What are the best examples of pottery from Araki?
JoJo Thread
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Speed King being built up only to get bullied for how mentally ill it looks.
pic related.
Dio loses his first actual fight with Jonathan because he kicked him
Dio loses his final battle because he kicked Jotaro
Listen, if any of you guys come across this player called "Jahcoy" on the Jojo FightCade just say some shit to him ok? He's been playing for 200 hours yet still plays like a mentally retarded gimp. Fucking embarrassing. Get him to leave FightCade!
but i dont care about fighting games.
How would The World and King Crimson interact?
Let's say Diavolo erases 10 seconds of time. However, as he starts erasing time Dio activates his time stop for five seconds. What happens?
Does King Crimson erase ten seconds of real time plus five seconds of stopped time? Or from Diavolo's perspective does it only seem to erase five seconds, as half of it was used up in the time stop?
t. Autist who sucks shit at fighting games
How's it feel being unable to do any BnB's despite playing for hours on end?
Diavolo erases 10 (+5) seconds.
Pretty okay actually.
Remember when Kakyoin could paint people and then harm them?
Remember when Kakyoin could also possess people?
Remember when Star Platinum could fetch all sorts of shit from outside the cell somehow?
Araki doesn't
What's more autistic, being good at fighting games or still playing like a mentally retarded gimp after 200 hours? I wouldn't be surprised if you're Jahcoy. In fact I'm 90% sure you ARE him.
That was just HP slashing Jotaro's leg, the painting was just for show.
It was only 'sorta' used in Death 13.
SP's 'effective' range is only a couple of metres, it can probably go further.
Remember when no one can just deflect the Emerald Splash?
>Remember when Kakyoin could paint people and then harm them?
You mean cutting them with HG tentacles?
>Remember when Kakyoin could also possess people?
Yeah its used a few times but its not practical for combat
>Remember when Star Platinum could fetch all sorts of shit from outside the cell somehow?
But only Kakyoin could see the painting right? So did Kakyoin hastily paint Jotaro just so he could immediately cut it and smirk to himself?
Remember when Sheer Heart Attack had no weakness?
Being good at fighting games
I hope you guys have been doing your WRRRYYYYYY's.
You do want to get DIO mode, don't you?
>But only Kakyoin could see the painting right?
Doubt it since it got stuck in a tree after.
>What's dramatic effect?
t. Autist who sucks shit at fighting games (Jahcoy)
Maybe ASB is a better game for you, the shittiest most casual fighting game of all time.
>no alt oku or the hand
Couldn't you just put SHA into a refrigerator and it would be useless? I guess luring it in would be the hard part, but once its in there it would just fuck around until Kira called it back
No, I just don't play fighting games in general
They're gutter trash
At least you have Kyo Nijimura
What if Gappy unlocked Sheer Heart Attack and used it on Speed King?
It would go for the refrigerators engine
Also it already blew up by the time you picked it up to put it in the fridge
>A-hack-i does it again
The mirror world existed in part 3, Kuckyoin was just an idiot
>This is the first time I've seen this stand after many many years
Kaks was a non believer
>This isn't some kind of fantasy or comic book.
Araki was a hack from this moment, as that statement is clearly false.
Davidshills please, it's time for you to realize that Morikawa simply doesn't cut it. Rikiya is the perfect Kira.
Araki was a hack the second he was conceived
>His birth was an inconsistency
Or maybe he's just not of this world.
Diavolo can only predict what epitaph can see. Its impossible for him to see stopped time so no matter where diavolo runs it wont matter.
Akira was the shit. He should've been the main villain.
He's not bound by our laws of reality
i guess this is close enough to a general for this, but how well are fan projects received? me and a group of amateur artists and writers have been putting together concepts for awhile now and think we should go ahead with a spinoff graphic novel about the original universe and the effects of part 4 years after kira was killed
his theme is fucking fantastic too
what a shame
Honestly if its not cringy and sticks to the jojo formula of serious with silly undertones and moments and no dumb waifu shit I would welcome it.
fuck off
go back to tumblr
do you think they'll play this when pizza mozzarella man dies in part 7
They'll play the dramatic version of the Pizza Mozzarella song
Other way around.
Dio stops time, but Diavolo erases the time that Dio stopped. Since the moment Dio stopped time no longer exists, then the events continue as if his power didn't work.
>inb4 gappy dies
>if part 8 gets animated they'll play a dramatic orchestra version of the I like Large Fries song
Akira was great. I wish he showed up a second time.
My main complaint of Part 4 is that Kira isn't really as cool as the antagonists that came before him.
I know that's sort of the point, Kira wanting a peaceful life, but him and his power is not as threatening or interesting as Bad Company or RHCP.
Also the thing with the cat was dumb.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that these shitty stand auras make everything look cheap as fuck?
>part 7
>anime adaption
you deserve a (You)
They kinda help to hide some of the stilled moments
Arigato, Caesar
Nobody cares about your tastes, just shut the fuck up and let people enjoy things
so i'm guessing you're actually jahcoy and you want to be bullied, right?
top autism
Why does this opening get so much flak?
>even the openings of part 4 have QUALITY
Because bitches bitch.
>remembering the times when people thought that shadow was supposed to be both Kira and Akira
if jotaro was a troller his stand cry would be "trolololololo"! jojo is god damn epic
>gappy dislikes fried chicken
>jobin throws fried chicken at dolomite
And yet people doubt he's the main villain
>the Rohan OVAs were a lie
>Part 5 never
>best manga arc in years
>more Yasuho
anime is kill
manga is live
>best manga arc in years
Are you talking about the Gappy running around for 100 pages arc? Very exciting stuff.
100%+1% mad
>Blue Hawaii
>best manga arc in years
The Damo and Milagro Man arcs were light years better than this lukewarm wannabe Highway Star crap
>Highway Star Platinum
>Hermit Purple Haze
>Heirophant Green Day
>Made in Heaven's Door
What did he mean by this?
Though the anime may have some great moments I'm sure we're all aware that David has butchered a lot of things from the manga. When the part 5 comes around, what would you like to see them do differently?
*the part 5 anime.
Alright, I'll admit. Most of the ASB moments and special attacks are better than what happened in the actual anime.
Replace Koichi with Jotaro and make him stay throughout the Part
I'd like them to actually have the araki artstyle, not that 2010's over simplistic artstyle that they used in part 4.
shut the fuck up reatrd bitch
>Fully-budgeted Part 4 anime
>But animated in Part 3 style
Would you take it?
Stands were more of a spiritual thing back then, I guess Araki wanted to give him a voodoo vibe. He's someone that would draw something if it seems cool, even if it doesn't make sense.
the final fight
>soft and wet with the shovel
>more cqc
>the big guy pushing his face through the grating
>everything with the fly and the baby
>yasuho with the pipe
Damo was better but this was great stuff, man.
I agree. To say Blue Hawaii is "just running" skips over the part 4 illusions, the CQC, Gappy failing at something, seeing Jobin's"Business" side. While Vit.C. is better it's a good arc and fine after the "downtime" that was Milagro Man and Kaato.
Blue Hawaii is probably up there in my favourite stand designs.
I'd hesitantly go and say that JJL probably has my favourite stand designs. Even down to Schott Key and Doobite Wah,
This gets me excited for the final Gap vs Beetle; probably at the Lone Pine since that's brought up way more than it should.
compare scenes to panels in part 4, it's pretty much the manga in motion
On a completely unrelated note
Rate my Shigechi
For sure.
Is the name of the man who meditated under the lone pine an actual mythological figure?
>probably at the Lone Pine since that's brought up way more than it should
wait what?
A tree thats seen alot in the manga
but that's not true. I like the anime and the art still looks nice but the manga art style is better.
Notice the higher amount of detail and shading in the manga. The lips is where it's especially noticeable.
No, it's Shotaro Ishinomori, the mangaka who created Cyborg 009 and Kamen Rider and a bunch of other classic works.
Araki's taste never seems to disappoint. .
Well at least Araki wasn't lying when he said there was a new mangaka in part 8
Sounds like a Naruto intro to be quite honest.
Goyim is unbreakable
BDs for the RPS Kid/AyyLmao 1 episode have been released, time to see if they actually fixed this shit.