We Need a Champion

>single handedly fucking obliterates the entirety of the alt right and “””””skeptic””””” community

>hundreds of multi-hour long debates, many against multiple people at once, yet has never lost

>will debate anyone, whether it be major figureheads or even random Sup Forumstards

Holy fuck, I can’t stand getting repeatedly BTFO like this, isn’t there anyone on this God forsaken board who can defeat him? If you faggots are so confident in your ideology, why don’t one of you put an end to Destiny once and for all?

Hello destiny. You need to stand on a ladder if you want me to hear you.


parsley, ____, rosemary, and thyme

Obvious bait thread; possibly posted by Tiny himself.

Do not reply. Let it die.

Before you mentioned Destiny I thought you were talking about Metokur with the green text.

This threads here everyday. It doesn't bother me, because I can scroll down. But it's annoying and saddening. I don't care about some weirdo debating literally who's on video.

I want to watch one of these debates now. Which one should i watch?

I don't mind Destiny because he exposes how fucking retarded the skeptic faggots are

alright I had enough of this faggot.

I will end him.

hahahahahah let's see it he's streaming now

Destiny deserves a swat

The one with Brittany venti , she is so fucking stupid its hilarious, asmon is in it.

All these eclebs clam to beat us with no proof at all

Nick fuentes was the closest weve gotten to btfoing destiny. I think molycuck will be our guy tho, hes our only hope.

He is the Ben Shapiro of the left, his silver tongue befuddles even the most competent and articulate debaters. Godspeed.

>Needing a hero
This is what we have become. With God and Order we claw for ecelebs and people who seek to only affirm themselves. If you want someone to look to look no further than those ordained and chosen by God. Kings!

>alt right
>rebbit spacing
You have to go back

>chants "Jared, Jared, Jared, Jared"

Serious question: has this autistic manlet beaten anyone in a debate with the exception of an unprepared jontron?

Destiny's problem is that although he is compassionate for those he feels are less fortunate than him (minorities, transgenders, etc.) He completely ignores and berates the problems of those that are less fortunate and white, especially if they disagree with him. Destiny comes from an upper middle class white family and isn't subject to the trials and tribulations of less fortunate whites. Memes aside, if he truly viewed everyone as equals as he claims, then he would understand the problems and concerns many people have.

He absolutely manhandled Laura Southern in the immigration debate. I can’t comprehend how she still has fans after being exposed for the retarded thot she is.

Yes u shud be asking if hes been beaten. But every alt right cuck has resorted to "shut up, ur dumb" "ur dumb" "u like incest" like every person who represents the right is fucking stupid.

I don't know a single one of these faggots and I don't care. If he presents an argument towards Alternative Hypothesis let me know. Until then seriously fuck off.

When did Habermann debate Destiny? I don't recall that one.

LULULUL. Ben would dumpster this faggot. Imagine up on the stage without 100 ppl sending you links to shit. RIP

Actually he did debate Alt Hype. Interestingly enough it was the one time you could argue that Destiny may have lost, though it was close either way.

Destiny is a fundamentally unserious person. Destiny and his fans are video game addicts living in a video game world by video game norms. They are not debating or engaging in ideas, they're playing a computer game that chalks up "strikes" against opponents in an e-sport.

It's the ego-rush from beating someone in a video game transferred to being the pilpul Rabbi banding around a crew of underage golems.

Use the strategies of demoralisation, of losing the "game", on them and they will crumble. They're not robust people. The mistake to think you are debating ideas with them. You're not. You're playing a multiplayer computer game with Destiny riding the emotional wave of beating (and losing to) other FPS/RTS players in an e-sport tournament.

Interesting. I agree that you don’t neccesarily need to prove your ideas superior in a literal sense, but rather in a rhetorical sense. Not being genuine offers many advantages in a debate. This is clearly evident by the meta of gotcha questions and other such tricks to stump the opponent, as there is not much time in a debate to think. Still, Destiny appears to be pretty resilient, otherwise one of the multitude of people who have challenged him would have crushed him by now.

Shut up, the right of kings passage is stolen by corrupted scripted clansmen from god and given unto themselves.
Solomons kin was responsible for his Hiram death.
Nuff said.