Barbera is going to be the real MC
She's going to puke mystic energy everywhere, saving magic and letting it be used away from the Sorcerer Stone
But not before killing Spiderwitch by vomiting powerful spells onto her.
Barbera is going to be the real MC
She's going to puke mystic energy everywhere, saving magic and letting it be used away from the Sorcerer Stone
But not before killing Spiderwitch by vomiting powerful spells onto her.
Other urls found in this thread:
this thread is now cursed
Oh shit! Sucy has become the PRIDE WORLD WIDE
Anyway, guys, whatever you do, before page 10, DO NOT link this thread to the old one. Understand?
Mods will delete this the moment they notice it. We'll have to go through the extra effort of making another thread again otherwise.
Where did that even come from?
Holy shit you actually got dubs with that...
Think Lotte enjoys dressing like a slut despite being embarrassed about it?
>this one guy constantly posting about Barbara vomiting
>spells it "Barbera" every post he makes
At least try to make it less obvious you're the lone guy pushing this.
Nice try
Are you Chariot or Ursula?
of course. always be careful of the quiet ones
i hope trigger knows how to manage their budget
>He doesn't know
user, I... Just take a look at this:
Her name is Barbara though.
Yes, that's the reference, congrats you're so clever.
But Barbara is her name.
what are you trying to imply here
Yes. We all know that.
So, which episode was LWA in when you guys jumped in the bandwagon and started watching the show?
Why are you getting so mad user?
Someone posted the webm of Akko shooting herself out of a cannon and chaining herself to a broom mid-air, and I realized that I needed more Little Witches in my life.
I'm am not. I'm calming asking polite questions, my kind sir.
I am deeply sorry if I my words may have been taken as offensive in any way. Please accept my humble apology.
Give us back OVA Diana, Trigger.
You can suck my dick as an apology, faggot.
>lone guy
>Not watching LWA when three girls were being chase by a huge cock
Step it up, senpai
"It bears the head of a cock, Arisen!"
Do you understand the conversation you're reading? What retarded point are you trying to make?
>Guy spells her name as Barbera over and over, which is not her name, and so gives himself away as the one guy trying to push a meme
>user points this out
>another user (potentially the guy getting called out) says "no see, there's this reference"
>two anons point out regardless of the reference, her name is not "Barbera"
>now you say "yes we all know that, how new are you?"
what are you saying?
LWA threads gave him brain tumor and/or autism.
My! Oh my! We do not use such foul words around here, sir. Please watch your language or else you're gonna get shot, nigger!
Yeah, I'm sorry. Not the same user as the OP, I was just funposting.
well shit, now i want to do a red team run of DD
Some people got caught up with it, I'm not denying that, but he clearly kept going with it through that thread, into the last thread, and now in the OP of this thread, still pushing it after it ran its course.
Stop this autism immediately.
Akko as Magick Archer obviously
More Lotte omorashi please
rewatching the OVA just for Diana
How did they manage to fuck her up so badly? OVA Diana wasn't exactly a complex character.
I'm not him and I spell her name Barbera too.
They didn't fuck her up, user. She was already shit to begin with.
Then you are misspelling it. Stop misspelling her name.
Sorry, user. I'm not the same guy but I will never acknowledge the name of a fucking bulli.
>Akko is confronted by incredible magic power that she doesn't understand
>Her first inclination when it disagrees with her is to murder it with an axe
Looking forward to Akko killing a unicorn or some shit.
It means I'm a drawfag disgusted with the state of these threads.
I want /u/ and fetishist to leave
>still wearing gloves
Barbera is the cuter spelling though.
BarBara looks like a subclassification of Jojo physiques.
Say that to my face, fucker.
Is this Dianas familiar?
I hope that once she gets to work along Akko she comes closer to her ova counterpart, at least for a couple of episodes.
I'm the person who wrote the main vomit greentext and I agree.
Vomiting Barbara is cute, but trying to force it over and over like this is just stupid.
>bottle episode
>two characters (who aren't Akko) are forced to spend the whole episode together
Who do you pick?
Diana and Constanz
Diana and Diana
Akko is born to destroy. Just look at her magic - explosions, turning food into poison, creation of giant murderous squirrels etc. No wonder glimpse of the future in last episode show world burning, she must have got much better at magic arts by then.
Frankestein manga.
Barbara and Lotte.
I think they'd be surprisingly cute.
Jasminka and Barbara
Is that picture a metaphor for the cold war?
Diana and Ursl.
Constanze and Ursula
really stimulates my neurons
Lobotomy, vomit, fanfic gore and extreme funposting (emphasis on "extreme") in general is not allowed
Oh well, I guess I'll have to come up with a new kind of funposting. Here goes.
>Be me, trying all my best to study magic
>Flying lessons begin. Everyone is flying with their brooms one after another
>Finally my turn. I stick my broom handle between my thighs as I shout the magic words
>Tia Freyre!
>Doesn't work. I shout again
>Tia Freyre! Tia Freyre!
>Still doesn't work. I feel that something was wrong
>These two mean ladies suddenly come up to me
>One of them starts chanting some shit
>The next moment, I look like a retard riding a broomcycle
>The two assholes laughed at me
>I'm getting tired of this shit
>Being a future successor of Chariot is hard
>The albrechtsbergers turn out to be 100x richer and more prestigious than the cavendishes
>Constanze never mentioned it because she only gives a fuck about machines
Ursula and Diane.
Sucy and Diana.
It would be interesting to see how they interact.
If Ursula doens't get a kid by the end of the season, she'll die of depression
>Constanze never mentioned it because she only gives a fuck about machines
she doesn't speak anyway
Anencephaly Akko.
who's the father?
She'll die anyways.
She's just self-conscious about her poor english.
Sucy and Hannah. Let's see if the bully is able to restraint herself and not get poisoned.
Branch Bank is in her name. She's so rich she's named after where they keep money.
>"be me" greentext
Being disgusted with LWA, threads included, means you're disgusted with my Connie. You're an enemy.
Akko uprising when
She probably doesn't speak because she views everyone else as a peasant. That's why she looks so fucking pissed off 24/7.
Why have these threads become so disgusting? The plain old lewd was already more than enough.
Nah, shes just autistic and needs bullying.
OVA Diana didn't show more emotions than looking stoic before getting BTFO by the dragon.
>Akko accidentally makes her mental condition contagious while practicing a spell
what happens?
Delete this.
>no akko
Fuck that shit
Akko & Sucy
I want her to suck my dick while I lick her feet.
>being a normalfag
This thread is tame shit.
>Everyone yaying and talking about Chariot around her.
>Only Diana is acting like normal because she's used to repress her inner yay and Chariot fangirlism.
Fuck you. Literally everyone in this thread is talking about their disgusting fetishes. I'm out of here.
They don't deserve my presence.