break, live birth, and a bad end for each heroin.

>I will kill myself

>doesn't know how green text works
Nice fix, buddy, you should really do it.

Nope, not seeing it. Everyone clearly died by having her body destroyed. It was never established that Pumpkin kills it user before, and she wasn't hit. She could very well wake up immediately, which I'd prefer.