Work sets you free?

ok so question for you:

If there was a civillian training camp would you go?

>you would learn millitary survival and dicipline but not be subject to draft
>essentially training to be a healthy and motivated member of society and to learn skills in labour and machining
>provides jobs for veterans and P.E graduates, and more (finally they will be useful)

so what do you think?

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Do I get food and roof over my head and learn skills that are actually useful, like welding or electronics, that I can use in real life to find employment when the training ends?
Sign me up!

i feel like germany could do this. you guys love your socialism.

I train already. but, a nationalized civilian training camp....I might give it a go

>garbage undiciplined shield wall

I'm a combat vet so I have no interest in going to a boyscout meeting for betamales.

Approved, but I think they should be more mathematically challenging and that the ASVAB and the like needs to be updated because if I can get a 99 without giving a hoot for the last couple of questions for the AFQT i.e. AR, MK, and PC/WK. Nobody deserves that 99 with a smile on their face, I know because I didn't pay a dime of attention in school and still got Valedictorian. That is just, man, I don't know how to explain that. We need better pay for these teachers, man.
>pic related

to me it seems obvious that the population is docile. we have no warriors culture. we need to revitalise the consciousness of our people. we need to inspire in them confidence for the future and the ability to try for it.

Our apprenticeship programs come pretty close.
And they are really successful too.

You basically spend three years working for a company and going to a specialized school to gain the theoretical knowledge that you need for your work. You do get a fair pay, and the company also covers tuition and all kinds of different costs for you.

Sweden has the right idea if I am to be honest here, they are notorious for being neutral yet they make it mandatory to serve. Hey, at least they are starting upsize now

sounds like socialism

>obvious douche vet bait
comeon dude you literally kill for zog, I want to uplift our countrymen and make them employable and healthy. learn to shoot a private firearm for defence as well? not a bad idea considering how faggy USA army: brought to you by Israel is.

Official German Government Propaganda.

Isn't that what schools should ideally be? Training of body, soul, and mind + a craft/trade.

It kinda is, but he presents a theory in which you would have the option to apply for the camp without having to join a branch of service in the case of you finishing it.

excellent. germany you are great.

>work sets you free?
you know that was a lie right? they gassed them regardless of how hard they worked.


>If there was a civillian training camp would you go?

Is it a concentration camp that forces us to do slave labor until we die?

come to the US and get tossed in jail, you can get all of the above

You "Kill" for

Exactly we kill, something you guys at fag camp would havr no understanding or experience about and put us real Soldiers leagues ahead of you.

It's about experience fuckbois

American jails smell bad and are not efficient. I do not like places that are not efficient.

imagine ther spartan lifestyle. their every waking day was a regiment and they were proficient as a result. you think they gave a fuck about socislism? no they had a fucking king and they lived and died for sparta. youre on a joke level mate, completely disregarding the power of public ownership done right. and you wonder why the dems hate you so much. to you lot, you make reasonable positions impossibly awkward with a load of self important christian claptrap.

Why would you teach military shit to people that would be draft exempt?

smell like bleach and house the shit of society, seems pretty efficient to me

Great idea.


for reserves in real big war times

my bad

The draft is reserved for real big war times

you haven't had to live in a 52% face country your entire life. i have.

i know for a fact that if this idea was implemented in the states, offering free shelter, housing and food, you'd get thousands of niggers and spics who would flood it, refuse to work and completely ignore the "spartan lifestyle" and ruin the entire social experiment within a few days.

socialism of any kind doesn't work here.

What precisely do you think the US military does when we're not dismantling shittier militaries at lightspeed? You literally just described the grunts that spent two years building infrastructure around my old house.

Niggers as you put it would end up chewed out from camp in hours, whether because they're given a curfew or because they are told to do some work.

Spics are alright for the most part.

I'm not paying with my taxes for neets that need to have their handheld to understand life better. If you want something like that make it a privately company.

very good point snakedexter.

We have those already, they're called militias and/or range schools. Civilians in the USA typically have better gear and training than the military which is why die Juden wishes to disarm us so badly.

even bigger ones than that

The problem with this in America and the modern west is that it implies and requires a natural bond of fraternity between countrymen when such a thing no longer exists and cannot exist. Why should you care for your countrymen when they are all scum and genetic refuse, not even related by race? This is why Americans are forced into individualism and capitalism, the far superior alternative of traditional brotherly city states is not possible

I would only participate in such cuck camp if I was living in the streets so I could save myself.

Also work doesen't set you free. I thought so too until I had worked for few years first, after that I only thought work allows you to buy more expensive stuff. But it's not freedom, just empty materialism.

I mean at the point we are talking the draft we're looking at total war, it doesn't get bigger!

What is with Anglomutt countries commenting on America's genetics like they're anything but a science experiment themselves? Anglo genetics = The entire continent's cum inside them, including North Africa and parts of the Middle East. Anglos have Celtic, Pictish, Roman, German, Nordic, Danish, Norman, French, Arab, and increasingly Pakistani and Black Caribbean blood in them. They stopped being "Anglos" as early as the Danelaw.

I highly doubt that grunts are doing that. Engineers, maybe. The closest thing to that that I remember doing as an infantryman was a volunteer program to clean elderly people's houses for them when I was in Germany, which was only for people looking for ways to get more volunteer hours on their records.

like fucxking china and we have to all be doing the war on a serious basis

Sounds like Total fucking war mate.

>essentially training to be a healthy and motivated member of society and to learn skills in labor and machining
what grades 1-12 were not enough? what makes you think this would be any different

Sounds like you want to see your local militia.

idk people sometimes flunk out in their younger years. if you can go back and learn useful skills for employment and diciprine you would take it more seriously. notice anons said that prison is like this. well then why do law abiding citizens not have acess to public resources to better themselves at an adult level. might even prevent many crimes.

If antifa types were given the opportunity to learn even the slightest of tactics or techniques without actually enlisting,I think they would be a much larger problem than they are today.
Furthermore, most people (an extremely strong majority in combat roles) who join are right-leaning. I am comfortable with this staying this way. If civil unrest ever breaks out in my area and I can't avoid it, I have a network of other like minded veterans with real experience to band together with.

well maybe just drop the whole draft idea then and let it be for economic war.

i dont think we have many of them right now. maybe i need to move to the states.

fuck when did everybody get so divided? we cant even do good things for our race any more. its only politically correct if white people are bending over.

There's no reason to be upset, I'm merely using America as the emblem for the modern poison that's infiltrated my country. Even if your desperate accusation were true, the problem is of homogeneity and bonds between countrymen, two things that Australia possessed until some time in the last sixty years. Don't try to deny the harm that negroes and hispanics do your nation