I didn't even have to say anything

I didn't even have to say anything

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Sha La La La

>clap clap clap clap

Do you think she pleasures herself with that broom?

This show was AOTS.

Not on purpose

oh hey a chapter is out

Why are they all radioactive?

Why are you not?

Are chapters monthly or just whenever the author feels like it?

Sadly it's realased every two month now, it was monthly only because of the anime, iirc.

It's a brutal two months

The broom is but a substitute until she finally claim Kei's dick

If it had more chapters then I wouldn't mind rereading everything until a new chapter is released
But I can't do it with this

we almost have enough material for a season 2 now I think. Honestly I wouldn't be opposed to padding it out with some filler either. It's not like there's a huge narrative between, the senpai go to a place do a boring thing but there's a little bit of magic peppered in

>claim Kei's dick
>Implying Alpha Kei hasnt already claimed her


bishi inukai or fluffy inukai

The owl was cute

Fuck you spidey, not everyone can get bitches like you do

Will Nano ever find a man?


pixiv says yes


Is Makoto a Trump supporter?


>You'll never date Anzu and go on magical Indiana Jones-like adventures
What's the fucking point

She already has Kei

He literally has a better chance of getting with his cousin.

It smacked her cooter painfully until she learned to control her flight properly so I doubt she goes to it for a good time.

I'd dig into her crotch if you know what I mean.

I'm in love with Inukai-san! Inukai-san is cute!

>being Inukai
>can make millions doing real furry porn


Someone post that pic of Chinatsu and the used condoms.

>being Akane
>can make millions doing alchemy and who knows what else

just look at this fine bottom

Season 2 never.

How long until she starts pulling out the black magic to break Kei's will and use him as her own personal slave and semen bank for her experiments?

She kinda already did. Remember the crows? That was pretty fucking black.

How can one girl look so cute and hot at the same time?


Genes, upbringing and diet.

>I didn't even have to say anything
Fuck. You got me.




It's true. Girls need to be soft.

I'm a guy and I like girls with a little bit of fat.

Not just guys.

“But the vulgar believe, and the witches confess, that on certain days or nights they anoint a staff and ride on it to the appointed place or anoint themselves under the arms and in other hairy places.” After applying the ointment to the genitals with the broomstick, the psychoactive effects began to sit in.

Witches are flying on brooms for a reason. Also they don't need it brooms to fly.

Why do the green lines look so good?

Is she a filthy muggle?

No, she can use create water now.


I want to lick her legs while she wears the pantyhose.

She's a cute little adorable muggle.

She's not a muggle, you mongoloid. She can use magic.

I want to fuk this loli

Kei has chance to get with every girl on this series. He is just that alpha

Kei is only dominating, even black magic cant stop that man

Is it a wart?

Look user, you received a letter!


It's going to say "Ur a faget", isn't it?

Best girl in a show full of best girls.

So she's a mudblood then.

just ride sideways or get a saddle

She needs to learn to channel her magic properly.
She's not supposed to levitate the broom itself. She's supposed to use the broom as a focus and levitate herself.

Chinatsu has some innate talent.
When Makoto pulled that mandrake she was the only person other than the other witches who reacted to it. None of the other "straights" took any notice at all.




Patrician taste user

remember that cat


Kenny wasn't bad either.

AOTY also

I need more of this. Looking like a dry year for healing anime, sadly.

>cute and hot
Makoto's looks are considered plain by other characters oddly enough.

Dangerously cheesy

you could always rewatch Nonon again.

Man that would make for a fun crossover. Renge getting lost and meeting all the witch people and of course no one believes her

I want a chitonavi

Renge and Chinatsu would be great friends.


THIS is my type of Shalalala

What, google maps too complicated for ya?

The author went too fucking far there...
All I wanted was comfy, not a semen harvest and subtle guro...

I don't see how doing fighting anime poses in the middle of the night when you think nobody's looking constitutes a semen harvest.

Fat cat

was this really necessary?


ywn get a new season

Why is she glowing green? Is she irradiated?

>dat subtle bulge

What's a muggle?

It's a magical glow. Didn't you play zelda games? Green is obviously the color of magic.

People who didn't know their place

Living under a rock since the 90's.

Isn't it obvious

You can't pet a google maps.