
I ain't clicking that shit.


Trailer music is always the same.


> Caring about what a mentally ill fag has to say about anything

Light is one of the few MCs in anime that isn't a complete faggot
Looks like that fixed that


why don't they just say anime/manga?

>we're about to see a wave of children being arrested for making their own Death Notes AGAIN

what a time to be alive

>why don't they just say anime/manga?
You'll make the normalfags brains fizzle.

too weeb for the milenial crowd

Best case scenario: It turns out to be good, SJWs eternally triggered

Worst case scenario: It's total shit, meme material for years

Gotta hype it somehow.

Willem Dafoe is killing it a Ryuk


>Its a normies post how'd they death note Trump episode


then who the fuck is the audience for this?

>give a bullied, loner guy a death note
>guys who use to bully him are the first to die
>L figures out who KIRA is in 2 days

Why would you make Light into the one stereotype that would probably shoot up a school. The point of Light was to make no one suspect him, because he was handsome, popular, had good grades, and a loving family.


Can't say anime, those people are huge nerds that masturbate things that aren't porn stars swearing everywhere. Anime is inferior to American culture, who in their right mind wants to see all that violence and partial nudity in a cartoon, cartoons are supposed to be for children. Unless they're written by adult comedians, those are acceptable.

> If twenty seven million death notes are written at the same time, none will take effect

the kind of people who would latter say

>omg they made a cartoon of that one netflix movie

My god does this look like shit.

>keep writing drumpf and misshaped swastikas
>surprised that nothing happened

meme material isn't necessarily a bad thing. Worse case would be so bad it's horrible that people will pretend it didn't exist.

Casuals that are vaguely interested in things because they heard it in a passing conversation, but never looked into it because it's some dumb anime that hasn't been improved to meet western standards.

>Worst case scenario: It's total shit, meme material for years

Memes are the only good thing that can possibly come out of this shitshow, I'm expecting great things from Sup Forums and Sup Forums

>rich white boy decides to extrajudicially execute criminals in America

oh lawd


Because pic related would happen.

Death note has a premise that could work for a mass audience beyond weeb if done right. However best case scenario you're looking at is edge of tomorrow.

One plus of all this is that it can't look worse than Japan's

>a netflix

>this is the actor for L


I am excited for it, the casting looks to at least be trying something new.

>SJWs eternally triggered
Why would SJWs care?



they do realize there is one with japanese actors right why is this guy talking out his ass

A pale malnourished nerd turns into a black guy.


Go back to /r9k/, manchild.

I'm watching for the chaos of:
>are they gonna let Kira win?
>if yes, how are they gonna handle Near?
>if no, imagine the riot.

It will be a failure without potato chips

>Why would SJWs care?
look up "death note asian" on twitter

> Eating potato chips in one hand,
> And dealing out justice in the other!
That scene was pure keikaku (keikaku means plan). Thanks for good memories user.

Pick one.

How did you end up on Sup Forums tumblerite?

Don't you have some safe space to scurry back to?

Just like Breaking Bad:
>Find Meth with very high purity
>Discover that the meth cook has access to the school supply room
>remember that your brother-in-law was trained as a chemist and is also a teacher at said school

>Assuming Netflix is Hollywood
Pick one.

I assumed that would be cringey and it was but still that actually is a fair point
inb4 all the criminals he kills with it are white despite or they go out of their way to have a scene where he doesn't kill a black person because he dindu nuffin and waito understands that to appeal to sjw

Knowing the state of Hollywood/Netflix he'll only target investment bankers, racist politicians, and online trolls

I wonder if they plan to keep the manga/anime's conclusion of the crime rate disappearing because of Light's new regime. In order to make a convincingly peaceful America they'd have to show some pretty disturbing slaughter of everyday criminals.

They'd like to reach the millennial audience, so they are remaking a story that has been successful with other segments of the millennial audience in the past.

L doesn't die at the end of this one so that there's the possibility of a sequel if it does well

it's not tumblr to call out robots on saying normies
normies is just the shitty way to say normalfag, if you're an actual Sup Forumsnon you wouldn't say normies

Willem Dafoe Ryuk is the only good thing.

Light being a loner school shooter type makes no sense.

They probably aren't even clever enough for the black guy to be the equivalent of Lind L. Taylor, he's probably just L.

>pour an ordinary drink
>whole family freaks out and tells you to fuck off
This is how massacres happen

Edge of tomorrow was a movie that did poorly but was done much better than expected, and turned out pretty good. They don't know how to market weeb adaptions well, just look at the shitshow of GitS

Why Seattle?

Because they needed a state where Light wouldn't be killing black criminals


A black guy literally jumps off of a building in the trailer. Choose something different to shitpost about.


>Assuming Netflix doesn't control what a lot of people see, which is the work of hollywood

cmon is not that hard

If you say normie instead of normalfag, you are without a doubt a filthy off-boarder that needs to get the fuck out or kill yourself. I second his sentiment. Either fuck off back to /r9k/ or lurk more.

It's the only city asocial enough that could produce someone as morally depraved as Light.

I bet they had to change the aspect of dying from a heart attack because it's so common in America that Light could get away with everything.

p. good bantz

How do you even make death note in america? those monkey don't even have the intellectual capacity to hide from the police

Why is he white?

Fuck white-washing, but making the protagonist white in a story about a middle-class sociopathic murderer is extremely appropriate, so it works out, I guess.

two even

Because Seattle is a hotbed for school shootings and they're obviously playing to racial tension there.

They changed the setting, so a shifted racial makeup would be expected.
If the remake took place in Nigeria, wouldn't it be appropriate to use Nigerian actors? In the same token, wouldn't it be strange if the main cast were entirely Japanese?

If they decided to keep it set in Tokyo but used exclusively American actors that would be really weird. Of course, being of one particular race isn't critical to any of the characters, so none of it really matters anyway.

Who do y'all think should have been cast as Light/L?

Will Ferrel as Light
Adam Sandler as L
Dana Carvey as Ryuk
Steve Buscemi as Misa

Ken Jeong as Light
Aubrey Plaza as L
Ron Perlman as Ryuk
Maisie Williams as Misa

>Nigger L

Why? No black dude would ever act like L does.

in the original yagami light was a super popular hot guy in school, here it will be an edgy loner loser right?

It was good for a laugh. Some 2d properties just shouldn't be translated into live action

>half of all anime feature ridiculous attempts to depict western people
>half of all anime awkwardly borrow from either Christianity or European mythology
>Western adaptation of anime is "white washing"

Because the way L acts wouldn't appeal to mainstream america, so they have his character toned way down and washed out until he's just the standard eccentric genius you've see a million times before. It's sort of like the Sherlock Holmes character that's gotten so popular again recently. There's sex appeal to it that draws in female viewers, but the new rule in america is that you can't promote caucasian sex appeal so they just went down the list to the next colour.


>A rich white college age dude will outsmart and kill an older experienced black detective

>americans heart attack mortallity rate is 125 for every 100 habitants
>death note
>americans heart attack mortallity rate is 126 for every 100 habitants
>"the result are not significantly higher"
>someone actually realises this is a thing
>goberment promotes health plant
>everything is now 1oz less of sugar
>people suddently discover
>this doesnt taste american enough
>too dumb to just put more sugar in, as their brains neurones are incapacitated to process any more information than breathing and freedom
>riot ensues
>goberment panics
>revoke old policy
>every meal now with twice as sugar, as the americans are now twice as free
>start thinking how they're better than every other country, as they embrace their democracy and guns
>heart attack mortallity rate explodes in the coming decades
>all of this while white KIRA takes a potato chip and eat it
>plan goes according to keikaku
>suddently getting chest pain
>starts going numb
>he didn't realised it
>he wasn't free from his own plan, as america literally is freedomland
>dies in the floor
>meanwhile black L does his impression of 2pac while gangsta shit and selling mixtapes
>shots himself in the head
>movie gets 4.5/5 on netflix


I might watch it just for this.

Nah they'll change that too.

desu if they removed the cancer that is Near and Mello this series might actually end up better than the original

You know, you're right. She didn't spill anything.

That and sequel potential are why L won't die in this version.