Remember when there was always a thread on the first page? YYK remembers

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I have had enough of Yayaka

I miss flip flappers

Remember when watchers of less than 5 anime a season were filtered out?

It's a shame it flopped in Japan, I thought it was one of the best of that season... Let's hope it doesn't get forgotten and we get some flip flappers related content in the future.

Anons were talking about a yearly rewatch around Christmas. Hopefully it happens

So Yayaka fucked the bunny, right?

I miss her.


Remember when generals were purged on sight ?


I want to cure Yayaka's rejected lesbian depresssion

Remember when you weren't a faggot?

I don't.

Finished it myself a couple of days ago, and while I didn't mind much else about it, Cocona has to be the worst fucking MC I've seen in a long time. Can't remember the last time I was this fucking pissed off at a protagonist/heroine. Don't think I would've had the patience to keep going with it while it ran.

Oh and yes, Yayaka a cute, is what I forgot to mention but that seems to be a consensus here as well so, eh.

Cocona is so supposed to be petty and immature, she's a shelltered kid raised by robots

Yayaka ruined the show.

seasonal trash only belongs in it's season

Flip Flappers sold a whole Fractale, no way it can be classed as seasonal trash

But every anime is seasonal

It's been replaced by Kemono Friends now

Except Kemono Friends is actually thought provoking and popular.

Is it? I tought it was some meme anime

it's very popular in japan

Ok but is it actually good or just meme popularity?

you're a fucking meme

Not an argument

I don't know, I don't watch it.
Cheap CGI animation is disgusting

I... I made a magic eye for cocona

i hope she'll like it

Did you just want to waste my time

Serious answer here, I was really skeptical at first but once you get past the CGI it's actually a very fun show with incredibly endearing characters and interactions and surprisingly solid worldbuilding. It's pure comfy and TANOSHII until Episode 11

If you're really interested then I say give it the 3-episode rule, the first episode is a bit weaker than the others.

I'll give it a try then, but honestly it kinda looks like shit

I got used to the 3DCG surprisingly quickly, just go into it remembering that it's made on a budget of a few soggy hamburgers and a slim jim.


I want to tickle Cocona's feet

Yeah that's why I was asking if people ironically like this

who fucking cares just watch it and like it or don't make your own opinions on whats good or bad this is a flip flappers thread!


Kemono's success really got me think about why Flip Flap (and to an extension, Yuri Kuma Arashi) performed so horribly in sale. Jap seems to have a strong disliking for shows with too cryptic and complex opening, they'd rather have a simple and straight story line which later can be expanded. Extra pt if the simple story has some depth behind.

Which is quite a shame, because I enjoy both tremendously.

Actually Kemono sold because of mobage. That's the key to success, nothing more.

But the mobage shut down a month before the show started airing because it was so unpopular

>Kemono sold because of mobage
Typical ignorant Filfla poster

The usual rule that bad CGI is universally hated around here is suspended with that show because everything else is just so good about it.

I just can't believe that it's actually good.


Well, nothing more to say here really.
If you care, try it out, three episode rule applies.

I won't forget these threads and the fun we had.


> 2 months searching for a flifla blanket
I'm never going to get one am I?

I... I wrote a song for Cocona.

You are my Cocona
My only Cocona
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my Cocona away

I hope she'll like it.

New merchandise never

Let it go.

I'll always remember Yayaka, she's my wife.


user, that's just cruel.

we saved anime

I remember that the first 11 and a half episodes were solid before it suddenly and violently shit the bed. It's a shame because the whole anime was such a breath of fresh air too.

>the first episode is a bit weaker than the others.
The first episode was good. It was episode 8 that was weak.

Fuck you PPP is cute

The ending was a bit sloppy and rushed but hey, I think the journey is more important than the destination.

i really wanted to wtch flipflapers with you guys,but was kinda busy back them,damn i probably miss some good threads

YYK was the only character worth rooting for in the show.

Nah, only ep.12 was kinda weak because of quality and pacing problems, ep.13, especially its second half, was great. Maybe it wasn't some mindblowing ending some hoped for, but i was satisfied with it.



Only reason I still come around is the hope I might still find a thread. Maybe next season wont be as bad.

The worst anime of last season and easy contender for worst of decade. Absolute, unfiltered trash. No characters, no story, just fetish pandering and awful animation. I am glad it's universally hated in Japan and is forgotten or hated everywhere dlse and all mentions of it are to deride it.

I only watched the first few episodes before I had to travel. Does the story wrap up nicely?


My genga collection.

No, there is no story, the characters do nothing that matters. It's just a pseudointellectual piece of shit ghat panders to various fetishes. That's why it's viewed as a disgrace and Japan rejected and mocked it.

Well, it wraps up. Everyone has a different opinion on whether it did it well.



It's nearly unanimous it was fucking abysmal, everyone made sport of shitting on it and it was rigged AOTY by a few assmad /u/fags as blowback. Everyone hates this terrible anime.


You're hilarious. Please keep going.

What the fuck is his problem?

if you drop it after ep9 it's a masterpiece

What's hilarious is how bad this anime was and how badly it sold, and how embarassing it was for the staff.

She can't wait to hear it completed.

I opened this thread just to make sure someone posted this.
Thanks user.

At first I didn't like tongueposting but I grew to like it

i do and it only dropped from 1st to 2nd so whats your point?

What was the first?

That any show can be AOTS if your filters are arbitrary enough.

pretty sure it was rakugo

Eh, I'd still go with Flip Flappers

was my pick as well but i can see why some people would prefer rakugo as a really well executed albeit less ambitious show than flip flap

How do I see this?

People get mad that after Episode 9 it turns out to have a plot

Does anybody have that uber driver edit of Yayaka? I forgot to save it and can't find it anywhere now.


It always had a plot, some people were too dumb to see it or expected the show to betray itself so it could stay fun adventure all throughout.

Thanks a ton qtie.

>Sup Forums thinks this show was shit
>Sup Forums likes Kemono friends

Really makes you think.

>Sup Forums thinks this show was shit
Yet somehow it's Sup Forums's official AOTY.

But Kemono Friends is better than FliFla

Wow you must be a friend that is good at having shit taste

More importantly, how is papicoco still so perfect?

Moist eyes became tears, then crying, then sobbing. Not in sadness or even just in happiness, the reasons I might usually cry. This was an emotional release directed at the overwhelming and joyous realization of the very existence of the thing. At the very fact that this show is real, exists within our world, and is now part of my life. That every single hope and worry I’d poured into it for 13 weeks had been accepted and rewarded tenfold, a thousandfold, a millionfold beyond anything I could have dreamed. I cannot do it justice in words. No show has ever elicited the same feeling. Perhaps no show ever will again.

This is it. This is my favorite thing. What a feeling. What a show. What an experience.