Which Seinfeld shounen arc was the best?

Which Seinfeld shounen arc was the best?

Also is Kramer the strongest human?

>inb4 George
no hair

Hey buddy, i think you got the wrong board

Sup Forums lite is two blocks down


Your board is easily the lowest in quality though.

Just thought i'd spice it up.

Kramer is the best character in Seinfeld, both in real life and the show. Him being a belligerent nigger and calling out chimps puts Charlie Sheen to shame. You memers might say that Constanza is the best but like Nene from New Game, he's just a meme character fror the low IQ watchers. Much like the viewers that prefer the better character, Kramer is the most intelligent of the cast.

Who /fit/ here?

Was it Newman?


>a racist
>best character



Why is this a thing


>Sup Forums - Tiny Sup Forums

Listen you acne ridden fuck, if you need a safe space just because you identify as a trans nigger cuckold, go back to California or better yet, Reddit, or even better, the Gulag.

Neck yourself.

Sips, man.

There's your safe space buddy

Fuck off


Can't believe Anno worked on season 3. And let's not talk of season 4, Toriyama did the character designs and script.

You don't need to be from Sup Forums to be a racist, you just need to be an intellectual.

Fuck you


Oh fuck off. Can't we have an ironic thread once in a while?

what is this meme

/fit/ sip meme.